Zuri Is Pregnant

1350 Words

Mikel Diego "Alright, you can have her, but don't you dare to hurt a skin on her flesh. If I get to realize she's hurt or broken by any of you, you won't like my reaction or comeback. Am leaving." I saw Damien smirked as his guards seized Flora and they took Flora away and Flew back to Damien's mansion that stood mighty in the center of the north, a mighty Four storey building and Damien laughed out hysterically still not leaving as he stood staring to me, even as his guards had took Flora away. "I'm still waiting for the auctioning day of the new female that made you hurt my sister. You must put her up for sale first and I will be there to purchase her right in your presence." Damien smirked as he walked up to me and spoked right at my face and he shapeshifted back into his black drag

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