2222 Words

LOGAN Charles ended the call and we both sat in silence, waiting for the night to fade away and for the day to dawn crisp and clear. The room was stark dark now but we could still see clearly, thanks to our werewolf ability. I was just going over random stuff on my phone. But then I stumbled on a series of related posts. Got me aroused. Dimitri's photos had caused quite a stir online. He'd just had his Alpha Ceremony, and the other Alpha-Kings and Alpha-heirs took it to social media to eulogize him. Although social media was a great mixture of humans and werewolves, we still celebrated our stuff there. We just have to make it a bit cryptic, and less eye-catchy. Plus, we had secret codes we used to communicate. As a human, you could go over the post a million times but you'd never get

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