1643 Words

HUNTER POV. I just made it to the part of the woods when I saw Julia Castor standing over Lynn with a man that was crouched at my wife’s side. My heart nearly leaped out of its chest as I saw her bleeding on the ground. She was hurt, but how that came to be, I didn’t know. The only reassuring part was, that Colton was there and the fact that he was not aggressive towards them had me thinking that they wanted to help. There were two more wolves. Both equal in brown colour and although they were clearly agitated and glaring at Colton, they did not attack. I see Julia speak to the two wolves, but I couldn’t hear what she told them, but they immediately took off. The man was talking to Colton, and I had to give it to the guy. He had balls. Not many men can stand next to Colton and not piss h

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