
1247 Words

Late in the night. Sebastian sat on the sofa outside Ivy’s room. Wyatt sat quietly next to Ivy’s bed, staring at her changing expression in her sleep, which alternated between nervous, scared, and calm. He didn’t feel sleepy at all; he just felt heartbroken. Ivy put on a brave face, but it was clear that she was traumatized and in pain. It was a quiet night. Ivy grunted and blinked open her eyes in a daze. “Water...” she murmured. A cup of warm water was soon handed to her, along with a straw placed right at her lips. Ivy satiated her thirst and regained consciousness. When she noticed Wyatt, she opened her mouth to speak. Wyatt moved in closer to hear what she was saying. “Wyatt…” She addressed him by name. Wyatt’s heart beat softly. It was soft and warm. She hadn’t called him in

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