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RYECINTH DISTACIO DAYS DO easily pass by when you're happy. No doubt, having some companions even in a short span, I found genuine people. They may be crazy and idiots but that's the best part of meeting them. So, this is the feeling of having someone other than your family, because all throughout I only have Nana and I've met so many people in life but only these 3 crazy people connect to my heart. I don’t know how to express this but, I am beyond blessed to have them and meet them out of the blue. “Come on, guys, we should not be late!” It is early in the morning and Gigi is nonstop with her mouth. As usual, I woke up early to prepare our breakfast and I didn't sleep last night thinking about the competitions this week. Who would’ve thought that I would be part of the martial arts team? Never in my wildest dream. Initially, I did not consider joining such a competition. But I was engaged with the prize, and for the sake of these 3 hyped people that I am with. “Gigi, stop shouting, for Pete's sake! Can you please tone down your voice? Just this day or if possible for the whole week. Can you?” Kai ranted. Here we go again with the never-ending quarrel of Kai and Gigi. But before Gigi can answer Kai, Theo is already in between them and I know any moment from now he will scold them for being too noisy, this early. “Gigi, we won’t be late because just so you know, it’s just 6 in the morning. You are yelling. Don’t you think you’re being frantic?” Theo muttered calmly. Even if I am not in the dining area, I can see the smirk on his face. “Calm down, everyone. I cook for our breakfast because I know that if I do not, all of us will be starving to death. And by the way," I averted my gaze to Gigi, who was sitting at the dining table with her arms being folded. "The program will start at 9 Am, right?” I continued, giving her a smile. Knowing Gigi, she’s just being extra—extra excited. Gigi sighed. “Okay, okay, people. I am just being excited because this is the first time that Theo and Kai will be joining an inter-school competition and now, we have Rye, our small but terrible martial artist.” We just laugh at Gigi with her outburst. We are used to that anyway. Yeah, in my entire days that I spent with them, she's always like that. Today is the first day of the inter-school competition and the host University is the Central Science University, which they said that every year, they are the host of every inter-school competition because of their excellent communication skills. “How’s the preparation for this, Rye? Perhaps you feel excited, nervous, or what? But I know it is an easy cake for you. Knowing how good you throw punches and kicks, I bet no one could defeat you.” Kai relented, and I just crept a smile. I was about to respond but Gigi butted in. “Oh, shut up, cricket. Rye is not like you. And in this kind of event, no one will not be nervous.” she replied with annoyance to Kai. “Hey?! Excuse me, but I am confident and I will not be nervous because I can ace this one. It's an easy peasy for me because I know I am the most handsome of all the candidates. Have you checked the candidates from the other university? There’s nothing special in them, unlike me, I am a full package” Kai said, leaning his back to the chair. Gigi just rolled her eyes. "You’re too full of yourself Kai. If you’ll lose and you will not get the title as Mr. CE, I will laugh at you to death, moron. And oh, sorry. You should win this, by the way. Our golden entrance will depend on you because surely, we three, will win our competitions." And before Kai could throw his rebuttal, Gigi looked at us. "Are you guys done?" Theo and I just shook our heads. Just don't mind them. They are always like that. After our loud breakfast, we headed to the University. We spent almost 2 hours having our breakfast. That is why, when we arrive, there are so many people. Some of them are looking at us while some of them are in awe observing our school. There are new faces, as I've observed. “Kai, let’s go first to our classroom since our attendance is with Codee, our secretary. We’ll just see you around or we’ll meet at the gymnasium?” I get their attention and the 3 of them are just nodded their heads. I and Kai are then walking together towards the room while Gigi and Theo did their walks too. Honestly, I could feel that I seemed free from my cage. I mean, before, people knew me as an introverted person. I am just silent and just don't mind other people. But joining these 3 people with different personalities makes me feel that I belong to them. Enough with that, while heading towards our room, I can tell that all of the student's eyes are on us—it is not because of me but because of this monkey beside me who is smiling from ear to ear. Yeah, sorry for that term but I called him by that, though, just in my mind. “Do you feel the stares, Rye? It's like they are saying 'bow down to the king'?” Kai suddenly muttered while letting out a laugh. He’s really enjoying the crowd. “You know what, Kai? They are staring at you because they think you're some kind of weirdo who is smiling and waving your hands. You seemed like a politician.” I chuckled. I may sound like Gigi right now, but yeah, I'm kinda comfortable with them to the point that I could mock them. It's nice to not be serious all the time. “You know what, Rye? I