
Time ⏳️

blue collar
small town
childhood crush

There will be two friends whose named, Ranbir and Preeti  was studied  in a prestigious college known as Arcane Academy. This academy was known for its complex curriculum that pushed the boundaries of traditional education, focusing on harnessing the magical powers that lay dormant within each student. Both are the clever and knowledgeable  student in their class. Ranbir and Preeti always maintain a distance when they speak with each other. She discussed  their studies in home by online conversation.

In a secluded corner of the campus, there was a young girl  named Edisa.  Ranbir and Preeti know Edisa. Edisa ‘s good friends are Ranbir and Preeti , whenever both of them have any doubt in their  any Subject Edisa will always ready to help them.  Edisa possessed a rare gift for manipulating the elements, able to create swirling storms of fire and ice at will. Edisa was known for her fierce dedication to her studies, spending countless hours in the library pouring over ancient tomes and scrolls.

One day, as  Edisa  was practicing her spells in the courtyard, she caught the eye of her friend Ranbir. Ranbir  was a talented  student with a knack for illusions, often using his powers to entertain and amaze his classmates. Ranbir  was immediately smitten with Edisa beauty and power, and he knew he had to get to know her better.

 Ranbir attitude is changed as before, he cannot attend the call of his friend Preeti. Whenever Preeti call Ranbir and discuss their studies,  Ranbir is not hearing what Preeti say about the studies, instead of Ranbir cut the Preeti call .One day , Ranbir  celebrated his birthday  with Edisa. Preeti did not know today is Ranbir birthday.  When she asked about Ranbir, today is your birthday.  Ranbir said no I just as usual I wear this new dress today. But Ranbir secretly celebrated his birthday  with Edisa.

As their bond grew stronger, Edisa and Ranbir found themselves facing a series of challenges that tested their love and commitment. From jealous classmates to ancient curses, the young couple was forced to overcome obstacles that threatened to tear them apart.

One day Preeti and Arcane Academy know Edisa and Ranbir love each other.  Edisa  and  Ranbir stood together, their love growing stronger with each trial they faced. And as they graduated from Arcane Academy, they knew that their love would endure for eternity, a powerful and unbreakable bond that would light up the skies with its magic and wonder.

Edisa and Ranbir decide,they will marry each other . Edisa is a Orphan. Edisa Said to Ranbir, first you grant a permission from your Parents , then they we will marry.

Ranbir parents did not Edisa , because she do magic wonders. Ranbir said , I want a  Time  to ask permission  to my parents for  our marriage.  Edisa Said you take a time and ask to your parents.

As seconds turned into hours and days turned into years, but Ranbir  don’t ask his parents about their marriage.  But Edisa ask  Ranbir, your parents give permission for our marriage.  Ranbir said please give me some time,Ranbir said I definitely ask today  , day by day Ranbir tell this same thing to Edisa but he did not ask permission from his parents, because his parents not like Edisa.

But hope still flickered in the hearts of a Edisa  who believed that love could conquer even the darkest of spells.  Edisa with eyes as bright as the sun and a spirit as fierce as a dragon, set out on a quest to restore time's heart to its former glory.

A brilliant light filled the forest, and time's heart emerged, glowing with a newfound radiance that spread throughout  Edisa town. The people rejoiced, their faith in time restored as they felt its love once pulsating through their veins.

Time and love were intertwined in Edisa  way that was beyond comprehension.  Time was not linear, but rather a swirling vortex of possibilities and outcomes.  Edisa  and Ranbir Love, on the other hand, was a rare and coveted emotion that could only be earned through trials and tests .

Many Days passed; Many years Passed; But Edisa love should not be decreased each pinch by Ranbir. She love Ranbir is like a blind. She believe that her Ranbir definitely ask the permission to his  parents for their marriage.

As  Edisa faced each challenge with determination and grace, she began to see glimpses of her  true love,  Ranbir. Memories of their time together flooded back to her, strengthening her resolve to find him and bring him back to her side.

After overcoming the final trial, Luna stood before the Time, her heart full of hope and love for Ranbir. With a wave of their hands,  unlocked the gates of time and revealed  Ranbir standing before her, his eyes filled with love and longing.But does not want permission from her parents for their marriage.

 Finally , Ranbir said I am going to abroad Edisa because I got a job in New York.Please wait few more days for me , Ranbir said.Edisa believe Ranbir words,.She said ok i will waiting for you 1000 years Ranbir.

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Love is blind
Edisa and Ranbir love, there existed a love so pure and true that it transcended time and space. This love belonged to the Sun and the Moon, two celestial beings who were destined to be apart for eternity. The Sun was a fiery and radiant being, whose warmth and light brought life to the world. The Moon, on the other hand, was a cool and mysterious entity, whose gentle glow illuminated the night sky. Despite their differences, the Sun and the Moon were deeply in love and longed to be together same as Ranbir and Edisa love, Ranbir going to abroad, years passed; he cannot return to his own town . But Edisa strongly believe in her love, One day Ranbir and Edisa marriage will happen. One fateful night, as the Sun and the Moon gazed lovingly at each other from opposite ends of the sky, a shooting star streaked across the heavens. Edisa think ,It was a sign from her god , a signal that their love was destined to conquer all obstacles. Edisa think about her first meeting memories with Ranbir.That moment on, Edisa and Ranbir love blossomed and grew, transcending the boundaries of their respective worlds. They soared through the skies on the back of a majestic phoenix, danced in the moonlit glades, and whispered sweet nothings to each other in the language of the ancient trees.

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