Chapter 3

1284 Words
I put the mop back in the storage room then let out an exhale. It had been a long day of cleaning messes and all I wanted to do right then was to grab a beer then watch some random s**t I find in the tv. I turned off the lights in the storage room before locking it from the outside. I was the last employee for the day. Everyone’s shift had already ended and I was left to clean up all the remaining mess. I approached the manager seated on one of the tables. He was punching in numbers in the calculator while writing stuff down, probably accounting. “Sir, I’m done for today.” I said. He looked up to me then gave me a smile. He was in his late 60s but he’s still tough as a nut. Even if all his hair has shed and all his teeth have fallen off, he wasn’t helpless. Far from it. He wasn’t too bad of a boss and in fact, one I can actually tolerate. He makes my job more tolerable. “Good job, Mr. Miller.” He praised then put his wallet out. He took out a hundred-dollar bill then handed it to me. “See you tomorrow.” He politely dismissed. I took the money from him then gave him a curt nod. “See you.” I said before heading to the locker. I changed back into my school uniform then flung my backpack on my right shoulder. I walked out of the restaurant then was surprised to see Andre standing by a lamppost. My forehead creased. The streets were winding down, with only a few cars passing by. We were in a remote area of the city which is why the streets weren’t too crowded. “What are you doing here?” I asked then approached him. “I got bored at home.” He shrugged. I just shook my head then started walking away. “Hey, stop walking too fast. You always do that” He said in short breaths as he tried to catch up. I smirked. He wasn’t wrong. I’m just not the type of person who likes to take his time. I prefer if when things get done quickly. “So, dinner’s still on?” I asked when he already neared me. “Of course! I told mom you were coming so she cooked steak, your favorite.” I looked at him with eyes slightly gaped wide. “She didn’t have to.” I said. “She wanted to.” He answered with a grin. I smiled subtly, making sure Andre won’t see it. I didn’t like showing emotions to other people. Doing so would mean showing vulnerability, and it was the last thing I wanted. We eventually ended up in a dark and empty street after a few conversations. The buildings on the side of the streets were already closed. No cars were driving around and it was just the two of us. “Do you walk here every night. This place looks sketchy.” He commented. “Yes, I do.” I answered. He was right. This place looked dangerous. It was a dark and lonely street I walked across every day. Nothing has happened to me, only the darkness accompanying me. All was well, until two dark silhouettes appeared in front of us and stood in a threatening stance. I furrowed my brows. Not once did someone ever walk in this street. I suddenly had a very bad feeling. “O-oliver. Who are those?” Andre quivered beside me. I heard footsteps behind me then glanced behind. There was a tall and buffed guy holding a bat. I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Roger, my former gang member. He stood at 6’5, just a few inches taller than me. “Stay calm.” I whispered to Andre then prepared for a fight. I glared at Roger while he just looked at me with a menacing grin. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t pretty boy himself.” He stepped forward, flaunting around the bat on his hand. “What do you want, Roger?” I asked then balled my fists, preparing for an attack. “Rudolf, our gang leader, wasn’t happy about your sudden departure with the gang. Luckily, though, we were able to pin-point your flaky ass.” I gave him a sharp glare. I stayed cool and collected. Andre, on the other hand, was practically pissing himself. I didn’t want to give Roger the satisfaction by showing fear. I took a step towards him while giving him a challenging gaze. He gritted his teeth. “And I’m supposed to care, why?” I mocked. His jaw clenched. “You know the rules. No one’s allowed to leave the gang. Only way out is death.” He flung his bat around. He bluffed by attempting to hit me with it, stopping mid-air. He gave out a teasing laugh. “Any last words?” He asked then positioned his bat. I didn’t waste a beat. I immediately gripped his bat then kicked him on the balls. He whimpered in pain. He dropped on the ground then clenched his crotch. I then remembered there were two other goons behind me then faced back. I pushed Andre away; ensuring he doesn’t get in the middle of the fight then hit the guy on the right. He was knocked back. I swung the bat against the one on the left but he was quick to dodge it. He elbowed me on the ribs which sent a jolt of pain to my body. I groaned. I gave another swing then hit him on the head. He held his head in pain then stepped back. “Oliver!” I heard Andre scream. My eyes widened in horror. I witnessed Roger impaling him through the back with a knife, his other arm wrapped around Andre’s neck. “No!” I screamed then punched Roger away from him. Andre dropped on the floor then Roger stepped back. I quickly grabbed the bat then threatened him with it. He didn’t advance forward, afraid of being hit by the bat. I was about to launch another attack at them when a light flashed at our direction. A car was fast approaching us. “Retreat!” Roger said then he, along the two goons scurried away. I dropped the bat then ran towards Andre. He was lying on the ground, giving out shallow breaths. Blood was gushing out of his mouth. “O-oliver.” He struggled to say as he coughed blood. A tear escaped his eye. This scene was all too familiar to me. I suddenly remembered my dream. The dream where the girl was taking her last breaths, surrounded by her pool of blood. I was holding her in my arms. “No-no. Don’t cry. You’re gonna be fine.” I said then tried to carry him up. He was already closing his eyes as I stood him up. “f**k!” I cursed under my breath. I held him tightly. The car halted right in front of us. A pregnant lady went out of it. “Oh, dear lord.” She exclaimed as she saw blood gushing out of Andre’s wound. “Help me bring him to a hospital!” I ordered. She nodded quickly then opened up the backseat. She helped me lay Andre down the back seat. I entered the car in haste then the lady drove away without hesitation. I glanced at Andre and saw him with eyes shut tight. His breathing was slowing down. “Stay with me, please.” I whispered.
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