think it’s better to shut your mouth; don't you think?” he replied, glaring at me. This i***t is short-tempered, isn't he? I just did not mind his resort. As we reached the room, we found out that Codee already signed the attendance for the students who are joining the competitions. Heck, we just spent our time for nothing. Frustrated, we are now heading to the gymnasium where Gigi and Theo are waiting. As we all settled, Kai suddenly ranted. “No one ever mentioned to us that the participants are automatically listed in the attendance sheet. Hays," I feel the frustrations of Kai. We three just chuckled. The program started and as what it normally starts, the headmaster gave her speech and welcomed the other universities. There are over 5 universities participating in the inter-school. Cheers start to prevail as the CSU Performing arts perform different acts just to entertain everyone. But on contrary, others are bored because they are more excited about the booths that were prepared by the school and SSG from different universities. Tomorrow will be the official start of every competition. “I really hope that we don’t have the same schedules so that we can watch each other's competition.” Gigi suddenly said, looking at us. We are now heading towards the exit of the gymnasium as the opening ceremony ended. “I do hope so. But if that is not the case we all know that we have the support of each one of us, right?” Kai seconded with the thought of Gigi. “Huh? Who told you, cricket, that I will support you? In your freaking dreams.” Gigi mocked, giving a smirk at Kai. Here we go again. “Heck, I am not pertaining to you as well, I don't even wish you luck.” And Kai as himself, he will not let that pass. “We better go to the bulletin board to see our schedules for tomorrow,” Theo said, ignoring the words that have been thrown by Gigi and Kai. They just throwing stares at each other. Well, we all know that they are not serious with their words. All of them wanted to win to have the ticket. As we are now going to the bulletin board, we saw Trixie with her squad and I don't like the looks they are giving at us because if looks can kill, we are now dead at this particular time. We arrived at the bulletin board which is, as expected, that most of the people are here to look for their respective schedules and for the place of each competition. The Quiz bowl will be held on the First floor of the Engineering Building and it will start at 1 pm while the cheerdance competition will be held at the gymnasium, and luckily, the competition will start on Thursday so they have plenty of time to practice and to do their blocking and all. The Martial Arts Competition will also be held in the Gymnasium but on a different day which is Wednesday, while the most awaited event, the Mr. and Ms. CE, will be on Friday afternoon. “Since tomorrow will be the start of everything, what shall we do first?” Kai asks with a grin on his face. He even raised his brow repeatedly. “Let’s go to the cafeteria first. I'm hungry and thirsty.” Theo answered. I heard some of the students mention that they will enjoy the booths prepared. I suddenly roamed my gaze around and I noticed something. “Have you seen, Gigi?” I asked them. I did not notice her walking from our side. Prolly, Gigi will tell us if she will be going somewhere. Theo and Kai also roamed their gazes. "Wait, she's just right there a while ago," Theo said, pointing the spot in front of the bulletin board. "Maybe she was just retouching her face? But normally, she will tell us where she going." Kai retorted with the folded forehead. I have a bad feeling. As we both scanned the area, Trixie and her squad is nowhere to be found. And my conclusion was right then. They are up into something—something wicked. These people don’t know the word defeat, they are just putting flame to the fire. “I guess, I know where Gigi is.” Theo suddenly speaks. When I look at him, I know that we think the same way. That Gigi is in the hands of those monsters. The heck is wrong with those dumbheads. They are not using their heads. “I think I know where they are. Let’s go to the abandoned building and check if our assumption is right.” The 3 of us walk together heading to the abandoned building. As we got nearer to that place, my heart and mind is in chaos. I just hope that Gigi is fine. I don't want to go for a fight again. We then slowly slid ourselves inside the abandoned building and we are shocked by the scene we saw. “I’m sorry, Gigi, for all the mean things that I've done to you and your friends.” Trixie and her squad are kneeling on Gigi like she is some kind of Goddess. The hell, we are all staring at the scene with our eyes wide open. What is this all about? Is this a part of their scheme? Why change all of a sudden? “I know that we have done so many unforgivable things to you and I am not asking for your forgiveness immediately because I know that it takes time. I just want to say that I am very sorry and we regret doing those things to you and your friends. I just hope in time we will start as new.” Trixie is sobbing while saying those words while her friends are only quiet and just bowing their heads facing the floor. I know Gigi is a strong woman and forgiving someone doesn’t connect to forgetting their wrongdoings and I don’t believe that time heals all wounds because as time goes by it wouldn’t heal the