Damien's Threat

1375 Words

Mikel Diego "Your majesty, she will be fine, but I think is best you don't do or show to her anything that would made her felt shocked" June warned me as she was thru with Luna and I turned backwards to stared to my bed and to June and I saw June had placed some healing leaves on Luna's forehead. "Is alright. You can leave" I dismissed June knowing I had to took Flora back as promised, as I knew the North wing were still mad at me and plotting on how they would revenged on me for hunting Zuri. "Okay your majesty" June said as she turned to exit my bedroom and carried her pot, but I stopped her, "Wait.." June stopped and stared to me. "When do you think Luna will be awake?" I asked June as I was still worried about Luna. "I don't know your majesty, but she will wake up soon when her b

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