Quite Close To Divorced Woman

1698 Words

“Ivy, I’ve been underestimating you all along. You appear to be highly capable. It’s no surprise that you took the effort to pursue a divorce. It turns out that you’ve already identified your next prey. You were promoted to Vice President of Morgan Corporation as soon as you divorced Wyatt. Cooper appears to place high importance on you,” Don Reed asserted. Ivy giggled and turned to face the Reeds. Piper was clearly terrified and did not dare to speak, but the elderly man had come prepared. “Didn’t your family push me to file a divorce? Chairman Reed, you summon me to the Reed Mansion every week to lecture me on how insignificant and worthless I am of your morally superior Reed family. You should be relieved that Wyatt and I are no longer married. Why did you still make an effort to come

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