Chapter-5 The inspection

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I sit across Hiram, as I flip through the documents, everything looks fine now, but there are crimes that cannot be found from these papers. I must be careful. He smiles all the while I check his papers, I am annoyed beyond words because that smile just makes my heart flutter which is just…..this shouldn’t be happening. I look up at him, “The documents are fine, you can stay”. That was all I said, and his smile vanished, his demeanor back to the strict rude one. He nods, gets up, collects his papers, and start marching towards his room. Now this annoying, he was smiling while I was checking his papers and now, he just, “Wait. What are you shipping today?”, he turns around with cold look in his eyes. “I know you are the police and everything but, I  would respect if you don’t so brazenly admit that you were eavesdropping my conversation” “Hey, I was not eavesdropping, I heard it by accident. Now tell me what was it? Or are you not telling me because it’s illegal stuff”, I yell. He gives me an annoyed look, “Has anybody ever suggested you go to a psychiatrist because if not… you should, you have some screws lose. I won’t tell you what I am having shipped. Do. Whatever. the. f**k. You. Want.”, he says. He turns around and leaves, and I want nothing more than to give him a witty retort, but I freeze, because unknowingly he has struck a chord. I mind starts to get fuzzy and I just stomp to my room, shut the door, and lie down on my bed. I start to remember the first time somebody told me to go to a psychiatrist. It was when I witnessed murder for the first time, it was after school and I was crying in the washroom alone, because my boyfriend Alex had broken up with me and was going to the prom with Julie.  I heard a loud thud outside, I became quiet, and I heard footsteps approach near the toilet, the footsteps stopped and then the person started to go back. I quickly rushed outside and see Miss Gina lying on the ground, last thing I saw was a man turning around the corner.  I check her pulse and realized she was already dead and I called my dad, police started asking me question about what I was doing in the bathroom after school hours and if I saw anyone and I answered truth about the man I saw. The questions ended and it was concluded that she died from drug overdose, that it was concluded someone tampered with her medicine or food.  I distinctly remember still that I had my favorite class, Chemistry and I heard Sir Lucas’s footsteps as he entered the room and even though he was a very gentle, kind and my most favorite teacher, I knew, I just knew it was him who killed Miss Gina, nobody believed me when I said that I recognized the footstep, it was difficult for them to believe that I can recognize people from their footsteps.  My ex-boyfriend Alex who was the son of Mr. Lucas heard what I said to the police and spread the rumors in the whole school that I was crazy and well after hearing those rumors again and again, I had to go to the psychiatrist and which made me a legit mad person, but nobody believed me, except my dad.  Then few days later, my friends declared me a murder and I started getting angrier and fought with a friend and I was deemed a psychopath and a murder by my teachers as well. Mr. Lucas started hating my guts, he was the teacher I was most comfortable with I talked to him, he loved me like his own kid, but I knew he killed Miss Gina, and I also knew what my father taught me, “A person being good to someone doesn’t justify their doing bad to others” It was for almost a year that I went to psychiatrist, I was suspended from the school, police started suspecting me too, but finally my dad saved me, he did, Mr. Lucas was proved guilty. But I never went to that school again and we moved to a different city. It is since then that I know, I bond well with criminals. I get up from my bed, and head out of my room to face him determined to find out what is being shipped. When I hear him saying, “My friend is planning on opening a restaurant here and has requested me to be the head chef, my friends are shipping some exotic and rare fruits and vegetables today.” “The eastern port?”, my mom asks “No ma’am, southern port, port -6” “Oh, that’s exciting, I love cooking will you teach me some dishes?”, that is my mom…ah why is she being so friendly with him. God. “Sure, why not ma’am, I would love too”, he replies in sugary sweet voice. I hate this, but I got the information I needed, I will go and check the stuff discretely. I walk back to my room to change into my work clothes when I get a message from my sergeant. Illegal weapons are getting smuggled with exotic fruits and vegetables. It. Is. Him. This. Hiram. Just the thought of him makes my blood boil, so he is an arms smuggler, huh. I am going to catch him red handed, 1000%  Sure, but a tiny, no very tiny voice inside of me wants me to be wrong, which is a first.      
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