1995 Words
ATHENA POV. I felt heavy and drained as I was sitting in my room. I only just got a little peace after I told Julia everything that transpired earlier today and about what we saw of Catheryn’s escape. The feeling of nausea never left me, and I was seriously thinking of staying in bed the next day when I remembered that tomorrow was Saturday and that my grandparents would be arriving. Forcing myself to move from my seat I went to my small kitchenette and started to make myself a cup of tea and maybe something to eat. Maybe that would settle my stomach, but I seriously doubted it that I would be able to keep anything down after what I saw. The images kept flashing before my eyes, and I felt a little out of place that it would shock me this deeply because I have seen worse as a child. Maybe I have become soft over the years. I thought to myself. I was just pouring boiling water in my cup when there was a knock at my door, and I groaned inwardly. I didn’t feel like seeing anyone tonight, but my heart skipped when I saw who was at the door. Christian stood there and looked at me in concern. “Hi.” He said and my heart skipped again at the sound of his voice. “Hi.” I say back and we just stand there, staring at each other for a moment. He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck before speaking again. “I’m sorry about yesterday. Can I come in?” The heaviness on my heart lifted a little at his apology and I nodded, stepping aside to let him through and closed the door behind us. “Are you okay?” He asked when he turned to face me. His eyes roaming over me in concern. “Not really.” I say and walk over to my little couch and sit down with a heavy sigh. He followed me and sat down beside me. “I was worried about you earlier. I’ve never seen you like that.” He said and I met his eyes. I knew he was angry about yesterday. Not just because Vex was back, but because I never told him that Vex was my father. There were so many times that I wanted to tell him, but I felt so guilty over what happened to his family that I felt ashamed. I didn’t choose Vex to be my father, but the truth was that he was and the only thing I could do was to live my life as far away from what his life had been. I was trying to make something of myself and not fall into the darkness that he loved and craved. “I’m fine Chris.” I say and I so wanted to take his hand in mine, but I was unsure of what he would welcome and what not, so I kept to myself. “It’s just… everything happened so unexpectedly that…” I stumble over my words before taking a deep breath and trying again. “I wanted to tell you about Vex so many times, but I was scared that you would hate me. I never expected for my past to catch up with me and now…” I say, the lump in my throat prevented me from speaking further. “I understand. We all have things we don’t want others to know, it’s just that… I didn’t expect… that.” He said and I bowed my head, sighing. “Ena, what happened at your pack?” He asked and I slowly lifted my head to look into his green eyes and my throat swelled shut, making me unable to speak and I shook my head and looked away again. This time he sighed. “Okay. I understand if you don’t want to tell me.” He said slightly angry and got up from where he sat. I started at the change in his demeanour, and I grabbed his arm as I shot to my feet. “N-no. I do, it’s just… It’s complicated.” I hurriedly said and he studied me. Looking from my hand on his arm to my face. I quickly let go of him but I held his gaze. “C-can we talk about this tomorrow?” I asked as he kept staring at me. “Please?” I pleaded and I was relieved when he nodded at me and without another word, he turned and left my room, shutting the door a little louder than was necessary. I sunk down onto my bed and sobbed until I fell asleep. LYNN’S POV. After we put the kids to bed, I told Hunter that I needed to go and check on the old Vex manor. I doubted that Vex would go back there, seeing as it would be too risky, but I needed to make sure, even if it was only for myself. He argued at first and then demanded that he go with me, but I held strong. This was something I needed to do on my own so he reluctantly agreed in the end, but he said that if I wasn’t back in an hour, then he would be coming after me and that’s how I found myself now on the edge of the tree line; slowly creeping up to the old mansion like house. I hide myself behind a large gravestone in the graveyard of the property and inspect my surroundings. Everything is quiet. Not even a breeze in the air to ruffle the leaves on the ground. A shiver runs down my back as I look at the house. Painful memories of torture, screams and tears is all that this place is to me. The Vex Manor. Many of us barely escaped with our live here. If it were not for the Silver Moon pack and Castor and her team of magicals, we would probably have died. I inch myself closer, ducking behind another grave, keeping my ears peaked for any noise but everything is dead silent. No sign of flickering