❤️ love does not have end

217 Words
Ranbir and Edisa love was not just a fleeting emotion or a passing feeling. It was a binding force that connected all living beings together in a web of unbreakable bonds. The creatures of Edisa lived and thrived on the energy of love, drawing strength and power from the connections they shared with one another. Their love was instantaneous and intense, a deep connection that transcended time and space. Several years passed, Ranbir did not call Edisa. Edisa was not angry with Ranbir why he was not call , how many years passed , Edisa is little suspicion about Ranbir, Ranbir may be forget me ; otherwise Ranbir got married to other girl. Then Edisa think, noooo Ranbir cannot cheat me; he is truly love me; one day he will surely come and marry me. Ranbir return back to India when he was 60 year old . He did not marry any girl ; They meet again; Nothing has changed yet everything has. Ranbir love for Edisa is not changed, same as Edisa love for Ranbir is not changed. Edisa wear yellow kurta , she look so beautiful. carrying herself with confidence, an intelligence reflecting in her eyes. The moment when the two of them meet again is dramatic in the way only real life can be.
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