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CATHERYN POV My eyes fall on him instantly as I enter the room. Standing with his back to me, flipping through an old looking book. He turns as I approach him and my heart flips like it always does when I’m in his presence. “Everything is falling into place.” I say as I walk my way over to come to stand in front of him. I run my hands up his hard chest, coming to rest on his shoulders as I gaze up at him. He sets the book down on the table beside him and looks back at me coldly, but a hint of a smirk touches the corner of his lips. I shiver as his hands grip my waist hard. His dark electric smell with a spicy mixture assaults my senses immediately and I melt into him. “Yes, everything is going according to the plan.” He says and his hands releases his grip and slowly make their way up, skimming the sides of my breasts and even further up to come and rest at the sides of my neck. I close my eyes at the tingles his touch trailed on my body but gasp as his hands close around my throat, applying pressure. “I do not wish to remind you what will happen if you should fail me again Catheryn.” He says menacingly and applies more pressure to my throat, and I grab at his hands, but I do not attempt to pull them away. A jolt of excitement runs through my body as I stare into his eyes which turned a darker shade of brown, looking almost black. His mouth descends upon mine, kissing me hard and I return it with a demanding need of my own. f**k knows it’s been so long… Releasing his hold on my throat he grabs me at the waist again and slams my back hard against the wall. Reeling from suddenly being able to breathe again and then to have it knocked right back out of me, I look at him momentarily dazed but immediately I moan out in pleasure as his lips attack my neck and he presses his body against mine so that I can feel every muscle, every movement from his body especially his bulge digging into my stomach, and I groan in lust. My fingers run desperately over the front of his shirt, and I start tugging up to slide it over his head just as his hand tugs at the waistline of my leggings. He claims my lips again as his other hand reaches for my throat and reapplies the pressure, but not enough to cut of my air completely, sending a fresh jolt of need to my core. By the time I get him bear chested he managed to pull down my leggings to my knees and he jerks me by the arm and roughly push me over the table that he placed the book on earlier. Gasping in excitement, I can feel the wetness of my need starting to trickle down between my thighs and he comes to stand behind me. Still dressed in his pants he reaches out to grab my hair and twists it around his hand and pushes down with his weight at the back of my neck to keep me against the table while his other hand cups my dripping s*x from behind. “Oh Goddess… “ I mewl at his touch and he chuckles coldly in my ear behind me. “Always so wet and ready for me, aren’t you my little b***h?” he says in my ear, and I moan needily as a shiver of pleasure runs to my core. Two fingers caress my slit up and squeezing my nub tightly between his two fingers as he slips upwards and back down again, teasing my entrance that so craves to be filled by him. “It would be so easy for me to kill you; do you know that? So easy it would be to snap your neck if you should fail me.” He says icily in my ear but instead of fear, it only turns me on more. The fact that he can actually kill me anytime he wanted to and that I would not stop him, makes this all the more exciting. I moan in response, but this does not seem to please him. He tugs at my hair and removes his hand making me whimper at the loss. “Use your words little b***h” He commands in my ear, and I immediately respond with a yes. I push my rear against him, and he chuckles coldly again. Releasing himself one handed from his pants and letting them fall to the ground, he rubs the tip of his c**k against me. I moan at the sensation and try to push back onto him, but he pulls back. “I will only say this once Catheryn. This plan of yours better work otherwise you’re as good as dead to me.” He says and without waiting for my response, he plunges into me, and I cry out at the sudden stretch and sting of pain to accommodate him. He continues to thrust hard into me from behind that I can feel the ridge of the table digging into my hips but instead of protesting in pain I rejoice in it. Moaning and panting out with each thrust just as I feel my climax mounting. His grip on my hip tightens and he pulls on my hair while he thrusts faster, grunting. I cry out as my climax bursts, and I hold on to the table with a death grip as he thrusts a few more times before spilling himself into me. We stood like that for a few moments before he pulled out and righted himself and I could finally stand up straight. I was panting from the intense s*x, and I was a little saddened that he turned away from me walked over to a small cabinet that held liquor and he poured himself a decent amount of whiskey. I was just finishing in dressing myself when he turned to face me and pierced me with a cold stare as I approached him. I went to kiss him, but he turned his head, so I ended up kissing the side of his face. I sighed and stepped back. I guess I expected too much after what we just did. I knew he wasn’t one for affection, but I didn’t stop trying to get it. “You can leave now.” He said and I felt a stab of pain, but I knew he was busy studying the book and planning the details in securing that we got what we have been planning for years. I nodded and with a final smile, I left to go oversee the wolves that I have managed to track down that were from our original ranks. ATHENA POV. Morning came quicker than I would have liked. I forced myself to get out of bed, but a sudden bout of nausea had me running to the bathroom and I managed to make it just in time. I felt so tired, and my body ached, and I cursed myself for not drinking a calming pill last night and that resulted in me tossing and turning all night long. The stress of the past few days events was starting get to me and I worried about what the future had in store for me, for all of us. Now that Vex was back, he was going to cause chaos everywhere. Just like before and I didn’t know if the world was ready for another dark phase of their lives. I knew I wasn’t. I stood up, flushed and went to the basin to brush my teeth and my mind wondered to my sister. I haven’t seen her in years. Not since she disappeared after she came to see