Chapter - 6 It's a trap

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I grab my badge and gun, as I hang up the phone after they brief me on the arms smuggling case. I go into the kitchen. I look at Hiram, he ignores me. Ignore me all you want; you will be behind the bars after I bust your arms. I ignore him too and look at my mom. “Mom, I will be going to police station now”. She looks at me worried, “So early, why Luna?”. I can’t tell her obviously; I don’t want to alert that damn cunning Hiram or make my mom worry. “Oh, mom, it’s nothing, actually it’s one of my colleagues’ birthdays and we are going in early to decorate before he comes.” She smiles and says, “Oh, okay” I start to leave and just as I reach the front door, I hear Hiram say, “Trying to bust the arms I see” I turn around so fast that I have a whiplash. “How the f**k do you know?” He looks bored and then gives me a duh look and says, “Well, you are so self-absorbed, that you don’t realise that god has given ears to everyone, and we can eavesdrop too you know.” My blood starts to boil in anger that damn son of a b***h. He walks towards me with a smirk and traces a finger on my cheek, “My my now why are you so angry, is it because you probably thought I was involved, am I right?” I look away and yell, “I didn’t think, I know you are involved”. He laughs and shakes his head, “Oh, Luna whatever I say you won’t believe me, will you? So, let me humor you, okay? I am Hiram, Hiram Lodge and yes, I have ordered loads of arms, but don’t worry only guns. The carton has ten Glock 17, ten QBZ-95, twelve Uzi and one M249 light machine gun. You can go to the port and find it.” I walk back in anger and barge out of the door. I quickly call sergeant, he picks up the call and answers, “Yes Luna?” “Sir, I have got a lead in the shipping of illegal weapons, I have heard that they are bringing it on the south port-6, so sent the search team there fast” “Okay Luna, so we will send only one team” “No, sir the intel could very well be wrong, so I request you send at least four teams asap. Tell them that I will join them directly at the site” “Okay”, he replies, and I hang up my phone and get on my bike, I should have used it on the first day too. I start the engine and zoom towards the port, I am not gonna let Hiram reach their first. When I finally reach the port, I march towards the southern port and see Hiram. How the f**k did he reach here so fast, he is 100% a criminal. My father always used to say, “The criminals always know the shortest route”. I immediately pull out my badge and even without a backup team and rush towards his side and yell, “STOP, I am from police, and we have got an intel that arms are being smuggled.” They all step back and Hiram walks towards me, “Even though I said that I never thought you would doubt me, but fine go ahead check it.” I walk up to the containers and open them; the backup team arrives and they start searching through the vegetables and stuff in different containers. I start throwing out the vegetables out of the cartons, my mind running with absurd thoughts, What if there are no arms, if the sergeant asks me how I got the intel, what will I say, I believed a tenant living in my house. But worse of all what if, I do find arms, what if he really is the culprit, then what? I shake my head, as I start throwing stuff out, behind me I see a guy desperately trying to catch all the vegetables before they fall on the ground. So what? if he is, I don’t even know him, why do I feel so bad. I feel someone tap on my shoulder, I turn around and see Hiram with an annoyed look, “I get it that you are doing your job Ms. Officer, but could you not kindly throw my friends vegetables they cost a lot” I give him an eye roll and say, “do you think I am free all day, that I will pick each of these “precious” vegetables one by one and then place them in a basket, arms smuggling is huge deal” He glares at me and I glare back. “Ma’am we would the arms.” My head turn towards the guy standing on the south port -5. I look at Hiram and he smirks at me, as if to say, see I told you. I close the box and start to leave, when someone pulls me by my arms and being a police officer my reflex kicks in and I use his weight against him and push him on the ground with my knee on his chest. He coughs and then I see its actually Hiram. “Ow, I was just stopping you”, he says in between his bouts of cough. I stand up and say, “Well, then you should know that, one should not touch a female without permission.” I hold and my hand out and he grabs it to get up, and nods, “Yeah, lesson learned” I tap my foot while he rubs his chest, I finally ask, “What were you stopping me for?” His eyes flashes and he turn to the guy who was picking up the vegetables. “Luna, meet my friends James, he is the chef of the restaurant that he is opening and James this is Luna a police officer and my new tenant.” He hesitates for a minute but then he steps forward and extends his hand and I shake it. “Hi, I am Luna, nice to meet you and sorry for your vegetables, I was just…doing my job”. He smiles politely and says, “Oh that’s okay. I understand” I turn to Hiram who is still smiling at me, I look at him with annoyed look and say, “As far as I know you, you wouldn’t bother to introduce James to me unless you want something, so spill” He smirks, “Oh common, Luna. I just wanted to show you how good of a guy James is and that you were actually wrong” I glare at him and say, “out with it already”. He rolls his eyes and says, “fine, jeez, he needs some help, some goons are blackmailing him, so please help him, after all you did him some serious money loss.” Fuck, now I get his plan, he deliberately instigated me, so that I ruin James’s stuff and then feel guilty and have no other option but to help him. I have to help him because I have done a wrong thing, trusted on Hiram’s information only out of personal spite. He leans towards me and says, “By the look on your face Luna, I think, you have already guessed my plan and you are going to help James, aren’t you?” I sigh in defeat and he whoops in air. “Fine, you win this time, but remember, I won’t let this happen again. I will not fall for your trap, ever, again” He smiles down at me and says, “We will see officer” I walk away to the scene where the guns were being collected, I see Thames writing down all the arms that were confiscated. I walk up to him and ask, “So, Thames, how many arms?” He looks at his papers and says, “Well not much, just ten Glock 17, ten QBZ-95, twelve Uzi and one M249 light machine gun.” I nod, “well that’s a relief we confiscated them”. Thames nods and I start walking towards my bike, when suddenly Hiram’s voice echoes in my head. “Oh, Luna whatever I say you won’t believe me, will you? So, let me humor you, okay? I am Hiram, Hiram Lodge and yes, I have ordered loads of arms, but don’t worry only guns. The carton has ten Glock 17, ten QBZ-95, twelve Uzi and one M249 light machine gun. You can go to the port and find it.” This is too much to be a coincidence. I turn my head towards Hiram and he looks up and smiles. What are you hiding Hiram? Who are you?  
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