Chapter 3: Alistair

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"We had three wounded, sir, but no casualties. The warehouse and its vicinity are currently being inspected. No relevant results so far." I hummed under my breath as Vincenzo, Team Scorpio's alpha, finished his report. The narrative document he presented was clutched in my hands. "Make sure to leave no stones unturned. I want all evidence gathered immediately." "Consider it done, sir." "Dismissed." With a soft thud, the door closed after Vincenzo left, and I took that moment to rub my sore eyes. After our meeting with the omega, I have been pouring over all the teams' reports since this afternoon. We decided to put her to sleep before transporting her from the warehouse to our compound. Our meeting didn't go as I had planned, and we temporarily left her in the care of Annetta, a trusted beta and maid in our pack. It was midnight now, and we had not yet gotten any promising discovery. Two months ago, a dead body of omega turned up in one of our casinos. It was followed by another body only a week later, and then we found the most recent one during the last three fortnights. The Fiore Family has been ruling the underworld of the City of Calix for a long time, and being roped into this bloody mess was a stain on our reputation. With the numbers of omegas dwindling as years passed, mates were treated as treasured pack members more than ever before. To have three deaths within our territory was a direct challenge. That led to a series of rigorous investigations, bringing us to a nondescript warehouse just a few miles outside the city borders. The raid was supposed to end this madness and catch the killer responsible for those omega deaths. Our informant was confident that the culprit was there, but instead, we found someone else. Our mate. Wounded and afraid, alone in a dark room. My wolf prowled inside me, and I had to stand up from my table to approach the liquor cabinet I kept stocked in my office. I contemplated getting a cup but decided to drink straight from the bottle. The liquid immediately warmed my body and dulled the simmering anger of my wolf. Today was supposed to be a time of celebration. I had expected the case to be finally solved, and the killer apprehended. It was a huge added blessing to find our mate along with it, despite the circumstances. And yet the culprit had somehow escaped, and we were left with a broken omega. The door opened suddenly, and I turned around to see Ezio sauntering inside the room. Until now, the little s**t still had not learned to knock. "What is it?" I asked in a clipped tone. Ezio made a show of grimacing, but I didn't miss the smirk on his lips. "Someone's in a bad mood. I wonder who it is. Anyway, Annetta is getting our damsel settled. Have you thought of our next move? I still think it's better if we send her down the lockers." My wolf bristled at his suggestion. Violence for interrogation was reserved for hardened people unafraid to keep information. The omega was frightened enough to pass out. It wouldn't do any of us good to roughen her up further. Besides, she was our bloody mate. I wouldn't let anyone lay a single finger on her. I could not even fathom why Ezio would suggest that. "It is not an option, and I won't be swayed in this matter," I replied decisively. Ezio shrugged and sank on one of the sofas before my desk. He propped his feet with his ankles crossed atop the center table, making himself comfortable. "Aye, boss. Your word is law blah blah blah." I was about to smack the little gremlin on the head when the door opened again. Marku entered and succinctly sat down across Ezio. "She is afraid," Marku simply said. It was clear he was talking about the omega. I didn't even bother asking how he knew what Ezio and I were talking about. I am aware his wolf had an impressive hearing. "No s**t, Sherlock," Ezio said back with an eye roll. Thankfully, Marku just kept his eyes on him. Sometimes, I wished I had as much patience as my brother. "I believe we all agree that O-16 is an anomaly," I said as I faced them. "Yeah, let me count what's weird with her," Ezio said, then started counting off with his fingers. "One, she can't remember anything. Two, she's spooked by everything. And three, she doesn't even have a wolf!" In a whisper, he added, "Her name's creepy, too." Marku shook his head. "She has a wolf." "Of course, she has. The bond is clear, and my wolf can certainly identify her as our fated mate," I replied. The instant connection I felt when I saw her was still clear in my mind. "Maaaybe," Ezio said, then he raised both his arms in exclamation. "But it's clearly one-sided! Her wolf didn't even show any signs of existing besides the bond and her scent." I sighed and placed the bottle back on the table. If the liquor coursed through my system anymore, my wolf might actually maul the bastard. "Finding our pack's mate is a miracle in itself. She may be troubled, afraid, and confused, but she is ours. It is our duty as her alphas to protect and care for her," I insisted. Ezio's eyes turned a darker shade of green, his wolf rising to my admonishment. "You want to saddle yourself with a liability? Fine. But she won't be the 'pack's' omega. I won't have her." The table splintered with the force of my grip as I tried to reign in my anger. Sensing the impending brawl, Marku stood between us. "Enough," Marku said, his voice hard. Ezio and I stared at each other. With each passing second, my wolf bristled and itched to put the man in his proper place. Eventually, Ezio bowed and yielded, and his eyes returned to their normal color. I took a moment to compose myself before continuing. "I have a mission for both of you." Ezio grumbled, but whatever comment he might have, he kept to himself. Meanwhile, Marku sat back and remained silent, ever the man of few words. "I want you to spend time with O-16. Make her comfortable enough until we get the information we need from her. Do everything you must until we know everything about her and how she ended up in that warehouse." The room's atmosphere suddenly had a 180-degree turn. I didn't know which was worse. The frown on Marku's face or the even wider grin on Ezio's. "Won't Annetta be enough?" Marku asked at the same time that Ezio said, "We can do anything? Anything at all?" "I want to keep this under wraps, and there is no one I trust more than the two of you. It may also be helpful to work with the bond between her and us, although it is not yet fully established," I answered Marku. Then, to Ezio, I narrowed my eyes and let a bit of my wolf slip to the surface again. "Treat this as your chance to redeem yourself and get to know our mate. You have my blessing to do anything as long as it is reasonable and within the bounds of your mission. If I caught you doing something nefarious -" "You won't catch me! I mean, erm, I won't do anything bad!" Ezio exclaimed as he gave me a mock salute. I dismissed both of them afterward. A fated mate was a priceless gift from the Moon Goddess, no matter in what wrapping it might have arrived. We would get to the bottom of this, and the Fiore family would ensure that all who challenged us and hurt our mate would be punished.
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