Chapter 2: O-16

1351 Words
I woke up with a jolt, and my hands frantically felt around the object where I was lying. The first thing that registered to me was how soft it was, and then it dawned on me that I was oddly feeling numb instead of in excruciating pain. But perhaps I jinxed myself since once the thought crossed my mind, my head throbbed as the light penetrated my closed eyelids. Squinting, I slowly sat up and surveyed the room where I was. It looked so different from the darkness that I was used to. The walls were cream, and a small table was pressed against the far corner. I gazed down and realized I was on top of a soft bed, its sheets similarly colored with the wallpapers. I fought through the nausea and willed myself to check my body. There were no new wounds or broken bones, and I was dressed in a modest nightgown. For once, I didn't have that deep urge to crawl out of my skin. My head throbbed again, and I looked around to see where the light was coming from. There was a window on the wall next to the bed, its curtains drawn to let in natural sunlight. But the glass window itself was locked tightly, and I could see bars of steel, further fortifying it. That dampened my light mood from my newfound comfort. Without a doubt, I was in a better position than I had been before, but I didn't know where I was or who had taken me. All I could remember was the man holding out his hands towards me, and then I lost consciousness afterward. Was he The Shadow's accomplice? Would he hurt me as well? Panic was starting to set in when the knob from the door across the room turned. There was a soft jingling sound on the other side, and then the door opened to reveal the very same man I was just thinking about. And he was not alone. Another man, much shorter but burlier than him, stood on his right side. He had buzzed cut brown hair that was longer, curly on top, and electrifying blue eyes. He was dressed in a leather jacket, plain white shirt, jeans, and combat boots. A hint of tattoo could be seen from the skin covered by his sleeves. On their left, a leaner and the shortest among the three men stood smiling. His unruly, fiery red hair was eye-catching, and his jade eyes even more so. He was in a hoodie and sneakers, and his hands kept playing with the set of rings around his fingers. I vaguely remembered the two of them standing behind the first man back in the dark room. The man I met before stepped forward, and I instinctively gripped the blanket closer to my body. Upon seeing my reaction, he stopped and remained standing a few feet away from the bed. I saw that emotion again in his eyes, anger, but this time, it was accompanied by a bit of longing. "We are not here to hurt you, omega," the man said, his voice smooth but commanding. The word omega sounded foreign to my ears, and I kept my eyes focused on him while scooting farther away. "What is your name?" He asked again. Seconds ticked by, and the man with the red hair sighed. "Maybe she's deaf. Or mute. Or both." The man, who I'm beginning to realize must be their leader, turned to the one who spoke. "The doctors already did a general medic exam on her. She's neither." "Then why the hell isn't she answering? This is a waste of time. Let's just send her down the lockers and get our info the traditional way." He looked at me with a smirk, and fear bloomed in my chest. I knew it. This was too good to be true. They were with The Shadow, and I'll be back in that place of darkness and pain. But their leader released a low growl, and something inside me stirred at the sound. His eyes flashed white, and the redhead stepped back with his hands raised. "Alright, alright! Jeez, have it your way." The other man, who had been silent this whole time, started walking towards me. I moved backward, then felt the corner of the wall hit my back. I was trapped with nowhere to go. I raised my arms to ward off the blow I was anticipating, but it didn't come. Instead, when I looked up again, the man was already retreating, and a pen and paper were placed on the edge of the bed. "Huh, that works, too," the redhead said. "Your name?" Their leader repeated. While keeping my eyes trained on them, I snatched the paper and pen and started writing. My hands were clumsy, but I managed to scribble the letters and numbers. I turned the paper and showed my answer to them. The redhead tilted his head in bewilderment while their leader only hummed noncommittally. "A pleasure to meet you... O-16." Their leader said, his mouth slowly uttering my name as if tasting it. "I wished we could have met under better circumstances, but we must make do with our situation. I am Alistair, the head of the Fiore Family. These are my brothers, Marku," he pointed at the quiet one, "And Ezio," he gestured to the noisy one. "We only have a few questions for you. May I approach?" My head was still swirling with everything he said, but I nodded, fearing that Alistair would get mad if I declined. With my reluctant consent, he walked towards me and stood near the end of the bed, close to the window. From the corner of my eye, I could see Ezio perching on the small table while Marku remained standing near the door. There was no way I could escape with all my exits blocked, not to mention that I was outnumbered, and they were much stronger in the first place. "How long have you stayed in the basement?" Alistair asked. It took me a moment to realize that he might be asking about the dark room where I stayed, perhaps for my whole life. I wrote that on the paper and showed it to him. Alistair frowned, and my heart beat in an erratic rhythm. "Where is your family?" 'I don't know.' I wrote once more. "If you can tell us their names and identities, we can reach out to them for you." 'I don't know them.' I wrote again. Alistair's frown deepened. "Maybe she has amnesia," Ezio piped in. He chuckled and then glanced at me. "She looks like someone who has amnesia to me." With a loaded look, Alistair turned to Ezio, and the other man made a zipping motion on his mouth. Alistair's frown remained as he looked back at me. "Have you interacted with anyone while you are in the basement?" I wrote 'The Shadow' on the paper. Just the thought of him sent shivers down my spine. It seemed the mention of him piqued Alistair's interest, and he leaned closer to have a better look at the paper. "Who is this 'Shadow?'" My pen hovered on the paper to answer, but my hands refused to write. Who was the Shadow? It seemed there was no short explanation for that. How could I describe a man shrouded in darkness who dealt nothing but pain in my life without aggravating my unhealed wounds and fears? I couldn't. I couldn't go back to that place, even if it was just through my memories. Tears rose in my eyes, and a few stray drops splashed on the paper. Alistair crouched so we would be eye-level, and I gathered my courage to look at his void eyes. I saw my pain reflected on his. "We can attempt to establish a resonance. Let your wolf speak if it's too hard for you, omega," Alistair suggested. It was my turn to look confused. I wiped my tears and wrote on the paper as steadily as I could. 'What wolf?'
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