First day of school: Part six

2004 Words
ADIRA POV It was lunch period and most of the students were converging at the cafeteria. The large mess hall filled with long tables and long benches had the students in different cliques hanging out. The popular crowd of the Grey Moon pack hung out on their own, while those of the black moon pack and Blue Moon Pack occupying the same space. The two packs have always been friendly each with Kendra and Hayden's friendship bringing them closer. Then the Red moon Pack always wanting to be the center of attention had the center part of the cafeteria. The humans also had their corners even though they don't command as much influence as the wolves. these are the major players in the school. The other student bodies occupy the rest of the table. The cafeteria was rowdy and noisy as the students talked, joked, and made fun of each other. Adira made a quiet entry with her gaze cast down trying to appear inconspicuous as possible, desiring not to have a repeat of the hallway incident. She went to the line and cued up for her lunch and came away with her food on a tray. She stood around for a second to scan the room for a place to seat. She spied a table that had few occupants in it with the occupants sitting far apart with no interaction with each other which shows that they weren't friends. Perfect she thought making her way in that direction. She has yet to make friends, except for Kendra but she wasn't sure if their encounter made them friends now. She wanted to look up and look for the girl but that will require a longer time with her face up which made her freak out a bit. She didn't want to be noticed which is what will happen if she were to linger trying to find Kendra. She was walking towards the table with her gaze fixed to the floor but her mind wasn't with her as her thoughts were occupied by Kendra and the way she made her feel so she didn't see the feet that were thrown out as a trap for her till her feet connected with it sending her crashing towards the ground with her tray flying high up in the air. She was quick to break her fall managing to land on her knees but her tray had no such luck and crashed to the ground with a loud clack bang, the contents flying in different directions. Adira winced as a piercing pain shoot through her left knee. She ignored the pain which was a blip to the amount of pain she was feeling inside at once again being at the mercy of the bullies. She tried to get up as smoothly as she could manage and looked up when she saw a lending hand in front of her. Her eyes connected with the icy blues ones of the girl that had her thoughts in the first place. KENDRA POV Kendra had been enjoying her lunch with her friends and the Quads trading holidays story when she noticed Adira walk into the cafeteria. She watched curiously as the girl made her way towards the lunch line like a mouse trying to be invisible. She looked as if she was trying not to attract any attention to herself which seems effective cause no one was paying attention to her. Kendra quickly looked away from the girl before her friends notice her lack of attention and trace it back to the human. She had already garnered a lot of curiosity with her interference this morning and didn't wish to give the gossip mouths more things to wag about. She was saying something to Hayden when she heard a loud bang on the floor. Every student in the cafeteria looked in the direction including her to see Adira on the floor and Ciara, Jackson's human girlfriend with a wicked smirk on her face. With no words to anybody, Kendra stood from her seat and made her way towards Adira. She felt people staring at her but didn't care. She was furious that someone dared to touch someone she had claimed, a human for that matter. It was an insult she wasn't going to let go of. First, she had to help Adira so she went to where she was on the floor and helped her get to her feet, before turning to face Jackson's table. She picked up Ciara's brown eyes with hers allowing the cold fury she was feeling to reflect off her eyes. " Apologize, " she demanded in a calm cold voice. Ciara acted as if she didn't hear Kendra and turned to get back to her food. Kendra's anger doubled but she didn't let it show in her countenance as she maintained her poise bearing. " Jackson tell your b***h to apologize or I am going to smack her so hard that she will still be feeling the pain in three days," Kendra threatened without removing her cold gaze from the beach blonde girl or her voice rising. Ciara swallowed in fear when she noticed the cold look in Kendra's eyes and that she was serious about her threat. She looked to her boyfriend as if to save her. " Do what she asks babe, " Jackson said not looking at his girlfriend. " Sorry, " Ciara flung at Adira, her voice rude and unfeeling. Kendra shook her head. " Not accepted, say it like you mean it and then you are replacing her lunch. " Ciara's eyes flew to Kendra. " You can't be serious, " she cried in an affronted tone. She felt like the girlfriend of one of the alphas in the school that she deserves more respect than what she is being subjected to do. She had tripped the girl in the first place to get back at her for embarrassing her boyfriend this