Chapter - 41 Wink

842 Words
The plan is full proof and amazing, but every plan needs preparations for a flawless execution. This is the time for preparations. Everyday, I am doing all kinds of stretching exercises, yoga, trying to fit in a small box, which is very hard. It has been seven days and I am still not very good at fitting into the box, I suck at it. I sit on the dock, upset with my current progress, when I feel a tap on my shoulders, “Oh, Adam, what is it?” He sits beside me, “Are you okay?” “Do I look like I am okay?”, He looks at me for a minute, puckering his eyebrows and pretending to think. “No, you don’t”, I smack his arm. “Stop teasing me this is serious.” He sighs, “I know Luna, I know how important it is for you, but try to understand, these things are something you hone with practice. They don’t come in a day, so you have to be patient and keep trying, okay?” I nod, “Yes. Yes I know you are right, I will work harder.” “Good and if nothing works out you have me, I will be your lover.” I laugh and punch his arm, “Stop teasing” He smiles, “It made you laugh.” My laughter stops, but I keep chuckling. “You know Adam when I first met you, I didn’t think you will be the one to joke around.” He looks at me intrigued, “So, what kind of a person you thought I was?” I copy him, pretending to think, “well, the type of person, who is annoying and likes to grate other people’s nerves.” He huffs in fake annoyance, “whatever.” I start to look back at the dock, still smiling. I feel better, who knew I would find friends in a stack of criminals. “Well, Sarah. I actually came here because you will have to go meet Hiram, he is in the prison and I want you to tell him, what to do while he is inside.” “wait what? What does he have to do?” Adam explains all the things that Hiram is supposed to do. He also tells me that Hiram has been declared guilty by the court and is in the prison for life-imprisonment. Rick drops me off outside the prison and I walk inside, to meet the love of my life Hiram, in the prison. Today is the day, when the prisoners are allowed to meet their family and I walk in. The police officer starts to check me, she pats me down all the way and then sends me in. But she doesn’t unfortunately is able to find out the swiss knife, I am carrying in my mouth. I tell the warden that I am here to meet, Hiram. I think it’s the first time, Hiram had any relatives. As soon as he steps out. I hug him, so tightly and kiss him and I know, after so long the kiss should be real and all, but I have no option. I transfer the knife from my mouth to his mouth. He makes some weird face but takes it. “The touching kissing time is over, it’s only a minute, sit down and maintain a distance of one meter at all cost.”, The warden yells from behind. I nod. Hiram cannot say anything because the knife is in his mouth. We sit on the opposite sides of the table. I don’t need to tell Hiram anything all the plan and details is written on a piece of paper inside the knife. “Hiram, I know you are mad at me, but I love you and I had to rescue you, you know our love is like a paper”, I say paper with a different accent and he nods, to signal me that he noticed. “it’s like paper Hiram, it may look soft, but on the inside it’s like a sharp edge of knife.” He nods in understanding. “Anyway Hiram what I mean is I love you and I haven’t prepared what to say, but I will never stop loving you and that I will come visit you forever.” I start coughing and when warden’s attention shifts to me, Hiram pulls out the knife from his mouth and puts the knife in the back of his shoe. I stop coughing and Hiram gets up. “I told you, not to come here and move on, but you never listen to me. I will not meet you ever again.” He walks inside. The warden looks at me with pity as he instructs warden to never bring him out when I come. I go outside with a gloomy face but as soon as I step outside the prison, I smile. I smile because, only I saw the wink, Hiram’s wink.
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