The Outcome

1583 Words

Windy dashed over the moment she saw Ivy. “Ivy!” Agatha also wanted to jump at Ivy, but Sebastian grabbed her clothes to prevent her from doing so. “One at a time! Don’t get your hands on my sister’s wounds!” Agatha stopped fighting him right away. Her concern was visible in her eyes. “Are you hurt?” Ivy smiled as she patted Windy’s back and looked at Agatha. “I’m all right now, mostly recovered!” Simon Albert, who was standing off to the side, appeared disheveled, thin, and depleted. He had stubble all over his jaw from not shaving in days. Simon began to sob as he kneeled on one knee in front of Ivy’s hospital bed, seeing that she was fine. Windy, who was also choking back sobs, was at a loss for words. Agatha couldn’t say anything because she was too shocked. The somewhat depres

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