Chapter 4

1020 Words
“Time of death, 7:19 PM.” The doctor declared. The EKG eased into to a straight line. The shoulders of the nurses in the room slumped down. My eyes widened in shock. I didn’t know what to say. I was at loss of words. All I could do was stand still and watch my only friend’s lifeless body on the hospital bed. My emotions shut down. I didn’t even feel s**t. This is my fault. He got tangled up in my mess then ended up paying with his life. The doctor looked at me and gave me a saddened look. His face was writhed with disappointment and defeat. “I’m sorry, sir. We did everything we could. He just loss too much blood.” He apologized. I ignored him then just looked at Andre. I couldn’t believe the news the doctor told me. Was he really dead? Suddenly, the door flung open. There, stood Mrs. Bryne, Andre’s mother. She looked disoriented, looking around the room. Her eyes then landed on her dead son. Her face was suddenly drenched with horror. She let out a screaming cry as she ran towards her son. “No! Andre! This can’t be!” She cried while hugging her lifeless son. She wailed in deep melancholy, tears falling relentlessly. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. All I could do was look at them. Mrs. Bryne’s eyes then moved towards mine. Her face was painted with anger. She heaved out heavy breaths then pointed a finger at me. “Y-you! This is all your fault!” She screamed at me. She was right. It’s all my fault. I was the one who caused this. I’m the reason why her son is gone. The sole reason why my friend is gone. “Get out!” She screamed then threw her purse at me. I didn’t dodge it and let it hit me. “Leave!” She cried out. Without so much as a word, I turned my feet around then walked out of the room then out of the hospital. I was just staring blankly as I walked on the pavements. I bumped by passersby but I didn’t give a s**t. I reached my apartment then took out a bottle of beer from the fridge. I gulped it all down in one go then took another bottle. I did the same until I ran out. “f**k!” I cursed under my breath and rummaged the fridge to try and find more but I failed to see a single one. I kicked the fridge out of rage then pushed it down the floor. I don’t know what happened but I just lost it. I started breaking everything I find in my way, not sparing even a speckle of dust. My mind started feeling woozy. My vision blurred and my balance began to get out of control. Suddenly, I slipped off a broken plate then fell on my back. The greasy ceiling greeted me. Gradually, my sight darkened until everything went black. … I slowly opened my eyes then found myself in the middle of the dark woods. Tall oak trees surrounded me. The moonlight seeped through the thick leaves, giving me little light. “Where the hell am I?” I muttered while looking cautiously around. This place wasn’t familiar at all. It was quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing and the leaves rustling. A shadow suddenly appeared in front of me, indicating that someone was behind me. I glanced back immediately then saw a young girl. She wore a white dress that stood out from the darkness of everything around us. She was bare-footed. Her long wavy ash blonde hair flew in the wind. Her azure blue eyes entranced me as it looked dead-straight into my dark green ones. Her deep-set downturned eyes were accentuated by her long and thick lashes. Her lips were small and plump with the best shade of pink I’ve ever seen. It was her, the girl I had a f****d-up dream about. I looked at her in confusion, not knowing what to say. She just gave me a smile but I didn’t let my guard down. I took a step towards her then glared at her. She was petite and slender and looked miniscule compared to my tall figure. “Who the f**k are you?” I demanded an answer. She looked slightly stunned, appalled by sudden aggression. Her beautiful eyes fluttered in confusion. She was beautiful, alright. I was definitely attracted to her but I didn’t let it distract me. I must stay cautious. She took a step backwards. “You don’t know me but I know you too well, Oliver.” She spoke. Her voice was sweet and relaxing, sounding like music to my ears. “How the f**k do you know me?” I growled this time. I took fast strides towards her. Her back ended up leaning against a tree. I placed both of my hands on the side of her head, entrapping her between my arms. I gave her a hostile glare. She looked up at me with subtle sadness and disappointment. She didn’t look scared, but she didn’t look happy either. “I know you’re confused right now but you just have to trust me. You’ll know everything when the time comes.” She gave me a smile and it annoyed me for some reason. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I clenched my jaw. Quickly, she escaped my grasp then fled away in the darkness. She was swift and she got away before I even had the chance to react. Fuck. I woke up feeling an ache in my neck. The sunlight blared from the windows then hit my fuzzy eyes. I was dizzy as hell, struggling to stand up. I looked around my apartment. It looked like it had gone through a stampede. Scattered pieces of broken glass were spread throughout the floor. The plastic dining table I had was broken into two and the fridge was lying flat on the floor. It looked horrible.
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