
874 Words
This is too much. Long-contained tears stream down my cheeks. They take me for a p********e. That’s why they arrested me. “Hold on!” Damien said, handing me a tissue. “I’ll take care of you.” He closes the door. I don’t know if that’s the procedure. He comes back to me and wipes my face. “Uh... What are you doing?” I asked, stiffening. “You’re right... I don’t know what came over me. I wanted to console you. It’s against procedure, but it was stronger than me. I beg your pardon.” “Alright, but don’t do it again, okay? You were supposed to find Rosette Butcher’s telephone number.” “Oh yes... Rosette! How old is your Rosette?” “In the seventies. She doesn’t like her first name and calls herself Rosie.” “Yes, I understand,” he said, typing on his computer. “I started the search, it may take a few minutes. We’ll start your interview, it’ll save time. First name?” “Madeline Jordan.” “Madeline? That’s not common either, like Rosette.” “Yes, I know. It’s an old name. I can’t do anything. It’s the kind of thing you can’t choose.” “It’s very cute,” he remarks, blushing. “Date of Birth?” “February 12, 1987.” Judging by his face, he’s mentally calculating my age. “You don’t look it at all…” he said. “Your address?” “I live in Beccles, Wheatacre. Elm Farm.” “Oh, good! But what are you doing in London?” “Why is that your business?” I say, frowning. “It’s the first time I’ve travelled and for reasons that concern me, I decided to come to London. You have ruined the best day of my life. I had just gone shopping. You can’t imagine what that means to me.” “Shopping? Yeah… Come on, let’s continue! Why don’t you have any ID with you?” “I was out walking the dog. I just took my money just in case…” “Okay. Let’s move on to the next question. What’s your marital status?” “It’s in the questions, right?” I ask doubtfully. “Are you refusing to cooperate, Madeline Jordan?” “No, but your question is bizarre. I love detective series and I’ve never heard of people asking for this kind of thing.” “Those series aren’t real life. I repeat, marital status?” “I’m single. I have always been.” “Children?” “You’re annoying... Always means that there has never been anyone in my life. So, very logically, I don’t have any children, I’m neither married nor cohabiting, I’m single.” “Lesbian?” “I beg your pardon!” “It’s a simple question, answer!” “Well... no! This isn’t possible… I think I would still prefer to be manhandled by your colleague. I want a lawyer! I want to call someone!” I yelled. “We’re almost done,” he remarks impassively. “Occupation?” “Country girl.” “That’s not a profession.” “In that case, put no profession. I have no particular qualifications. I haven’t studied, I know how to do everything and I’m good for nothing. Okay with you?” I said, starting to sob like a child. “Don’t cry, please. I’m sorry to have to ask you these questions. I can see that it affects you.” Unexpectedly, Romeo jumps on my lap. His warm little body comforts me. I swallow a sob. “Good news!” exclaims the policeman. “Rosette Butcher’s phone number just popped up on my screen.” Without waiting, he dials the number and hands me the handset. “I’ll leave you alone to make your phone call.” “Thank you,” I said out loud. “About time,” I say softly. My heart races to the rhythm of the tones. The third ring, fourth… Why doesn’t she pick up? Sixth… “Hello?” she finally replies, out of breath. “Rosie. Get me out of here!” “Who’s speaking?” “It’s me, Madeline!” I answer in an uncertain voice. “Where do you want me to get you, my child? Did you get lost with my dog?” she asks, not showing the slightest concern. “No, Rosie, I’m at the Metropolitan Police station. I was arrested but I did nothing, I promise you.” “What’s going on? Is Romeo with you?” “Yes. I’ll hand you over to him!” I put the receiver on Romeo’s ear. I can’t hear Rosie anymore but the dog starts barking, a sign of a good reception. I return the phone to my ear.” “Come quickly! You just have to ask for Laurene and Damien.” “Okay. I’m coming right now!” “And if you would like to take my ID in my bag and my laptop with you, that would be nice.” “Maddie!” she growls. “Stop teasing me! I’m your godmother. I’m coming, my child. I’ll get you and my dog out of there.”
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