Chapter 7

2068 Words
Jade pov “Where is she!?” I exclaimed out loud in frustration, leaning against Colt’s motorcycle. I was surprised it was still here when Emmett’s car was gone, but he probably was given detention or something again. He might be an Alpha, but Alpha Tate and Luna Adaline gave the principal full authority to punish him however he sees fit for his behavior. Plus I heard he beat up the police officer this morning, so him having detention doesn’t surprise me. I was so annoyed she was making me wait. I texted her and called her and she wasn’t replying, I texted Emmett to see if he knew but he didn’t reply. Today was my birthday, and everything was already going awful. First I have no wolf, then Colette yelled at me in front of everyone, now I was going to be late getting home for my own party. Not that being fashionably late wasn’t a thing, but still, I wanted to look good if I was going to be fashionably late and I still needed to get dressed and fix my hair and makeup. I spotted Julien, the Alpha of the Snow Moon pack, coming over and frowned, flinging my hair over my shoulder. He was surrounded by his usual girl followers, and I couldn’t help roll my eyes at it. They all stopped as he stared at me, eyeballing me. I was the most popular girl at school, and the future Luna of the Blood Moon pack, so of course none of them dared to cross me. They all waved at me and smiled, telling me how beautiful I was and how amazing my clothes were. I waved at them and smiled, accepting their praise as Julien raised his eyebrow at me. Finally, the girls left us and I sighed, leaning against the motorcycle again. “So, waiting for lover boy? I never see you two leaving together.” He said with a smirk. I glared at him, watching as he ran his fingers through his light brown hair, his dark blue eyes laughing at me. “Or did you finally decide to stop cheating on him?” He said with a chuckle. I stood up straight, crossing my arms as I glared at him. “For your information, it’s none of your business what I do and who I do it with. And it doesn’t matter if I date other guys, at the end of the day Colt and I both know we’re getting married when he turns eighteen. Simple as that. There’s nothing wrong with me having fun in the meantime before I’m forced to be with him for the rest of my life.” I snapped at him. He smirked, walking over to me and resting his arm on the handlebars, looking down at me. “Well then, how about you go on a date with me? You always avoid me, don’t you think we should give it a try? The most popular girl in school, and the most popular boy in school.” He said with a grin. I rolled my eyes at him, giving him a slight shove that did nothing against his muscular body. “First off, you’re not the most popular guy in the school, Axel is. Second off, I’d rather be single for the rest of my life than date you. You’re not my type.” I said with a glare. “Oh, and Axel is?” He asked, raising his eyebrow at me. I could see a wave of slight anger bubbling behind his eyes, but otherwise, he was calm, so calm I thought maybe I imagined it. I popped some gum in my mouth, chewing on it for a moment as I tried to back away, only to have the seat of the bike poke into my butt. Ugh, couldn’t he back away? Did he need to be right up against me? “Yes, for your information. I would date Axel in a second if he ever gave a girl a moment of a chance. But he seems to hate girls with a passion and avoids us, even me. He’s probably gay.” I said with a shrug. He had to be, why else wouldn’t he be interested in me? I was still annoyed he ignored my text this morning. Julien roared out laughing, clutching the side of his stomach as he wiped a tear from his eye. “Axel? Gay? That’s amazing. No, he’s not that I know of anyway.” He lifted up his hand, gently sweeping a strand of my hair from my forehead, and making me try to pull even further from him. “I love how you think a guy has to be gay to not be interested in you. That’s some awesome confidence.” He said with a chuckle. “Excuse me, if you’re going to flirt, could you not do it on my bike?” Julien’s head snapped around fast, backing away and allowing me to finally stand up straight. I smirked, looking back and forth between the boys. We’re they going to fight over me? How thrilling. Julien clenched his fists, ready to fight if it came to that, and Colt stared at him with an unreadable expression in his light blue eyes, his black hair hanging forever in his right eye. Finally, he lifted his right hand, gently punching Julien’s shoulder. “Chill dude, you can have her if you want I don’t care. Just go flirt with her on your car.” He said with a grin. Julien stared at him with wide eyes, backing up slightly. “Bro, that’s not even cool. She’s your fiancé, you don’t care if she’s with other guys?” He said stubbornly. I snorted softly and Colt shrugged, pulling his keys out of his pocket. He didn’t seem like he was in the mood to fight. “Where’s Emmett?” I asked, changing the subject. Both boys snapped off their tension and looked at me. Julien had a flabbergasted look on his face, probably thinking I was wanting to date Emmett now too, and Colt had a confused look on his face. “Why?” He asked lamely, pausing to look at the empty spot next to his motorcycle. His face fell for a moment, but after a second it snapped back into his unreadable expression he was so good at. “I can’t get ahold of Colette, she drove with me to school and I’ve been waiting forever for her. I was going to ask Emmett if he knew where she was, but he’s not answering either.” I said. He shuffled his feet, playing with his keys. “Why would Emmett know?” He asked stupidly. