Chapter 6

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Colette pov I was angry at Jade as I stomped away from the car. We had been fighting in it about the stupid wolf story. I didn’t really expect her to go through with it, but now because of her I had no choice. Sure I could have told the truth and told everyone that I didn’t have a wolf, but I was sure Jade would have continued her stupid charade and either made me look like I was crazy or like I was the only one different. I didn’t want to stand out, so I had no choice but to help her lie, turning it into my own as well. Jade said this was what twin sisters were for, but she knew how much I hated when she said that. I wasn’t her twin to help with her cover stories, she needed to quit her theatrics. One of these days I wasn’t going to be there to help her, and she was going to wind up all alone and by herself. Well, that’s what I kept telling myself anyway, but so far I’ve always just gone along with her crap. I left her at the car and walked inside the school, stepping over an unconscious police officer covered in blood. What the hell is up with that? I shook my head, walking past, it didn’t matter to me. After just a few classes I was done with school. I ended up skipping the class right before lunch. I was just too angry at her. Jade normally was always the center of attention, which never bothered me, but the fact that she kept bragging about her wolf when people weren’t even asking her about it was so frustrating. Why go out of your way to make the lie bigger and bigger? In the end, she started dragging me over to her wolf followers group and tried getting me to tell them about how cute it was our wolves had twin names. Half of them looked at me like they didn’t know who I was and the other half didn’t even care. I ended up blowing up at her in the middle of class, something I’ve never done before, yelling at her to shut up and stop already. The teacher sent me to the hallway and I didn’t go back, even when the bell rang signifying the end of that class. I ended up skipping the next class, the class right before lunch, that way I could have more time alone. Not that anyone ever talked to me or came near me, but I just wanted to be away from Jade for a while. I had no idea why, but I ended up with the same schedule as her this semester. I forgot to bring my lunch from home today, so I had to actually go inside the cafeteria to buy food. Usually, I just went straight to my spot, but today I was forced to buy lunch first. No one even questioned me being there for first lunch, I was so invisible it’s not like anyone even noticed me being there early. I ate fast, throwing my food away and then going to my favorite tree. It was a huge beautiful tree, the branches scraped up against the side of the brick school as it reached the roof of the building. I had stayed home from school the past week because I was finishing up the manga book before the deadline was due, so today I was starting the next one. I should have stayed home today, I wish I did, so I wouldn’t have to deal with Jade and her bullshit, but I wanted to be under the peace of my tree. It was a beautiful wisteria tree, the branches producing light purple flowers that flowed around me like a curtain, hiding me from everyone eating lunch or walking around outside. The wind was particularly strong today, so I ended up laying on my stomach as I drew so I was closer to my sketchbook. I loved how the purple flowers fell from the branches and floated around me, and how quiet and peaceful it was inside my curtained escape. I didn’t even need to have my headphones in when I was in here, the sounds of the wind and the birds were good enough for me. Suddenly, as if out of thin air, a body dropped down out of nowhere. I was too startled to move for a moment, my mouth falling open. What the hell? Finally, I stood up, clutching my sketchbook close to my body as I stared at the guy. I could tell instantly that it was a guy by how his body was, his broad muscular shoulders. I drew enough characters to know by a glance what someone was without seeing much. I was shocked by how lightly he landed on the ground, and how little noise he made as he lowered one knee to the ground and placed his hands down to absorb the fall. It was almost catlike, and I was too mesmerized by how he fell to even scream. The first thing I saw when he started to straighten himself was his hair. Beautiful messy golden hair, tangled from the wind. Then he straightened himself all the way and my breath stuck in my throat. His light blue eyes pierced into mine as the wind picked up, blowing my hood off of my head. My hair flew around my face and I brushed it back, staring at him in wonder. I knew who this was, everyone knew who he was. Axel Knight, the younger Alpha twin of the Snow Moon pack. He was staring at me with his mouth hanging open, and it was making me squirm a little bit from the attention. Why was the most popular boy in school staring at me like that? Staring at me at all? I was invisible, nothing, a loser. “Umm, are you okay?” I asked him stupidly. He had to have jumped from the second floor, there weren’t any classes on the first floor on this side of the building, all of them were offices. Obviously, he was okay, and he smirked at me, noticing my discomfort. I gulped, trying not to notice that even his smirk was gorgeous. Without a word he walked to me, holding out his hand. I stared at it stupidly, then lifted my hand and smacked his lightly. Did he want a high five? He chuckled, shaking his head. “ID card.” He murmured, appraising me. I raised my eyebrow, glaring at him. “Why should I give you that?” I asked him incredulously. I mean sure, he was an Alpha, but he didn’t know me. How rude is it to just walk up to someone and demand stuff? He frowned, lifting his hand upwards as if he was going to touch my cheek. I pulled away, smacking his hand away. What the hell? He held up his hands in surrender. “I was just going to wipe the black smudge off your cheek. Look I’m not trying to be rude, I just wanted to make sure you were real.” He said, scratching his head in embarrassment. I was shocked slightly, was The Axel Knight standing in front of me, blushing? Is this a joke? Wanting to make sure I was real, what was that all about? Finally, it all clicked in my mind and I glared at him, gathering my things in a rush as my anger grew. “What the f**k ever. Tell Jade to go piss off, I swear.” I grumbled at