Chapter - 49 Burn

781 Words
“Luna, I…..I have to tell you this and you have been avoiding me all this time, but I can’t keep it in anymore, I….your mom, she is no more.” Thames words hit me hard, harder than any thing has ever hit me. He keeps on muttering, that he is sorry, that he did his best. He was there all the time and that he wanted to tell me sooner, but I didn’t meet him. He goes on and on about how sorry he is but, none of that is registered in my brain because, I am sorry. I am sorry, that I left my mum, who was sick and battling cancer, in someone elses care. Left without even talking to her about it. Left for someone who not only killed my father, sister, my best friend but also wanted to kill me and my mum. And guess what he succeeded, he actually robbed me of everything, every damn thing that gave me happiness. I didn’t get to spend the last few days of my mum, because I was busy saving a guy, who didn’t deserve to be saved. I missed her cremation, her funeral, everything. I lost my mom. How will I ever live with this truth? A hand is on my shoulder and when I look up it’s Thames, he breaks me out of my loop, “Luna are you okay?” I nod because what can I say, I am fine, I am terrible. No words will be enough to describe how miserable I feel. I have sacrificed all of my family members and close friends for a man who has killed him, or wanted to kill them, but has ultimately succeeded in leaving me alone and the worse part is that I saved him throughout the entire process. I walk past him, and start walking. Everything has ended for me. I don’t think I will ever be able to make Hiram as miserable as I am because he doesn’t know misery, because if he did he would never ever do this to me. I touch my belly, the only thing I have left now is this child, my child. I am living in such an irony, that the man who robbed me of all the happiness, gave me the biggest happiness. I walk back to my house and it immediately reminds me of mom. I walk upto her room, the room still smells like her, just life when I left. It seems as if I will sit on her bed and she will come out of the bathroom. I touch her pills, till this day I was so busy with Hiram and all his fuss, that I didn’t even notice that she took so many pills. I feel that I have neglected her, since I got busy with Hiram and she has done nothing, nothing but understand. I have abused her love. I go the kitchen and it smells like Hiram, every damn thing smells like him. It drives me crazy. I rush back outside to get some fresh air, and after a while when I can finally breathe. I take a can of petrol and step inside. I open the can and spread the petrol everywhere, in the kitchen, in my room, in Hiram’s room, and lit a match and threw it. I stand in the living room, Hiram’s room burning, my room burning. I am standing there firmly, partially because I wanna see Hiram’s every memory burned to ground, and partially because I wanna die. I just wanna burn here and end this pain. Suddenly, I am being pulled outside. I am coughing from the smoke and I see Thames going inside with a fire extinguisher. I stand outside and after thirty minutes Thames walks outside, “What are you doing Luna? Are you out of your mind?” I look at him and say, “Yes Thames, I am. Do I look sane to you in anyway?” I push him out of the way and walk inside, good now everything smells of ash, way better than Hiram’s smells. Thames walks in behind me, “Luna you need to get it togther.” “I will”, I say and march towards my mom’s room, it still smells the same, like my mum. I get inside my mom’s covers, inhale her scent and try to sleep. I could still feel Thames, looking at me. I close my eyes trying to sleep, but sleep doesn’t comes to me. After a while, I hear Thames leave and close the door and that is the last thing I hear because the sleep takes over me.
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