wound, it will just make a scar and that will remain. And time will be just only one to process the happenings. It will just give you a clearer mind, but the scar is still there. You will always remember the trauma, the heartaches, and the pain that the person gives you. Right now, witnessing Trixie accepting and asking for forgiveness is a smart move. I mean, not all people will say sorry to you genuinely and I can sense that Trixie is genuine this time. I admire her for doing such a brave act. “You know what, Trixie, I will not let myself suffer from those memories. Let it be, let it fly with the wind. I will tell you the truth, I can’t forgive you easily and who knows when. But today, I hope that we will be civil with each other and that will only be my wish for the both of us.” Gigi muttered firmly. “Gigi!” Kai called Gigi and we immediately ran to her. “What have they done to you? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” he asked, touching Gigi's shoulder while assessing her from head to toe. Gigi slaps him lightly and chuckles at the actions of Kai. “You’re overreacting, cricket. I am fine you see.” While she is pointing to herself. “T-Theo, K-Kai, R-Rye …. We’re very sorry if we cause you trouble. Especially to you, Rye, for all those bullying. We know we caused you so much pain.” Trixie is crying so hard and I just stared at her. We left Trixie and her friends in that building and no one dares to speak after that scene. I was just thinking that if everyone here is as brave as Trixie who knows how to ask forgiveness, well, who knows? Our world will surely be a better state. “Gigi, what exactly happened right there? We were just together earlier, and how the hell did you end up with Trixie in the abandoned building?” Theo blows questions as we are heading towards the cafeteria. “They said that they just wanted to talk to me. I did not bother calling you because you are busy looking at the schedules on the bulletin board. And aside from that, I did not feel strange as they grabbed me.” Gigi is calm now and she tells us exactly what, why, and how she joined Trixie in the abandoned building. We just kept on nodding our heads. Enough with that, after we enjoyed ourselves to the cafeteria, we walk around the school to see the booths prepared for everyone, and each and every student is enjoying. Even non-CSU students are enjoying the ambiance of the event. “Come on, guys, we are supposed to be enjoying ourselves before the competition. Let's go to the arcade booth, let’s win that hell of a big teddy bear!" Kai is joyous while talking about the arcade booth. We went to the Arcade booth and there were plenty of arcade games that we could play and I knew that we were gonna rock this. THIRD PERSON EVERYONE IS enjoying the first day of Inter-school. Ryecinth, Kai, Gigi, and Theo are in the shooting game wanting to have the biggest teddy bear if they will shoot 10 consecutive small piggy banks. Their first try with Gigi is no good, she didn’t hit any target. The second try is Theo, and the same as Gigi, he didn’t hit any target. The third one is Kai and there is only one target remaining just to have that teddy bear and unfortunately, he missed that target. Lastly is Rye. At first, she is hesitant in doing it because she might not hit any target. But contrary to her thoughts, she aced the shooting game with no sweat. “Bloody hell! How did you do that Rye? Is it really your first time doing that game?” Kai is shocked by what he saw earlier. Rye just chuckled. “Kai, we all know that this game is just pure luck.” she then patted Kai's shoulder. They are all enjoying the booths and other arcade games. When the night came, all of them were exhausted from the games they enjoyed doing, and for them, it was one of the best memories they had. The second day arrives, and the first competition is the Quiz bowl for Theo. Everyone is excited for the quiz bowl because there are so many geniuses around the city and only one will conquer and will be known as the genius of them all. Theo is nervous thinking about the quiz bowl. He knows that he studies really well and he is not just comfortable thinking that every question is not as easy as they all thought. The quiz bowl has started and in the easy round, all of the 10 universities got the perfect score. The quiz bowl is composed of math, history, and science questions from the easiest to the hardest questions. When there are universities having the same score in the final, they will proceed to the clincher round and answer 5 questions. “For the average round, here’s your first question: What sound technique was used in movies like ‘Earthquake’ and ‘Roller Coaster'? You only have 10 seconds to answer the question. Your timer starts now.” Theo, on the corner, didn’t even blink twice when writing the answer. He even smirks while writing. After the Average round, 5 out of 10 universities got the perfect score. While going to the Difficult round Ryecinth, Kai and Gigi are praying silently and hoping that Theo will ace this one. They are rooting for the first ticket to be acquired. “I have high hopes that Theo will be the champion on this. Did you see the score? He doesn't have any wrong answers yet.” Kai suddenly interrupt “Cricket, did you see the scoreboard? It says there are 5 universities that have the highest score as of the moment. Duh. But yeah, I trust Theo with this.” As