A day out of the city

963 Words

I made my way to Daniel's office, and I thought I would find him angry and waiting for me at the gate, but I didn't. I guess what he called me for wasn't that urgent. I never got inside his office. We usually talk outside most of the time. Danny boy, here I come. I don't understand why Charlie loves calling him Danny Boy. He's more like grumpy Danny. I knocked twice on his door, and a few seconds later, I heard him say come in. " How are you?". Daniel asked, looking me up and down; suddenly, I felt a little shy and surprised when he started worrying about my healthy lifestyle. " I'm good". I answered, raising one eyebrow, not sure what else to say. . "I have some news to share with you. A buyer is interested in purchasing one of the properties located in San City. However, the prop

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