Chapter - 36 Kill

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The next day, I wake up in the basement bed. God, it feels awful sleeping on someone else’s bed. I wish Hiram was with me, but there is no worry in a few days we will be together again. I get up and see Marty still sleeping on the couch. It is really uncomfortable living with him, especially after what he did last night. I will have to find a way out of this house, find myself a new place. I walk inside the bathroom, brushing my teeth. All sort of thoughts starts to cloud my mind, What will be my next task? How is my mother doing? Would she be upset I vanished without meeting her? Nah she will understand. She is very understanding. Hiram. I miss him, a lot. I wish after a long day, I could just go back home and talk to him and spend the day like we did on our last night. I know Hiram, you told me to move on, but I can’t give up on you. I get inside the shower to clear my head, the cool water running through my head did help me. I walk out and I see Marty sitting on the couch sleepily. “Good morning, Marty” “Morning Luna”, he gets up and goes to the bathroom. After we are done eating and getting ready. We climb back up and close the gate to basement safely. As soon as we reach the room. Marty pulls out a can of tuna and some rice. Starts rumpling the bed, throws an extra pillow and blanket on the couch. “What are you doing Marty.” He starts to spread some rice and tuna on the floor and table as he answers, “Well, it should look like we used this place last night so I am trying to make it look used.” “Marty, I need a new home, because I am going completely undercover.” He gets up from the couch he was sitting on, “What did you say Luna.” I sigh, “I know Marty being undercover full- time but I had..” He interrupts, “No Luna, not full undercover. That is a good call by the way, smart decision.” “Then what?” He opens his arms flaying it all over the house, “You can live here, like yesterday.” I sigh, “Marty…I can’t” “Is it because of what happened last night. I am sorry, I am really sorry. It won’t happen ever again.” I raise my hand, “Enough Marty. It’s not because of you. I am a girl and I need a separate home and that’s it. Plus, it’s risky.” He punches the sofa in anger, “No Luna, it is not risky. It is the safest option and you know it. We have already said we are friends, we could easily say we started dating or even just shagging and thinks would be easy.” I huff, “I think that is exactly what I don’t want you or anyone else thinking.” He yells, “Fine do whatever you want.” I turn around and open the door and see Rick standing outside the door. For a second, I am scared. What if he heard something or worse everything? But panicking won’t help, so I just push him and walk past him. And to my worse surprise, instead of going to Marty he starts following me, “Yo Sarah, wait up man. What happened.” I keep walking, probably because I am thinking what to say, if he asks me. God I hope he didn’t hear anything. He keeps yelling behind me, “Sarah, wait up man” “GO AWAY RICK. I AM SO ANGRY I MIGHT BURST OPEN YOUR SKULL LEAVE ME ALONE.” That ought to scare him off and he will give me space. But to my disappointment, he turned out a even bigger ass. “Sarah ya can talk to me.” Jesus, he is not going to leave me alone. I just realise that after speed walking so much, I have reached to the end of the shore at the docks. I sit on one of the huge rock and Rick sits a little far away from me, but close enough. “Wha happ’n Sarah.” “Rick, please go away.” “Tell me and will be on ma way” “Fine geez. Marty and I have been friends for a very long time, so I trusted him and stayed there last night and he tried to make a pass on me. I never thought he would do that ya know?” He nods in understanding, “But why ya storm out like that.” I huff, “I wanted a separate place to live and he kept on insisting that we live together. I think he feels that if we stay together something might happen.” He grunts in disgusted, “that man’s a fucker. Don’t ya worry Sarah, I know a house perfect for ya. I will talk to the owner for ya.” I look at him in surprise, “You will, but why you are Marty’s friend.” He huffs, “Last night, I didn’t get a good of ya, but today when I saw ye. Ya look like my sis.” I smile, “Thanks Rick” He nods, “Anyway, man’s calls for your next task.” I nod and follow him again to the warehouse, where I meet the scar man again. “Welcome Sarah. Time for your next task.” I just nod, really not in a mood to talk. “Very quiet today? Someone was very cocky yesterday” I sigh, “I think, it’s none of your business.” He smirks, this guy was the only one who talked on point and now today everyone wants to grate my nerves. “Okay, let’s get back to business, Shall we. Well, I need two qualities in everyone who works for me. Number 1. Brains to get out of any situation. Which you very well demonstrated last night. But you need to demonstrate the quality number 2 as well.” I sigh, “And what exactly is quality number 2?” He walks up to me and takes my hand. He keeps looking in my eyes and some how his eyes are like magnets, you can’t look away while he is looking at you. I keep staring at his eyes, until something cold touches my palm. I break the eye contact and look down and see a sharpened, brand-new knife. I look up, and he holds my gaze. “It is quality to give a death without flinching. It comes with two rules, number 1, make sure the person is dead and number 2, do not return without the knife.” I keep looking down, scared to look at him and face the reality that this situation has come down to taking life, He holds me by the chin and stares in my eyes, “You ready?”
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