1563 Words

DAISY “Let's take it from the top, shall we?“ Suzy said enthusiastically, flipping the pages of the calculus textbook. “Sure,“ I mumbled in reply, flicking through my textbook. Suzy began a bunch of explanations on the topic, something she's been doing for over an hour now. I huffed silently, staring into space, realizing just how worthless this was. Three weeks to the finals and I was all but ready. My mind was elsewhere, and my body ached from longing. It's been a month since my fight with Logan at Henry's party. That was the last time we spoke to each other. The last time he glanced my way. Just like the summer breeze, it seems Logan was just meant to sweep through my life. He wasn't meant to stay as we were never compatible and shared just a toxic bond. But how do I make my heart

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