1917 Words

DAISY “You what?“ He arched his brow with a scoff. The green of his eyes had a frightening blazing in it. “I miss you,“ I repeated, my words breaking into a sob. No way I could admit that in one piece. “That isn't something worth my time,“ “I know that, Master. But–You mean a lot to me, and I miss you so much,“ I was blurting out more stuff than I intended to. “I don't wanna be missed by a lowly Omega. Now get out!“ “Please, Master. Let's just talk,“ “About what?!“ He yelled, making me flinch and take quick steps backward. “You already proved you ain't woman enough to deal with the real s**t,“ “I'm sorry,” “Say what you want and get out,“ “I-I missed you…“ “I got no time to f**k around with you anymore. So saying you missed me is just a waste of my time. Leave!“ “Please, Mast

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