lights in the windows or creaks in the old walls. Everything looks the same as the last time I was here after Vex’s supposed death, when I came to lock up the house with powerful spells so that no one could gain entry. I should have had this place torn to the ground. I scold myself. Of course, this was not the house that he got trapped in with fire eating up everything it could reach but it was his home none the less and it had to be checked out for any activity that indicated that he could have been here. Surveying the grounds again I slowly make my way over. Sensing the magic of my spells as I get closer indicating that it has been undisturbed. Of course, it is still intact. If someone has have tried to gain entry, I would have felt it. I come to a standstill at the front door and hold out my hand. My thumb, forefinger and middle finger pointing at the door as my other two fingers were bent inward towards my palm. With a wide circled wave with my hand, I whisper under my breath the counter spells. The old stone building glows faintly before returning to normal indicating that the spells have been taken down. I steel myself by taking in a lung full of air and open the door. Another shiver runs down my back as I step inside. Closing the door behind me I snap my fingers for the door to lock automatically. I didn’t want any unwanted visitors. I make my way further inside the manor looking into various rooms on the ground floor. The place still looked the same as it was the last time I was here. The place was still in the same state of decay and neglect. I make my way towards the grand staircase and ascend on up. Still keeping my ears alert for any sounds that should not be here. The manor wasn't overly huge like the Easton School for the gifted but was decent in size to host at least nine families with lots of children and I’m sure that the manor was magnificent about a hundred years ago. I check the rooms on this level and proceed to the next and the next. Each level was used for housing according to what magical rank you served in. The last level was used for the housing of the children of Vex and Catheryn’s most trusted disciples. They kept the kids separate due to the sadistic parties that were usually held here and some of the disciples would get wasted and drag their victims to their rooms. Some of the sick fuckers even took liking to humans or their children so we were kept on a separate floor and were forced to stay in our rooms. Locked up most of the time. I check the rooms and my heart skips a beat as I near a certain room with a red door. Standing in front of the room I momentarily hesitate with my hand on the door handle before I turn it and enter. I find myself in a large room. The walls that were once lime green are now a dull greenish grey that came with age. In the one corner was a wooden chest of draws with a three-quarter sized bed with a single bedside table next to it and on the other side of the room, mirrored the same. A few teddy bears and toys littered about the room which would have been the only indication that this was once a children's room. Other than that, it was bare and normal looking. This was my room. The room I shared with one other like me. Half-bloods, they called us. Half magical human, half wolf. Automatically I move to the window and peer out to the grounds. This window was the only way to the outside world, magically charmed so that no one would be able to see inside from below. The other kids barely interacted with us, at least those that were not wolfish like us. I grimaced at the thought. I turn around and slowly walk around the room, taking in the familiar features that was once my home. We were born here, and we nearly died here. I stop walking when I realize where I was standing. Looking down at the rug under my feet was the once elegant dark green carpet but just like the walls the colour had also dulled to a dirty green and had a large dried dark stain on it. Blood. My heart flips as the memory of how that stain got there and I rub the scars on my neck hidden beneath the polo neck top I’m wearing. This was the place where Catheryn clawed me down, ripping her claws through the side of my neck. The scar on my left eye I also got when I pounced on her when she first tried to kill one of us and that's when she turned her rage on me whilst the other half blood huddled in the corner in terror, but before she could kill me, The Silver Moon pack and the others, successfully infiltrated the manor, forcing her to flee. Unfortunately, not all of us survived. I close my eyes as I remember the terrified faces of the others when they found us. No one thought I would survive. Taking a breath, I walk out of the room, closing the door behind me. I check the rest of the level before descending the stairs to the ground floor. Taking a last look around on the ground level, I leave the manor and set up my spells again before walking off the grounds to transport myself home.
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