Ava’s Day

1412 Words
After I finished training I went to my bedroom in the packhouse on the 10th floor which contains of two rooms, mine and my parents and luckily they’re both soundproof because I’ve been up late at night listening to loud music and it’s good knowing I won’t wake anybody up. I walk into my room and into my walk-in closet, choosing a white skinny jean with a black crop top and black ankle socks with black ankle boots, I put the boots on the floor next to my bed and lay out my clothes on the bed, I take out some lingerie underwear and walk into the bathroom, putting my underwear on the table and turning on the shower. I start stripping out of my training clothes, throwing it down the laundry chute before stepping into the shower and letting the hot water run over my sweaty body and relaxing my muscles. I heard my bedroom door open and I smirk, knowing it’s Elijah and the next moment I feel his bare chest press against my back, but I smell the soap all over him. This i***t already showered. I turn around and press him with my hand against the wall, he has this big stupid grin on his face “Hello princess “, I let go and turn around with a grin “Elijah, you already showered. So please tell me what the hell you are doing, interrupting my shower time?” “Oh princess, I just missed you “, he reaches for me but I turn super fast and smacks his hand away “Elijah I told you we should end this because I turn 18 tomorrow and I’m supposed to meet my mate. Now get out of here” I said shoving him out of my shower. He looks at me dumbfounded and says “But baby maybe I am your mate? “ “Nice try ass, I would’ve felt a slight pull by this time since I have Alpha blood and I’m not that attracted to you ,now get out because I have to finish up to go help Ava get ready” he sighs and stands in a towel wrapped around his perfectly shaped hips and I can’t help myself but I check him out , my eyes roaming over his torso and I mentally groan. I turn to wash my hair and my body and after about two minutes I hear my door open and close again, turning to see he left. I feel bad but I don’t want to ruin the chances when I find my mate and it’s better to end things now. Well actually last week but he doesn’t seem to catch the part of ‘It’s over’ I close the tap and grab a towel drying my body before wrapping my hair in the towel. I put on the lingerie and brush my teeth quickly. I leave my bathroom and see a note in my bed. I sigh walking over to my bed in just my lingerie “I’ll miss you princess “ I sigh putting it in my drawer next to my bed. He’s so sweet but he’s not my mate and I know it. I quicky get dressed and pull my hair into a high pony and do a quick wing eyeliner and mascara before heading to the floor below me to Ava’s room. I love that my best friend lives just below me, she’s strong and definitely going to be my beta since she’s also my parents beta’s only child. I knock and the door instantly flies open and Ava pulls me inside and she paces back and forth “I have absolutely nothing to wear!” I could tell she just woke up because she still has bed hair. I try not to laugh because she’ll get mad. She’s real cranky when she wakes up. “Well hello Ava and happy birthday you b***h “, I laugh as I pull her into a hug, I rub her back reassuringly “We’ll dig into my closet for something, okay?” I feel her breathe out and I smile because I know she’s relaxing. “Or better yet, I can take you out shopping and we can grab lunch“ I said while smirking, her eyes lit up and she smiles while throwing her arms around me, “You’re literally the best !” she squeals in my ears, I flinch at the high tone and wave her off “I know, now go get ready , you have morning breath “ I scrunch up my nose jokingly. She punches my arm and I let out a fake “Ow!” she laughs and hurries into the bathroom, as soon as I hear the door lock, I mind link an omega to bring up her favourite breakfast, French toast with strawberry jam, bacon, cheese and maple syrup. I smirk as I walk into her closet and choose out a black skinny jean, red crop top because it makes her blue eyes pop and her favourite white Nike Airforce ones. I smile putting her clothes on her bed, knowing my best friend so well I know I’m helping her because she’s really indecisive. The omega mind links me telling me she’s at the door, I rush over and instruct her to get the balloon in the cleaning closet behind her. She turns around and opens the door to the closet and 2 huge balloons pop out, one is a 1 and the other an 8, both forming 18 together and both gold. “GOLD!” I forgot her necklace in my room, I quickly rush past the omega knowing Ava will still be at least 5 minutes before she gets out of the shower. I run up the stairs and into my room, grabbing the necklace and the box chocolates and run back down the stairs to Ava’s room. I grab the balloons from the omega and close the door behind me, I put her breakfast on her table in front of her mirror with her balloons attached to it. I hear her turn the shower off and scrambling around and then she calls my name “Sofia I don’t know what to wear! “I smile as I hear the door click and she exists her bathroom in her towel and she looks STUNNED. I smile at her “You like?” she nods her head smiling “I love” she says making googly eyes at me in a joking manner. “I’m glad, now get dressed, its 10:00 and we have to leave at 11 “,she rolls her eyes “ I don’t take that long to get ready “ I looked at her ,c*****g my eyebrow ,she turns to look at me and says “ Yeah okay ,I’m on it “ “ I thought so “ I chuckle ,she’s so funny. I just love her. I sit on her bed and take the book off her night stand, reading the back of it to see what it’s about. Mystery, what else? I thought it might be a horror from the front cover but then again any mystery has a little bit of horror in it’s own way. I put it back to see Ava is already dressed and its only 10:45. “Well that’s a new record. “ I laugh ,the turns around and pulls her face “It’s because you already chose my outfit“ she rolls her eyes, sticking her tongue out and goes back to eating and doing her make up while she chews. At 11 I get up off the bed as she quickly gets up and says “DONE” like I’m going to kill her if she wasn’t (I might’ve yelled but that’s that) I laugh at her and she grabs her purse and I grab mine on the bed as we leave. I stop at the door, "Wait" she looks at me "Did you forget something? God did I forget something?" she looks through her stuff making sure she has everything. "Yes we both forgot something, I rush over to her table and grab the box with the gold necklace."You have to put it on today" she takes it and turns around, making her way to the mirror and puts on the necklace and I quickly put on the same, they both say "b***h" she turns around and I pose, using my hand to gesture to my neck and she jumps "It's the same! I love it Ava, first I thought it was a birthday thing but we're twinning!" she looks so happy and I laugh "Yes,now lets go", "Right" she says and follows me out of the room.
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