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Were all boys this stupid? “Obviously because they’re engaged,” I said, throwing my hands up in the air. Colt’s eyes darkened, but before he could respond my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and flipped it open, sighing as I read the text. ‘Hey, sorry for the late reply. I am at the store with Colette, she’s safe and I’ll have her home soon.’ Emmett texted. What jerks, they could have told me. I could have been at home right now fixing my hair. “Never mind. Emmett texted me back, he’s apparently on a date with Colette.” I said, rolling my eyes. Julien’s phone vibrated and he answered it, walking to his car as he talked to someone in a happy voice, making me roll my eyes. He had no room to talk about me dating guys when he was always with girls. “He’s on a date with Colette,” Colt repeated stupidly. I sighed, getting off his bike and brushing my hands down my skirt. I better not have gotten any gross grease or anything on it when Julien decided to back me against it. “Yes, it’s something engaged people do. Or at least normal engaged people who like each other.” I said in frustration. Honestly, the only reason I couldn’t stand Colt was that he never seemed to even like me. Sure he was hot, and if he had ever treated me right or cared about me I probably would have loved him back. But unfortunately, he was always cold and uncaring near me, so I gave up on him fairly fast at a young age. Colt walked past me, not saying anything else as he slung his leg over the side of his motorcycle and started it up. I backed away as he peeled out of the parking lot, weaving around a few cars and making people honk at him in the process. Sheesh, what a jerk, why was he always so angry? I started walking to my car, annoyed I was still here. Now I was the last one to leave of our group, and I looked ridiculous standing here. No one better think I’ve been stood up or I’ll be furious. My phone vibrated and I looked at it, my eyes going wide as I saw Axel’s number flashing on it. It wasn’t a text message either, The Axel Knight was calling me. “Hello?” I said with a dreamy voice, trapping a curl around my finger as I twirled it. “Your name is Jade.” He said. I frowned, okay? I know he was rumored to be a man of few words most times, but way to state the obvious. “Yes, my name is Jade Thomas-Allen, and your name is Axel Knight,” I said, imagining our names together. Jade and Axel, Jade Knight. It sounded amazing together. “Do you have a sister?” He asked me. I stopped walking abruptly, glad I was next to my car when he said that or else I would have fallen over. I leaned heavily on the hood, gripping my phone tightly in my hand. “Yes, I have a twin sister. Her name is Colette. Why?” I asked, furry racing through my voice. What the hell? Did rumors of her yelling at me go through the school already? “I was just making sure I had the right Jade.” He said. I sighed, standing up straight as I pulled my keys out of my pocket. I didn’t know what Colette had to do with it, but it didn’t seem like he was making fun of me or anything so I guess it was okay. “So you said you’re having a party today?” He asked. I grinned, sliding into my car and starting it up. Of course, that’s why he called me, he wanted to come to my party. He was interested in me. I held back my squeal of happiness as I pulled out of the parking lot. “Yes, at the Blood Moon pack, in the building we use for celebrations. It should be starting in around an hour now.” I said to him excitedly. “Will you be coming?” I asked, my breath coming out sugary. I was so excited, I would be batting my eyelashes at him if he was in front of me. What’s this really happening? “I will definitely be there.” He replied, ending the call. I squealed, throwing the phone down as I pumped my hands up and down in excitement. The Axel Knight was interested in me! I couldn’t believe my luck. I drove fast to the house, running up the stairs past everyone as I slammed my way into my room, locking the door. I needed to make myself as beautiful as possible in a very short amount of time. I didn’t expect Axel to be coming, now I had to do my best to look as amazing as possible. I couldn’t even bother to force Colette to come, maybe it’s better if she doesn’t. More attention for me after all. I wasn’t particularly one hundred percent happy by how he seemed to know me through Colette. Maybe he just accidentally ran into her. Maybe he has a class with her. The only class I didn’t have with Colette was the last class of the day, I had sewing class. I shook my head no, of course, it was nothing. She was invisible after all, he might have just been asking around about me and someone from our pack probably mentioned I had a twin. He didn’t even seem to know her name. It was fine, he was definitely interested in me, of course he was.
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