Chapter - 16 Pregnant

901 Words
We keep on talking for hours and hours, he keeps on telling me about all the parts of the world he has been too and I listen intently. I enjoy it. He talks about the places so vividly that it makes me feel as if I was with him. Finally, after four hours of talking, his eyes start to close and he starts drooping, “Hiram, if you are feeling sleepy, you can go back to your room and sleep.” He shakes his head, “No, no who is feeling sleepy. I am not feeling sleepy” This stubborn dickhead is never going to admit that he is feeling sleepy. “Why won’t you admit that you are feeling sleepy?” He looks at me, “I think Luna that you are the one who is feeling sleepy and you are trying to put it on me” I smack his arm, “I am not, you are the one feeling drowsy and drooping constantly.” “I am not. Well, okay let’s take this challenge, if I fall asleep first you hit me and send me back to my room, but if you sleep first, you will sleep here with me.” I look at him skeptically, “Fine, I accept it, but don’t try anything funny or I will kick your ass. Do you hear me?” He mock salutes me and says, “Loud and clear ma’am.” We talk for hours, about random stuff and the next thing I know is I am sleeping on my bed, with blanket on top of me. I get up and sit upright on my bed, there is no sign of Hiram, which means he went to his own room, but I don’t remember him falling asleep. Was it all just a dream? No, I clearly remember it was not a dream. He was here in my room, he definitely was. I jump out of my bed and rush to the kitchen and I see the pans sizzling and he standing near the stove, stirring the vegetables in the pan, whistling and the most important part shirtless. I go near him and he turns around, “Hey Luna good morning”, “Good morning”, he comes closer and kisses my forehead. “Can I get you anything, coffee? tea?” I am shocked and happy; the warmth of his lips feels so good. I touch lightly where he kissed me as he walks to the fridge to get some milk. I stare at his naked back, beautifully sculpted, each muscle carved to perfection. Suddenly my police part of the brain gets to work and I it gets me to think, “Hiram?” “Yeah?” “Can I ask you something?” “Yes, anything?” “How come you have a body so sculpted; I mean it doesn’t look like a chef’s body” He smirks as he turns towards me, “Luna Taylor are you admitting out loud, that you are checking out my body?” Irrespective of my nature, I blush hard. My cheeks start to burn, “No..No I was not checking you out, I just….I was curious” He comes closer to me, “Well before becoming a chef, I was training to be an athlete, so I like to keep myself fit. I hope that answers your questions” I nod unable to form words and he steps much closer, invading my personal space, he leans in and I close my eyes, my lips start throbbing. But then I feel soft lips touching my cheeks. I slowly open my eyes and see him setting down plates on the dinner table. Just being in his presence, makes everything so magical. He pulls out a chair for me and I settle down. He puts infront of me pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries. “Dig in Luna, I will just give your mom some breakfast and comeback.” I nod as he leaves to give my mom breakfast. The pancake is soft and fluffy, the strawberries are not even sour and whipped cream is so sweet. He just knows the prefect blend of flavors. He walks back inside the kitchen, “Why did mum not join us?”, I enquire when he enters the room. “She said she wants to rest more, but don’t worry she is fine. I have taken out her medicines out as well and when I will go back to collect her dishes, I will make sure she takes all her pills.” I smile and he smiles back. My stomach starts to beat like my heart, is it what people call butterflies in stomach. He start to make his own plate and then he sits beside me and we eat in peace, but suddenly, I don’t know why my mind starts to fill with a thought, The girl, the tall brunette. What was she doing and why? When I can’t contain my curiosity, I ask him, “Yesterday I saw you at a deserted alley with a tall brunette. Who was she?  Will you tell me” His spoon stops midair as he turns face me slowly. He sighs and rubs his face and after a moment he speaks, “She is carrying my baby” And my whole world slowly starts to fall apart.
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