him, turning around. I knew she had to have had something up her sleeve, she wasn’t angry texting me or anything at all. He grabbed my shoulder, twirling me to face him. “What the hell? Why are you angry?” He asked, his eyes wide. I pulled out of his grip, backing away. “It’s because it’s my birthday today, right? Let’s make fun of the loser kid? My sister set this up, right? Because I yelled at her in front of everyone in English class so she is taking revenge. I get it. I know the plan. I’m not falling for this s**t. Screw you, and screw her.” I snarled at him. He had such a confused look that I almost believed him. “Wait, it’s your birthday? Did you text me this morning?” He asked, looking at me with a confused look. He held up his phone and showed me the text, making me roll my eyes. I backed away more, looking at him with exasperation. “Why would I text you? That’s my sister’s number. So clearly this was all a setup, you guys must be friends if she has your number. Screw you, Axel. Both of you can get over yourselves.” I snapped at him. He staggered backward in shock, probably surprised a girl was denying him anything. Not that I ever saw him with any girls, but if he wanted something from any of them, I was sure they’d fall at his feet and roll over for him. I stomped off, grumbling under my breath as the bell rang. Sure it was now technically my time for lunch, but I wasn’t going to remain under my tree while he was there. How dare she do that!? Sick the most popular boy in school on me. What was her problem? What was she trying to accomplish? We’d talk and I’d fall in love and she’d have proof to Emmett that I was a cheater like she was? Or maybe she wanted to have him tell me in front of everyone I was a psycho or something and embarrass me. Make me stand out like she always wants me to when she knows I like being invisible. I don’t care what he said, I wasn’t going to fall for it. I was getting really sick and tired of Jade and her immature ways. I ended up going to the library, hiding in the back aisles. I would just stay here for the rest of the lunch period. I was fairly sure I had art class, my last class of the day, with Axel but I hadn’t been going all semester and I wasn’t going to start today. The teacher is a human, but she is also someone who knows I draw manga books and she lets me go without coming to class if I don’t want to because she’s a fan of my books. She gives me straight A’s because she can see how talented I am. I went to grab my sketchbook and paused, feeling something furry in my bag. “What now?” I grumbled, pulling my hand out fast in fear. Whatever it was had to have crawled inside when I was outside, my backpack open and laying on the ground. Slowly, I opened the bag and glanced inside, my eyes widening in surprise as I saw what it was. A tiny little meow escaped from its mouth as it opened chocolate-colored eyes and stared at me. My heart melted instantly, and I pulled the adorable orange tabby kitten out of my bag. “Ohhh, aren’t you so adorable!” I whispered, cuddling it close to my chest. It was so tiny, probably only a month old if even. There was no collar, so I instantly decided it was mine now. I couldn’t even consider taking it to a shelter, it felt like it belonged to me. Instantly the kitten curled up on my lap, falling asleep fast. I chuckled, brushing my finger lightly against its tiny purring body. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe,” I whispered. The kitten purred its response, and I smiled softly at it. “What should I name you, little one?” I asked it softly. It was a bright orange cat, and I was shy but I eventually lifted its leg to find out it was a girl. She was adorable, her brown eyes and little brown nose, I ended up naming her Pumpkin. I frowned, remembering Jade forced me to drive with her this morning. I didn’t want to drive home with her today. Quickly I pulled out my phone, sending out a quick text. ‘Sorry to bother you, but can you possibly drive me to the pet store after school? And then home afterward? I don’t want to be with Jade right now. We got into a fight.’ I put the phone down as I waited for the reply, reaching into my bag once more. Where was it? I frowned, trying to think. Didn’t I put it in here? I remembered holding my sketchbook to my chest when he jumped up, but did I drop it after that? Maybe in my rush to shove everything back into my bag, it slipped from my fingers. I groaned, smacking myself on my forehead. Of course, a loser like me would drop my sketchbook where The Axel Knight would find it. He was probably sitting around with Jade now laughing over my drawings. I had multiple sketchbooks, but that one was a practice one that I took to school to get character positions drawn just right before I felt like I was able to place it on the special manga book paper. Most of those drawings were mess-ups. ‘Sure, I don’t mind. But why the pet store? Did you somehow acquire a pet?’ Emmett’s reply said. I chuckled, shrugging. I guess he’d find out eventually. ‘I went to get something out of my bag and a tiny kitten was in it. I don’t know how she got in it, but I want to keep her.’ I replied back. His reply was faster this time, I knew he was at lunch now so he was most likely in the conference room with all the others. Colt, our Beta Emmett, my sister the future Luna, and Zain and Lexi the future Gammas all ate in it. As for the Snow Moon pack, Julien and Axel ate in there as well. Their pack had a different tradition, they picked their Beta and Gamma through matches when the Alpha to be has met and married his Mate and was old enough to become the new Alpha of the pack. ‘I can’t wait to meet your kitten.’ He said. I smiled, shaking my head. He was so serious all the time. The only time I ever saw him actually smile was when he was with Colt. I sighed, running my fingers through the ends of my piggy tails as I attempted to untangle them. I wanted my sketchbook back, but I didn’t was to talk to Axel. Since he was friends with Jade apparently, I was going to have to just ask her to get it for me. I sighed, adjusting Pumpkin on my lap and smiling at her tiny purring form. My phone buzzed again and I looked at it with a sigh, seeing Jade’s name flash across it. ‘You better still come to the party even though you’re being horrible.’ It said. I rolled my eyes at it, snapping the phone shut and flipping it off. Now I was even more sure I wasn’t going to go.
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