Chapter 2 ~ Hiding In His Wardrobe

1321 Words
**Luna Lawson** I stood my ground, not shaking, as the dragon man walked up to me and stopped right in front of me. I could see my people visibly shaking, afraid of what this dark man wanted to do to me. "Hmm," he hummed as he walked around me. I couldn't shake my fear, waiting for him to open his mouth and burn me to ashes as he was a dragon. "Strip!" he commanded, and I froze. "What?" I asked him, meeting his red eyes. He stopped in front of me, and I could still see the look of disbelief on the faces of the other four dragons, who had all shapeshifted to look like us humans and were surprised to hear I was a woman. "You heard me correctly. Now strip!" he commanded again, and my blood boiled as I saw the rejection on my people's faces. "Don't think I have time to waste here with you. You actually sliced the throat of a royal dragon guard. How powerful are you? I need to confirm if you're truly a female or a male so I can decide your punishment here and now before taking you to our king." "Hmm," I hummed in response. "Okay," I finally agreed, and the dragon man smiled as I saw his red eyes light up like coals. "Go on," he said as he moved backward. I took a deep breath and began stripping. I took off my shield first and my warrior garments next. I saw their eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as they realized I was truly a woman—a pretty hot woman, at that. I noticed the dragon man's eyes burned redder, and he licked his lips, clearly enamored by the sight of my bosom. He approached me, but I remained unshakeable. Even though I was a female with natural endowments, I was still brutal and ruthless. When he attempted to touch my breast, forgetting I was still holding my sword, I sliced off his hand, making him scream out, "How dare you?!" But he didn’t slap me or burn me as he waved his other hand at the other four men to not interfere. I thought he would kill me after I severed his hand, but to my shock, he picked up his right hand that had fallen to the ground and magically fixed it back onto his arm, healing instantly. "I see you're a princess. How interesting that the last princess of Sunfield has been disguising herself as a man all this while. You cannot kill me, princess. I am the king's brother and of royal dragon blood—Aaron Diego!" he smirked, and dread ran down my spine, but I couldn’t speak as I was still in shock over how he knew I was a princess. He walked faster to me, forcefully took my sword, and lifted me up, not caring that I was bare and without clothes. He took me away while I struggled on his strong shoulder to get off. "Put me down!" I screamed, but he simply dropped me to the ground. Then he transformed, used his legs to lift me, and flew away with me while the other dragons followed, taking me to their dragon king. He said he was the dragon king's brother, and I kept struggling to break free from his tight hold, not caring if I fell into the river beneath us as he flew over it—I would rather be eaten by a shark than face the dragon king. Arriving at their dragon kingdom, I was amazed that they had houses like we humans did—beautiful houses, not huts or tents like the few shelters we had created in our flight. They were towering structures, while we had been running away. I was captured by night, so before we reached their dragon city, it was already day and sunny. Many dragons began to emerge from their various houses, peering at us. Aaron flew faster than the other four, and upon arriving at a towering building, he landed on his feet while I felt ashamed as I saw the eyes of all the gathered people staring at me in my vulnerable state. "Your majesty!" Aaron held a bright smile on his face as I cursed under my breath, still without any clothes. I stared at the front of the castle, trying to use my hands to cover my breasts, but they were too large, and I felt utterly embarrassed. I saw a man stepping out from the towering building. Our eyes met, and I saw him gulp before he looked at a guard with gray hair. I watched as the gray-haired man snapped his fingers, and two female dragon-women walked out to meet me. I couldn’t tell if they were humans or dragons; the females looked cute with brown skin. They brought me wrappers, but they weren’t smiling as they dragged me away after wrapping me up like a loaf of bread. I glanced back at the male dragon who radiated authority, with long golden hair, as my eyes burned at him, meeting his sharp blue gaze again while I saw Aaron walk over to him. "Face the direction you’re going!" the two strong-armed females commanded as they dragged me roughly, and I knew escaping from them wouldn’t be easy. I hoped to see my sisters, my mind racing with thoughts of what they were using my older sisters for. What did they want from me, and where were they taking me? They led me around the mansion and took me upstairs. I thought they were taking me to the dungeon or prison, but instead, they climbed the flight of stairs with me, and my mind became confused about their true intentions. Did they want to cook me? "No!" I screamed. "Let me go!" I fought against the two strong females, surprising them as I stepped hard on one and then somersaulted backward, not caring if my wrapping loosened or not. I wasn’t ready to be cooked yet. "What has come over you? Do you think you can escape from us or we are human?!" they cursed as I ran away, while they chased after me. I darted through another door, ignoring where I had gone into the mansion. I needed to hide from them, and escaping the towering building was my only solution. Fortunately for me, there weren’t many guards in the house. I wondered who the gray-haired man and the golden-haired man were. Which of them was the dragon king? None of that mattered; hiding was my main priority for planning my escape. As I approached a door, I quickly pushed it open and stepped inside. I froze in horror at the beautiful golden bedroom I had just entered. These dragons were rich. How come? I stared at the king-sized bed, made not of wood but of gold. The entire mansion was adorned with gold, and I assumed I had stepped into the golden-haired man’s bedroom. "s**t!" I cursed under my breath. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. Not knowing what to do, I ran into his wardrobe, hiding inside the large space, ensuring the clothes would cover me. I needed an explanation for how these dragons had so much wealth while we were poor, hiding in the shadows. "Your majesty!" I heard the two females run up to meet the footsteps that had stopped. I recognized their voices. "What's going on?" he replied, but I froze as his voice sent chills down my spine. "Your majesty, the new female has run away and is hiding somewhere around here." "Hmm," I heard him hum, followed by silence. Then, I heard the room door close. I didn’t know if he had left or if he was still there, as I couldn’t see through the wardrobe door. I was sweating and kept wondering what was happening between them.
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