Chapter-15 Will you tell me?

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I am standing in an alley just behind him as he hands over the cash to the girl. Why is he giving her cash, who is she? Right now, I should be thinking about if I should follow the girl and see what illegal work they are in, or maybe follow both of them, I should be happy because something is wrong about all this, that is why he is giving her a wad of cash that too in a deserted alley. But all I can think about is pulling out all the hairs on that f*****g girls head and then balling her up like a paper and throwing her in the f*****g dustbin. Then again, I can’t. They talk for a while and then he leaves and I start to follow her, she walks past a lot more deserted and lonely lanes, she even stopped to smoke once. He high-fived with numerous boys who were out on the alleys, some smoking, some planning to hookup and some even doing drugs. I could arrest them but for now my priority was the girl. After passing a lot of lanes, she finally went inside the motel, a very cheap motel. I note down the name and walk back to the house all the while thinking, What work could she have from him, why cash, and why now, she could have taken it inside the restaurant or anywhere else at any time, but she chose now, why? I keep on pondering over the reason, tried to fit it with every possible illegal activity that could be associated. I reach home, but still the reason remained unclear. I was specifically thinking the reason for giving money late night, because I didn’t want to think about how she was talking to him, and the fact that he went personally to give her money , so late at night because it’s irking the hell out of me. I quietly sneak inside my house, close the door and tiptoe to my room. I hear some rustling from above, so I know that Hiram is home. I lie down on the bed, and start doing something, no one ever wants to do. I start comparing myself with that tall brunette. I am not tall; she is super tall. I am a brunette too so that is there. She is like super sexy and I am..well I am me, stupid, paranoid, full of cuts, bruises and scars. She clearly has an upper hand on me. She barely had any breast, I beat her there, hah. Everybody knows men like breast, but then they also like skinny, tall brunettes. Fuck that girl, stupid sexy girl, ugh. Suddenly I hear a knock and surprisingly it’s not on the main door but on my bedroom door. It could only be Hiram because my mom knows nothing called personal boundaries, she never knocks. I get off my bed and open the door and unlike what I expected there was no one there. I go out and inspect but still no one. Did I really hear it wrong? When I enter my room again, I jump in fear and clutch my heart. “What the hell are you doing in my room Hiram”, I whisper yell. “I am trying to sleep, can’t you see?”, he mocks my whispering. I shut the door and start talking in my normal octave, “Seriously Hiram, what are you doing here” He sits up straight, “Okay, so, well I couldn’t sleep and since you insisted that I come and stay here in your house because you need me, I thought maybe you could help me sleep” I look at him, like he has lost his mind, “Are you crazy, if you can’t sleep what should I do sing a lullaby?” He looks at me with side eyes as if I am the one who is talking nonsense, “No, I can’t sleep, so you can keep me company by talking to me. And when I feel sleep, I will sleep.” “Wow what an amazing idea Hiram, yeah you are absolutely welcome to sleep in my room anytime” He gives me a smirk and says, “That is nice to hear baby” “That was a sarcastic comment. Get the hell out of my room”, I yell. He puts his finger on his lips and his eyes widen and suddenly I realise my mom is sleeping. “Get out”, I whisper yell. “No, I won’t. Atmost I can do is if I feel sleepy, I will go back to my room” I roll my eyes, but there is nothing I can do. I sit on the opposite side of the bed and we start to talk. Two hours pass by and we keep on talking, the more comfortable I start becoming with him, the more my feeling about him being a criminal gets cemented. Even as I was talking to him, all I kept thinking about was, should I ask him about the girl? Would he freak out if he knew I followed him? Maybe he would get more alert and I won’t be able to prove that he is a criminal. I talk with him, with a smile on my face and I am enjoying the easy conversation flowing between us, but, all I can think about is, if I ask you who she was will you tell me?
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