Chapter 3 ~ Dismissed my family

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**Mikel Diego** I scented the beautiful human and knew she had run into my bedroom. But how had she escaped Abigail and Nana's clutches? I closed the door, knowing she wouldn't be able to escape or fly out the window, as I doubted she could fly. I had to dismiss them to avoid raising panic throughout the palace. I was the dragon king, but my mother, the queen, and my sister were around, and they hadn't seen her, except for my chosen mate, Zuri, who was with me when Aaron arrived with her. Zuri’s eyes burned with disgust as the human was pretty, and worse, Aaron had brought her in bare, without clothes. How could that be? It was hard for me to ignore how sexy and curvy her waist was. I was a dragon king and 540 years old, but since the day I was conceived and birthed, I had never seen a pretty human female like her. We didn't grow older in our kingdom, but we abducted human females to use them for crossbreeding in order to maintain balance in our system, as the female dragons hardly birthed many baby dragons. They were jealous and possessive of us and hated the idea of us taking human females away from their parents' homes and using them for breeding purposes, but we had no other option. Since I accepted Zuri as my mate—300 years ago when I came of age—she hadn’t yet conceived for me, and I didn’t know why. Zuri refused to leave, and worse, she didn't support my idea of taking a second mate. I knew she was burning with rage, seeing me stare at the pretty human with lust as Aaron had clearly triggered me, knowing she was cute and purposely brought her in without clothes. She possessed a strong personality, and I had a lot of questions for Aaron. He needed to explain to me where and how he had chosen to bring her in bare, particularly since there was a multitude of people gathering in front of our magnificent palace and staring at her. I was sure a lot of them would come to purchase her, as we often sold any new human captives to become mates for any dragon family that wanted them. "King Mikel, we need to talk!" Zuri's loud voice echoed in the passage after I had dismissed Abigail and Nana. I walked up to meet her to prevent her from stepping into my room. "Talk about what, Zuri? I will see Aaron later and find out why he chose to bring the human without her clothes on. I'm sure it wasn't intentional," I said to Zuri calmly, but Zuri was raging like she wanted to unleash fire and burn the human female to death. Some of the human females had been killed by jealous female dragons, and I just hoped I could protect this pretty, stubborn human from my mother, my sister, and most likely Zuri, as Aaron wasn't a problem. Aaron had his own mate, Aspen, who had given birth to two daughters for him—Lily and Lola, who were twins. Aspen was pregnant again, and we were hoping it would be a male dragon so I could rest easy knowing that Aaron's male child would be my successor to the throne. "King Mikel, I don't want that human kept in this castle with us! Let her be sent away to wherever she came from; I don't need her around here," Zuri complained bitterly. I continued walking through the passage so Zuri wouldn't catch the delicious human scent and we met Aaron along the way. Aaron indeed knew how to show up when I was in distress. He asked, "What's going on here? Zuri, you know our tradition. Do you want to wipe out our entire clan? You are unable to bear a son or daughter for my brother, and you want to send away all the pretty females we've brought. Are you a witch, Zuri?!" "Enough, Aaron! Let her be," Mother interrupted as she walked up with Lucy to meet us. "Mikel, Aaron, where is the new female that was brought in? I heard she was brought into this palace without clothes on," Mother asked as she peered at me. "Mom, I need to be left alone. Abigail and Nana are dressing her up and preparing her to be sold tonight." I lied, knowing the pretty human wasn’t going anywhere. I was the king, and whatever decision I made was final. I was soft at heart, but that didn't mean I would sit back and watch this pretty human be sold to a male in my clan when I was still unable to have a child of my own. It seemed the gods of our lands had chosen to bless me, not just with any human, but with a pretty one at that. I smiled. "Hmm... It's alright. Come, Zuri, let's go. Besides, you don't need to worry about the lady. She will be sold tonight," Mother told Zuri as she walked up to her and pulled her by the arm to follow her while Lucy only stared at me and Aaron in silence, her red eyes fixed on me. Lucy had stubbornly refused to leave the palace as she didn't want to lose her princess title. Well, luckily for her, we didn’t grow old and still maintained our youthful skin. Even as our age grew, we remained the same, year after year. I heard some dragons had lost their human mates, but this pretty human wasn’t going anywhere. I made up my mind to turn her into a dragon, as only I, Aaron, and my sister had the power to do that, being born of ancestral royal dragon blood. Although we didn’t tell the other dragons about it, they might not be aware of the fact that we could turn a human into a dragon. But I was ready to try that with this pretty human. I patiently wanted to dismiss everyone to shut the passage door closed and be left alone with her while waiting for nightfall so she could be sold. Although it wasn't auction season, as Aaron had brought her in without clothes, many dragon males had seen how endowed she was. I was sure they would be ready to pay millions of gold to have her, even for just one night—but I wouldn’t let that happen. "Brother, how do you see her?" Aaron turned to face me, and I breathed out in relief. "She's beautiful. Where did you bring her from? She looks like the other princesses that had been sold," I said. "Yes, brother. I think so. But she's strong and ruthless. She was the one who killed those two guards we sent to abduct the human females and bring them to the palace," Aaron said. "How interesting. But I seem to like her, and that could be a bit of a problem since she escaped from Abigail and Nana's clutches and is in my chamber now," I told Aaron, and his jaw dropped. "What?! That's even better! I purposely brought her for you. I could have killed her, as she disguised herself as a male, but when I felt her burning yellow eyes—those that only the royal family of Sunfield possesses—I perceived her scent and immediately knew she was of royal blood, though I was confused seeing her dressed as a male. She's tough, brother. Though she looks small, you have to be careful with her; she wouldn't hesitate to cut off your rod." Aaron smirked and showed me his arm, which was still healing. I asked, "She did this?" "Yes. She's a perfect sword mistress, and I'm sure she wants to avenge her late family and sisters’ demise." "Hmm..." I hummed.
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