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We arrive in front of the police station and not just any police station since we are at the Metropolitan Police station headquarters. I must be a major criminal to deserve this treatment. I already drove past this 1960s building with its iconic revolving triangular sign last night in the taxi, but it was in the middle of the night. Despite the circumstances, I appreciate the daylight tour. We enter the building and I expect it to be crawling with police everywhere, but there aren’t many people. “Why isn’t anyone here?” I ask. “What concern is that of yours?” said the policewoman who, obviously, forgot her good mood in the locker room today, unless she’s like that every day. “There’s a very small team on reception here at lunchtime,” replies Damien who is carrying my things and Romeo in his arms. Contrary to what we had imagined, the dog hadn’t pooped in the car. We came to the conclusion that he had simply farted. The police officer, relieved, decided to spare him additional stress by releasing him from his prison. He gave him lots of hugs, earning a lick of gratitude in the process. The image is laughable. The big fellow with this small dog. It’s almost touching. He’s shaking like a leaf, poor thing. I try to reassure him: “Don’t worry, Romeo,” I said. “We’ll get out of here very soon.” “That would surprise me!” Laurene bellows, pulling my handcuffs. “Stop talking to the dog! You don’t have the right.” “Let’s talk about my rights! They haven’t been afforded to me as far as I know!” My anger goes up a notch. Why is she so overzealous? Why is she so sure of herself? Where does this confidence come from? I could almost find her pretty if she weren’t so obnoxious. They take me to a small office. The man, Damien, if I understood correctly, comes back with a cup of water which he places at my feet so that Romeo can drink. “And me, can I have some?” I ask shyly. “But of course.” He goes out into the hallway where I saw a water fountain and comes back with a cup. He holds the plastic cup under my nose except that I still have the handcuffs on behind my back. I’m going to have a hard time grabbing it. “Uh... Without hands, it will be complicated.” “Ah, yes... Sorry,” he said, disturbed by I don’t know what. “We’ll fix that,” he said, unfastening a handcuff to attach it to the armrest of the chair. If it were up to me, I’d take them off, but procedure is procedure.” “I understand. You’re too kind,” I say with a touch of sarcasm in my tone. “Although... Compared to your colleague, you’re a saint.” Hey...he’s blushing! I assure you! It’s surreal. This man, in his thirties, tall, rather charming, with an athletic build, a policeman moreover, is embarrassed to receive a half-compliment from a pseudo criminal. I drink the cup of water in one go. Damien remains smug in front of me. That said, his stare is starting to make me very uncomfortable. My eyes rest for a moment on his left ring finger – don’t ask me why – and I see that he has a beautiful silver ring. Another jerk! He disgusts me. I’ll never find the right fit in this world. My change in mood is noticeable. He tells me: “Do you want to call someone?” “I don’t know any mobile number except mine and my phone is off. I’m not from here. The only person I know in London is Rosette Butcher.” “Oh, that’s funny! Butcher like a butcher? It’s funny, that! Lucky for her that her name isn’t Salami. It’s crazy anyway... isn’t it?” “It’s really hilarious,” I said without a smile. “She lives on Sun Street, number 86. She’s the owner of the dog. His name is Romeo.” “Okay. I’ll find her contact details. I’ll be right back. Don’t move from there.” “Where do you want me to go? I’m attached, I remind you.” Nah, but what a dork! I came across a world champion. Between the madwoman and him, I haven’t a good impression of London’s finest. “Ah, yes…” he replies, massaging his temples. As he’s about to leave the room, someone shouts in the hallway: “Laurene! In my office! Right now!” The latter sticks her head in the office in which we are and says: “The chief wants to see me! Take care of the w***e, I’ll be right there.” She said the word w***e or was I dreaming?
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