I Want You

1350 Words

Luna Lawson "Let go off me!" I screamed as I felt his hot lips licked my earlobes but Mikel didn't as his hand hugged me tighter and he continued kissing me to my neck and I knew he wanted to slept with me again, but I wouldn't just allowed him. "Leave me alone" I tried pushing Mikel's hand off but he kissed me from my neck and to my.lips as he kissed me so hungrily like he had been starved from kissing for so long. "Don't.." I tried to spoked to pulled away from him but Mikel held me tight as I bited his sweet honey lips. Mikel wasn't letting go and I was beginning to succumb as his lips tasted so sweet and scattering my brain from functioning. "Leave me.." I tried pushing Mikel off as our lips finally parted and just then Abigail opened the door and came in, but seeing Mikel in bed

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