Chapter 6: Violet

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Someone was screaming. My head felt fuzzy, and although the scent on the sheets was lulling me to sleep, I couldn't ignore the urgent pull in my chest. All my senses were asking me to get up and fast. I forced my eyes open and then immediately clamped a hand on my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Ezio was standing with his back before me. In front of him, a huge, terrifying wolf was lowered to its front legs, ready to attack. The wolf had brown fur with a golden sheen that reflected sunlight. Its eyes were deep blue pools. It looked both majestic and terrifying, especially with its teeth bared and a low growling sound coming from its mouth. "Marku, this isn't what it looks like," Ezio exclaimed, his open palm outstretched to fend off the wolf. My fear was temporarily forgotten when I heard him. I hastily searched for my notepad and pulled Ezio's sleeves to get his attention. 'The wolf is Marku?' Even as I wrote the question, it was hard to believe it. Ezio glanced at the paper and nodded. "Yep, that's what we were talking about when we asked about your wolf." 'But how?' Ezio grumbled and snapped at me. "I don't have the time to explain the science of wolf shifters to you right now, omega." Suddenly, the wolf - Marku - leaped and landed on Ezio. The two of them collided and fell on the floor. Marku's wolf appeared on top and sat on Ezio's chest while its blue eyes focused on me. "Dammit, Marku! Get the hell off me!" Ezio screamed and swatted Marku's hind legs, but the wolf was too heavy to be moved. Its blue eyes were still fixed on me, and a feeling of calmness washed over my body. No longer afraid, I tentatively reached out my hand to touch the wolf's nuzzle. Marku's wolf stretched its head until his snout touched my fingers, and I marveled at how soft his fur was. I wondered how much softer the fur on his body would feel. "A-f*****g-mazing. Bravo. Can you get out now and continue your touchy-feely whatever somewhere?" Ezio asked with his signature roll of eyes. The wolf huffed but obliged. Not without drooling all over Ezio's clothes, though. Marku's wolf gestured for me to follow, and I had to clamber down from the bed quickly to catch up. Once we were out in the hallway, Ezio closed the door with a bang and locked it. My vision was still swaying slightly, and my hands sought out the wolf's body for support. Thankfully, Marku didn't mind, and we began strolling towards another part of the mansion. I couldn't explain why I was calmer than I should have been given the circumstances, how I could easily interpret the wolf's motives through its gestures alone, or why I felt completely safe with it while still half-afraid when in the presence of Marku as a human. I put a pin in this dilemma for the moment and focused on the present. I had been staying here for a week, but I had yet to memorize its maze-like hallways. Each door and room were extremely extravagant, but they also all looked the same. We arrived in another chamber. The door was unlocked, and I opened it so we could both get inside. The wolf closed the door with its legs, leaving me standing in the middle to enter another door across the room. There was a huge four-poster bed placed opposite where I was standing. Other than the two bedside tables beside it, no other furniture was in sight. There were another couple of doors, though, and I wasn't sure where they led. But what caught my attention were the various pictures in frames decorating the walls. I recognized his brothers, Alistair and Ezio, who most of the photographs were about. Besides them, there was a single picture with an elderly man and woman standing side by side. I was still looking at the pictures when the door where the wolf had gone through opened. However, it was now Marku in his human form instead of the familiar brown-furred canine. A towel wrapped around his waist gave me a full view of his torso. Tattoos decorated his body, from his arms to his upper chest. He was heavily muscled, and I could clearly see the deep V-line going down his waist to his... I quickly looked away when I realized what I was doing. My cheeks and body felt oddly hot. Marku didn't seem to notice my staring, and he casually went to another door. He returned quickly after, now dressed in his usual leather jacket and jeans. "Did Ezio hurt you?" Marku asked. I shook my head in answer. "What did he do?" I thought over my answer while I retrieved my notepad. Ezio didn't exactly hurt me. He didn't force me into doing anything, either. Or did he? My thoughts were still a bit blurry, and the only thing I could recall was the flask we both drank from and bits of our conversation. 'We drank from a flask together while talking.' I wrote in the end. Marku sighed. "He shouldn't have taken advantage of you." I didn't understand why Marku thought of that. I was hesitant at first when Ezio offered the drink to me, but when I was still with The Shadow, a drink was something he only gave as a reward. There were days when I couldn't even have a single sip to quench my thirst. And so I eventually accepted Ezio's offer. Something else happened in the garden, but it was blurred from my memories. "You should rest here for a while," Marku said, looking at his watch. "I'll come back here by lunch, then we can eat together." I was about to answer when I saw him approaching me and reaching out to touch my wrist. I panicked when I saw what he was about to do and took a huge step back. I was still feeling a bit dizzy, and I ended up tripping over my own feet. Marku was quick to catch me before I fell, and deep down, I knew that he was only trying to help. But my memories with The Shadow continued to haunt me. His image overlapped with Marku's, and by pure self-preservation, I locked myself in and curled in a ball. All I could hear was his laughter and the sounds of metal hitting flesh - of bones cracking and the silent whimpers that I tried so hard to stop. Marku's voice sounded so far away, and I was still trapped in a cage of echoes. I didn't know how to pull myself out of it. I thought I would stay wrapped forever in darkness when I heard something else amidst the chaotic sounds in my head. Can you hear me? All of a sudden, Marku's voice reverberated inside my head. It sounded so clear and loud that it drowned out all other remnants of my dark memories. Marku? I thought, not fully believing what was happening. You will soon say my name on your lips, Little One. Marku responded as if we were simply talking face-to-face. Count with me. I focused on Marku's words and started counting like I used to. I regulated my breathing in time with its rhythm. It wasn't long until I could finally open my eyes again. My face felt puffed and swollen, and wet tear streaks were plastered on my face. I had been through so much worse, though, and I was thankful enough to break from my panic, all thanks to Marku. Back in the dark room, I would usually just hyperventilate until I passed out. Marku was kneeling before me, but he was now a few paces away. I sat up and moved back from him out of reflex, but my heart was beating much slower now, and I was no longer trembling. I'm sorry. I thought to Marku. However, whatever connection we might have earlier, it seemed to have been broken. Marku stood up. I saw him flexing his fingers as if he wanted to reach out his hand again and help me, but he kept them to his sides. He kept staring at me, his face devoid of emotions. Marku took a deep breath, then repeated, "Rest here. I'll see you at lunch." He promptly left afterward. As the cold floor slowly chilled my body, I couldn't stop the painful squeeze in my chest. Somehow, I felt like I had disappointed him.
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