my grandfather about something important. It was after we managed to capture Cathryn and whatever she and our grand discussed, it didn’t end well, and I never saw her again. There were so many rumours that she turned on us, but I couldn’t find it in my heart to believe them, but I wasn’t sure because I never got to hear what happened and grand refused to speak of the incident that happened between them. Do they think that she had something to do with Cathryn’s escape? I just couldn’t find it in me to believe that she would, but I felt that I had to talk to my grandparents about this. I sighed and stripped out of my clothes. Maybe a hot shower is what I need. I thought to myself and opened the taps. I didn’t bother to linger in the shower, so I made it quick and got out to dress for the day. Grand and a few wolves were coming over to see Headmistress Castor in regard to put extra security in place, not just for the kids, but for me as well. Entering the dining hall, I can see that almost everyone is already here, including my people. I spot my grandparents to the left of the table but before I could get there, Donavan appears in front of me, and I had to bite back a growl. “Good morning honey.” He greets in a chirpy manner, turning on his charming smile that had me week in the knees for so many years, but now a feeling of irritation makes me grind my teeth. “Morning Don.” I reciprocate and try to step around him, but he blocks me off again. “I need to talk to you.” He states and grasps my arm attempting to pull me with him out of the dining hall, but I shove him off. “We have nothing to talk about.” I state back at him and attempt to leave again, but predictably he grabs my arm again and I can feel myself getting pissed off. “DON’T” I warn him in a low growl and my eyes flash angrily. He glares at me for a moment before releasing my arm and I turn immediately away from him and over to my grandparents. In the corner of my eye, I can see the Wood twins, who are two of the best warriors in the pack and who I surmised would be staying to give the added protection to the school, have moved closer and are glaring at Donavan and I gave them a reassuring smile and they nodded at me. As I came closer it sounded like they were discussing security patrols for back home but once I reached the table, they fall silent. Turning to me they smile which I return while exchanging good mornings. “I need to ask you something.” I state, Donavan already forgotten, and they gave me their full attention. “About Ash.” I said and a dark look fell over my grandfather’s face and my grandmother fiddled with her fingers. I knew my grandfather didn’t like it when I mention her. "You think she helped to break her out?" I ask them. Grand stays silent for a moment. “It’s a possibility. No one has seen or heard from her in years, not after…” Grand says trailing off his words and rubbed a hand over his face and uttered a tired sigh, but I knew what he was about to say. Even before we captured Catherin, my sister started to act strange and would disappear for days. Once Catherin was successfully imprisoned did her behaviour become more noticeable. She became paranoid, even more secretive and her temper would flare up and she would lash out at others, until the night she came to see grand. That night she stormed out of the pack house and when grand sent wolves after her, only two managed to come back. That was the last time anyone saw her. A few days after the incident, we were summoned by a neighbouring pack who informed us about a m******e of sixteen rogues that occurred near their land. By the lingering scent on the bodies, it confirmed to be Ashlynn’s doing. I shake my head. “She is many things grand, but she would never break out Catherin. Deep down you know this.” I state but he looks at me with pity before replying. “A part of her scent was all over the place, No-one else’s.” He says and I sat there in shock. What was he talking about? I didn’t pick up on anything when I was there. “What do you mean a part of her scent? I didn’t pick up on it when I was there.” I exclaimed and my stomach twists. “She’s changed Athena. You know the reasons why our scents change.” I shake my head, not wanting to hear what he is saying. “No. There are many reasons for the change, but you cannot honestly believe…” Grand interrupts me before I could finish. “I was there myself. If it weren’t for her being my granddaughter, I wouldn’t have recognised the scent. Her scent has darkened, it’s not pure anymore.” He says, but I refused to believe it. “I understand but please just think about other possibilities why…” “ENOUGH!” The alpha growls out the command, making everyone in the dining room jump and all eyes turn on us. Hurt runs through me as we glare at each other, eyes aglow. Mine yellow, his red. Tears burn in the corner of my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. “The sister you know is gone.” He says in a low rough voice. “You will do well to remember that!” he says, and Nanna grips his arm to calm him down, also shaken by the sudden outburst. “Johnathan please.” Nanna pleads as she stares worriedly between us, for him to calm down. He’ll never understand. No matter what Ash has done, I know she’s still a good person. I can feel it. He just doesn’t want to believe in her. My thoughts jumble around, and my emotions surge, I can feel it… The change. The itching and tingling in my body, the feel of my nails turning into claws so that I had to release my clenching fists, or I would be clawing at my own palms. I take a deep breath, the air rushing through my elongated teeth of my slightly opened mouth. I usually had good control over myself, but everything just felt too much at the moment. Seeing me ready to shift, nanna leans back against her chair as grand challenges me with an unwavering red glare, almost daring me while emitting a growl. During this time, the school faculty has distanced themselves from our group, watching with wide eyes, just as Donavan and the Wood twins’ step in closer. Breathing another steadying breath, I get up and back away a few shaky steps. Getting myself somewhat under control with deep breaths through my nose, my teeth and claws retract but the glow remains. A feeling of sadness settles over me. He won’t even give her the benefit of a doubt. Feeling the tears close to falling now, I turn and walk out the dining room, ignoring the calls after me. Once outside I shift, shredding my clothes and run off into the surrounding woods.
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