Out Of Respect

1499 Words

How can Ivy afford a Porsche Cayenne otherwise? It also has the highest specifications when it comes to features! Anna wondered. Ivy grimaced as she recalled something. She chuckled softly and swept her hair behind her back. “It’s only a car,” she arched her brow, “why would I require someone to buy it for me if I can pay for it myself?” she asked, and then she brushed around Anna’s flushed face and proceeded to the President’s private elevator as if nothing had happened. Did Anna think she could bribe her with a used Audi? Ivy pondered. Greg met her upstairs and informed her of the upcoming meeting. Ivy entered the conference room wearing high heels. Anna came in at that exact moment. Ivy cast a peek around the room and noticed everybody was present. “Let’s get started,” she asserted

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