Chapter - 42 The Escape

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Seven days have went by and I am trained, I am ready. I am ready to rescue my love. I am ready to rescue Hiram. I walk upto the warehouse, where Adam, Alex and Rick are already waiting up for me. “Okay everyone ready?”, Adam yells. “Yes” We all yell back. “Okay listen everyone, we have a full proof plan, but remember this, we have to not draw attention to anyone? Clear?” “Yes” “Sarah, you stay. Rick and Alex, go and start preparing.” I stay in the warehouse, and Alex and Rick leave the room to prepare. They know me hardly but still are willing to take so much risk for me especially Alex. I mean he doesn’t even know me and still he is making the biggest sacrifice. “Sarah”, Adam calls. I turn to look at him. “Yes” “See, I am your friend and I really want to help you and everything, but I can’t afford for people to know that I was or anyone of this group was involved in jail break. You understand right?” “Yes Adam. I get it.” He sighs, “No Sarah, you don’t get it. What I mean is that if anything goes wrong, we are aborting the mission. I am not risking our secrecy for your boyfriend do you get me?” His words take me aback. He is will kill, if anything goes wrong, he will kill me and exit. “Wow. So let me get this straight, you mean if anything goes wrong, you trust Rick and Alex to not spill, but not me so you will kill me.” He sighs, “In ideal case yeah, that would be the solution yes. But this is no ideal case, I l…think of you as a friend, so no I will take you and run. You will have to give up on finding Hiram, forever.” I sigh, “Fine Adam. I will take that chance.” I walk out of the warehouse where Rick and Alex wait for me, to execute the plan. We walk up to the shore where; I see that Rick and Alex have already unloaded a huge carton of beans that was shipped already. Both Alex and I get inside the box. “Remember, once inside, the box cannot be your way out.” I tap on the carton once, indicating yes got it. Adam helps Rick load, our carton inside the truck along with all the other vegetables and fishes. Adam drives the truck; the carton starts shaking as I sit inside recalling what Adam said, “We have a member of our group inside the prison, we have sent him the message he would help you in. Alex you will go with our member and Sarah you will go as planned.” After a lot of shaking and lots of bean getting inside my mouth, the truck finally stops shaking. Thank god for those yoga, it is really hard to breathe in here. The box start getting unloaded. After a while I could feel someone rip open the box lead and ruffle through a few layers of bean. We both hold out breathe as we wait finally something starts moving and I know that we are finally inside. After waiting inside the bean for few minutes there is tap on the carton, which was out secret code. We both get out. There is a big brawny lady, there waiting. Alex kisses her. My face couldn’t be saying more clearly, Oh my god. Alex turns to me, “Meet my girlfriend, Martha.” I nod and smile, she just gives me a f**k you finger. Alex chuckles nervously and whispers, “She gets a bit jealous you know, but she is sweet.” I smile, but before I could say anything, she drags him out of what would be the storage room. I go to the back wall of the storage room, shift the shelves that contain food items. I use my knife and trace it along the tile on the wall and scrape out the glue. The tile falls off and my yoga training begins. I get inside that very small duct, when I hear footsteps, s**t I am f****d. I wait there very quietly, my swiss knife in my hand, hoping the person would pass by, but the door to the storage room opens and I sit there very quiet without breathing. The footsteps inching closer and closer, but it turned out it was Martha. I take a deep breathe. “Thank god it was you I was so sca…” Before I could finish, she pushes me inside and starts to glue back the tile. She is rude, but now since she glued the tile. I couldn’t face in the direction I had to go so I had to crawl backward, which makes me wanna cry and curse Martha at the same time. Sweet my ass, she is the rudest person I have ever met. As I crawl my way backward, I think about Alex’s part. He is such a nice guy. I suddenly remember my talk with Adam. “Alex would be in prison, dressed up like Hiram?” “yes, Sarah. We have no option. We will need someone there till you guys reach us. They cannot know.” “But Alex, might stay stuck there.” Adam sighs, “yeah, majority chances state that he might be stuck there for a long time, but he said he is willing to take that risk.” Something hits my leg and I revert back to present. I guess now I know why he was willing to take that risk. Girlfriend in the prison, kind of my situation, but Hiram is a lot sweeter than that b***h. I finally reach the duct and get inside one of the male toilet’s stalls. I get down and Hiram is already there standing. I kiss him, hard. It has only been seven days since I last saw him, but it seems like forever. Hiram breaks the kiss, “Maybe we could get out and kiss somewhere which doesn’t smell like piss.” I chuckle, “yes okay.” Hiram removes the tiles from the floor and there is an underground passage that leads to the sewer system. The best part the only opening of this sewer system is at an island near our place, which is filled with refugees and people who do illegal stuff. We get down, put the tile back in place. I pull out the map from my pocket. “Hiram, there was soil under the tile right, when you dug up the way to underground tunnel. Where did you keep the soil?” He chuckles, “I flushed it in the toilet.” We walk inside the sewer system, chatting. He keeps telling me all the interesting stories of how he survived in prison, all the interesting things. I enjoy talking to him, but I also feel a bit guilty because Alex would be stuck there, for Hiram and worse of all with that b***h. Finally, the tunnel ends and we get out. Now comes that hard part. Swimming back from that island. We swim halfway through and finally see Adam and Rick on the boat. I emerge from underwater and Adam pulls me up on the boat. He extends his arm for Hiram, but when he sees him, he pauses. I tap on Adam’s shoulder and whisper, “What happened Adam.” He shakes his head, “Nothing. Just…he is good looking.” I laugh as Hiram is pulled inside the boat. We reach the shore and I give Hiram the key to the house to go freshen up. Rick goes with him to guide him to the house. Hiram is reluctant on leaving me alone with Adam. I can see it, it’s James all over again. I sit on the dock, feeling guilty. I took someone else’s freedom, to get Hiram free. Adam sits beside me, “You know Sarah..” I look at him, “I know what you are worried and all bothered about. I mean your boyfriend is back, but instead of spending time with him you will wallow in your sorrows here.” I look at him with side eye, “Adam, Alex is in the prison, because I wanted Hiram to walk free.” He sighs, “You know what Sarah, you know what. I wanted to surprise you, but f**k it. See Alex is right there.” I huff and look up and my eyes pop out of my head, “Alex you are okay.” Alex looks at me with confusion and then at Adam. “yes, I was supposed come back from the tunnel after lunch using an excuse of washroom.” Alex walks away and I punch Adam, “You lied; you are mean. I felt so guilt all this time” He laughs and I hug him. “Thank you, Adam. Thank you for helping me. You really are..the best.” He pats my head, “Anything for you..da…Sarah. Anything for you.” I move away from him and jump, “Yay it’s party time. We have gotta celebrate.” Adam laughs his throaty laugh as he follows me.  
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