Chapter- 10 Why so sweet?

1150 Words
The time ticks by and no new information about my mom comes out, I am sitting on the chair of the hospital lobby, jingling my legs, waiting for the doctor to say something, anything. Hiram sits beside me, he reaches to place his hand on my knee, but stops abruptly. He hesitates for a second and then says, “It will be fine, relax” I want to yell, how do you know, huh? I lost my father and I may lose my mom. But given the way I behaved with him in the kitchen, I nod and opt for silence. I turn my head away and wipe of a tear. Suddenly my phone rings, I walk out of hospital to pick it up. I accept the call, “Hello” “Hello Luna, there is an emergency in the station, come over” “Thames, I cannot come over. I…”, he didn’t even let me finish before I hear sergeant yelling at me. “Luna come here right now. When took the oath to become a police officer, you signed up for it. COME.RIGHT.THE.HELL.NOW” “Yes, sergeant”, I say and hang up the phone. I can’t just leave my mom here alone, but I also have to do justice to my duty. I walk back inside the hospital. Hiram walks up to me, “What is the matter, Luna?” “Nothing, I am supposed to go to the station right now.” “At this hour?”, he says in surprise, his eyebrows almost reaching his forehead. “Yeah”, I say with a sigh. “Okay, then you should go and I will take care of her for you. I will call you if there is any update.” I don’t know if I should trust him with my mom, but it’s not like I have any other option. “Okay, I will be right back” I walk out of the hospital and hail a cab. Maybe if I tell sergeant about my mom’s condition, he will let me off. When I reach the station, I see everybody gearing up, loading their guns. I walk into sergeant’s office; he spots me and tells me to come in. “Oh, thank god Luna you are here. We are going on a drug bust and I want you to lead the squad A.” A thrill rushes through me, it’s a drug bust and I am leading it, but then I remember my mom, laying on the bed, sick and alone. “Sergeant I would love to go on this bust, but my mom is in kind of a critical situation. I am afraid, I can’t leave her alone.” He thinks for a while and then around his desk to me, “Luna dear, I sympathize with your mom’s condition but that’s all I can do. I am afraid, we need you. It won’t take much time, I promise. Your father would have never abandoned his duty for anything, and you know it.” It is so unfortunate to say this, but yeah, he would, he would do this duty no matter what. I promised you dad I will be a good officer; I will prove it to you I start to wear my gear and load my gun. I get inside one of the cars and we zoom towards the drug bust. The thought of my mom, starts to invade my head. I have no option god, so please, let Hiram be a good man and keep my mom safe please. After half an hour we reach the site. We ditch our car far away from the site and start blocking all the exits. It looks like a warehouse. I remember the words that sergeant said before we went on our mission. “Two business mafia will be making a drug pact as to which type of drug will be supplied and in which area. They will bring a huge order of cocaine and heroine to ship it illegally to neighboring countries. We need to stop them before the truck leaves the warehouse.” When sergeant signals us to move in; we take our positions as we start infiltrating the place, slowly and quietly, but only one words keeps ringing in my brain, “warehouse”. Suddenly, it clicks and I turn around and ask quietly, “What area is this?” “South road, why does it matter?” Oh f**k. I look to my right and through a small window I see a house just beside the warehouse. House number – 5. “That fucker”, I whisper. “Luna, focus on the mission”, Thames whispers. I lead the squad inside, but this time it’s confirmed. He knows something all this cannot be a f*****g coincidence. This is the second time. Oh god, I left my mom with him, alone. No, I won’t panic, if he would have been here to harm my mother or me. He could have done that easily. He has some other agenda. I need to find it out and for that I need to be alert and get closer to him. The drug bust is executed successfully and I rush back to the hospital. I start running in the hospital lobby, when I spot my mom’s doctor, “Hey, doc how is my mom.” “Well, she is stable now, but we need to start treatment on a larger scale now, since the meds we gave her, are not making as much progress as we initially expected.” Hope in me starts to crash, like sea waves on beach. “So, now?” The doctor sighs, “Well now you can take her home tomorrow and after five days, come to the hospital and I will tell you what we need to do.” I nod and when I start to walk away, she stops me. “Luna, I must tell you that today she fainted because she was either stressed or thinking hard about something. Stress is not good for her brain, makes sure, she takes no stress.” Was she stressed about, what happened between me and Hiram? I can’t let that happen again. I have to behave nicely with Hiram, for my mother’s sake and also to find more information on him. I walk upto ICU and see my mom sitting and Hiram is feeding her, which looks like a very delicious food. She is smiling, she looks genuinely happy. I look at my mom and then Hiram. I really wish Hiram, that you turn out as good as I see you now, I really wish my intuitions are wrong, but I know that something is fishy about you. But there is one thing I don’t get Why so sweet Hiram? Why so sweet?
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