Kissing Me Again

1353 Words

Mikel Diego "And you believe her?. Isn't Luna a woman and a pretty one at that?. You should sleep with her by force until you're sure she's pregnant" Aaron spoked but my eyes stared away in disagreement. "No.. I like Luna and I don't want to hurt her. I think have fallen in love with her and I want to turn her into a dragon.." I said as I stared back to Aaron, but Aaron laughed out hardly.. "Hahaha!. Brother, Are you sure you're alright?. I can assume you like her, but I doubt that ruthless Luna was a virgin, or is she?. I don't think we dragons are meant to love. I will be expecting to see her conceive, but do you think you can turn her into a dragon?" Aaron asked me multiple questions and I sighed and stared back to the flight of stairs going upstairs, As Aaron chamber was also situat

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