1652 Words

LOGAN We were taking Alejandro back to his apartment. The motherfucker was drunk, and a pain in the ass right now. Charles and I were unfortunate enough to be seated at his sides. Lucky Drake was in the passenger seat, away from the drama. Alejandro was out of his goddamned mind and latching onto Charles and I like we were his newly bought toys. It was messy trying to drag him out of the nightclub. More shameful, as he was an ugly sight. He still was. He was blowing kisses and wiggling his brows at us like a goddamn lunatic! Just how many bottles did he empty back at the nightclub? His mind was blank, and he was all over us, just like he was with those girls at the club. “Step on it, will ya?” I said to our chauffeur. He wasn't going fast enough and I was losing my patience. If we sta

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