morning. She looked to her boyfriend for help again, a petulant frown wrinkling her forehead. " You know the rules baby, " Jackson replied without care, not glancing up. Ciara huffed and then gave a proper apology to Adira before getting to her feet to do as Kendra suggested. Kendra turned to Adira. " Go wait at my table, " she said in a kind voice before following Ciara. She needed to make sure the girl didn't pick the scraps for Adira. ADIRA POV " Thank you, " Adira murmured to Kendra staring down her feet before turning to do as she was instructed. As she made her way to the table Kendra pointed she felt as if in her worse nightmare. Everyone's eyes were on her. The opposite of what she wanted entering the cafeteria. Why is it that people keep bullying her she wondered in pain? Did she have a mark on her forehead that acts as a neon sign for the bullies or what? She had hoped that this new school would be different, that she will get to finish her senior year in peace without having to leave in fear of what would happen to her anytime she comes to school, but it seems that she wasn't going to get any reprieve as history seems to be repeating itself and the only difference is that she has a savior. But for how long will Kendra continue to come to her rescue and what happens when she is not there to defend her. The thought made Adira shudder in fear. She arrived at Kendra's table to notice her friends gawking at her. She recognized their faces. The two females and the tall blonde guy at the clinic were seating on one side of the table and four guys who looked to be related in identical bikers blue jackets that had arrived this morning on bikes took up the other side. " Hi, " Adira waved at them shyly before choosing to seat on the side that had three people on it. The occupants of the table nodded at her before turning to ignore her as they went back to their meal and discussion acting as if she wasn't there. Adira was so uncomfortable and alone and couldn't wait for Kendra to get back so she can escape. There was no way in hell she was having her lunch at this table. The atmosphere was so unfriendly and cold that she was feeling the chill of hostility on her skin. KENDRA POV Kendra stood aside and watched Ciara pick out Adira lunch. She picked mostly fruits and then a vegetable salad which was a replica of what Adira had on her lunch tray. Ciara turned to face Kendra. " Now what? " She asked coming off rude. Kendra didn't answer and drew closer to the human. " I don't care whose girlfriend you are, speak to me in that tone again and I will slap some respect into you, " she growled into her ear. Ciara swallowed looking down. She knew that Kendra was an alpha, even though her boyfriend was one she wasn't sure if he will come to her defense. Satisfied with the girl's submission Kendra turned to head back. " Follow me, " she commanded. AIDEN POV At Jackson's table, Aiden his beta watched as Ciara followed after Kendra like she was a puppy following her master which made him furious. He felt it was humiliating to Jackson to have his girlfriend treated like a servant. " Are you going to let her get away with that, " he growled at Jackson. Jackson shrugged his shoulders. " Ciara was out of line, "he muttered not feeling concerned. " How long are you going to let your desire to f**k her cloud your judgment, " Aiden snarled at Jackson, feeling that he not doing anything about Kendra was making him weak. " Probably longer than the time it will take me to put you in your place. You forget yourself, " Jackson growled at the beta, glaring at him. Aiden looked down knowing he was out of line. " Sorry, " he apologized in a small tone. Jackson didn't answer and went back to his meal. He knew what his beta was worried about, that he will seem weak to people if he doesn't do anything about Kendra's treatment of his girlfriend but he felt that this wasn't the time. He was bidding his time. Kendra hunt for a mate was approaching and she was going to be his. NO ONE POV Kendra sat down back when Ciara dropped the tray of food in front of Adira. " Your lunch, " she said to her getting her to look at her. " Thank you, " Adira said getting up. " Where are you going to? " Kendra asked waving for her to seat down back. " You can stay at our table, " she invited. Her friends all turned at once to flash her a look. They have never had a human sit with them. Kendra noticed her friends looking at her and spoke through the pack link. " What is with the looks guys? " She asked. " Nothing, " was the chorus response she got in her mind. " Ok, be nice, " she told them before making the introductions. " Adira meets, Allyssa, Olivia, Cody, Hayden Jamal, Kal, and Mason Kendra said pointing out each of her friends. Guys meet Adira. " Adira looked up and said hi to them, before looking down immediately. " Hi, " they said one after the other, their tone warmer than before. Adira was about to start her meal when the bell for classes rang. " You can take the fruits along and eat in class, " Kendra suggested as they got to their feet. Adira nodded doing as she asked. " What class do you have now? " Kendra asked as they began to head for the door. " Maths. " " Oh me too. "
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