usual, Gigi talks back to Kai. Time passes by and it is now time for the revealing of scores and it is thrilling knowing that the scores are not flashing to the scoreboard. “I guess, this university has the most genius students. This university makes a record of having no mistakes all throughout the round. I bet, this is something really proud of the university. And our Champion for the Inter-School Quiz Bowl is none other than from Central Science University, Theo Alyx Davis! He will have one ticket for the Picaseo Eventio!” As the host announces that, everyone cheered for Theo. Theo is beyond happy knowing that he won the quiz bowl, his hard work paid off. The whole Central University Students are shouting while congratulating their Quiz bowl participant. Another pride prevails. Tomorrow will be another day and Rye will be the one who will show everyone her skills and how good she is. “It's time for celebration! Yuhoooo!” Gigi shouts for joy as they are walking across the open field. “Let’s go to the unit. We will cook delicious food to celebrate the victory of Theo. Job well done, Theo, we are so proud of you!” Ryecinth exclaimed for excitement, touching the sling of her small bag. "As expected from you, Theodore," Kai muttered, and hearing the last word made Theo glare at him. The former just smirked. If Theo was just like Gigi, it was another fight. They then headed to their unit smiling and enjoying. Even though it was not yet 5 pm, the main gate is already open. Ryecinth and Theo help to cook the foods while Kai and Gigi prepare the table for a classy yet elegant setup for their celebration. They are smiling after the preparation and they eat loudly as usual. “Let us all raise a toast to our genius friend on what a magnificent show he served us earlier. Three tickets to go, and Picaseo Eventio, here we come!” Gigi spoke with proudness in her voice. Everyone toasts their champagne glass and drinks it. After their small celebration, they all went to their respective rooms. Rye can’t sleep thinking of the possible happenings tomorrow, she’s not used to this, this is her first time joining such a competition. Wednesday has come, and everyone was excited by the thought of Ryecinth, the former target of bullies, as one of the contingents in the martial arts competition. Everyone could not believe the news. How come a product of bullying is now a contestant of martial arts? Never did once Ryecinth use her skills in protecting herself amidst her bullies. Theo notices the uneasiness of Rye. She must feel nervous about her upcoming competition. Everyone as well feels nervous and at the same time excited to see Ryecinth fighting, though, it’s not like a fight scene from a movie but for winning the trophy. There are only 5 schools that joined in this competition and with the fighting scene that Gigi, Kai, and Theo saw on Rye days ago, they are pretty sure that she will win. As the competition started, everyone is amazed at how Ryecinth throws punches and kicks at her enemy. One punch after another, she can easily dodge her enemy because of the advantage of being small. She got hit by a powerful kick coming from her enemy, and obviously, Rye felt the pain on her head because of the kick from the enemy. She set aside the pain and she bounced back like nothing’s wrong. And then, she decided to give her opponent a feint punch on the face. But the truth is, Rye was aiming for the side of her opponent's waist. So when her opponent blocked her fake attack, she quickly shifted and put her whole weight on one leg before she gave the opponent a sidekick. That was her last move and she won the competition. Everyone was cheering Rye. Kai, Theo, and Gigi on the other hand are so proud of her. Until now that the game is over, they can’t move on from the stunts that Ryecinth showed a while ago. “You looked like a Hollywood action star earlier, Rye. Every punch and kick you gave, s**t girl, you will be the reason if I will become gay! HAHAHA!” Gigi jokingly approached Rye. She was just really amazed by how Rye did it flawlessly. Her mouth even gaped the whole time of the competition. “Gigi’s right, Rye. I can’t take my eyes off you earlier. It's like it is a matter of life and death situation. You’re too serious in your fight and I can see that you really examine the moves of your opponents. That is why when it is your time to fight with them you can easily tell their moves.” Theo scrutinized which Kai strongly agreed. Obviously, they are all enjoying watching Rye in the gymnasium. They went to their unit after the Martial Arts Competition because they all know that Rye is too tired to roam around the campus. Another ticket was achieved. After they went home, Rye went to her room immediately because of tiredness and she immediately slept off her bed. “I really can’t imagine Rye being like that. She's like a monster throwing her best punches.” Kai exclaimed and while talking he mimicked the moves of Rye earlier. They are on the couch, resting. They just let Rye sleep in her room. Gigi and Theo laughed at his actions. Moments after, they left him to their living room and went to their respective rooms since Gigi must get enough sleep and rest for her cheerleading competition tomorrow. Aside from the pageant, the cheerleading competition is one of the highlights. Everyone is buzzing about the different universities that are gonna join the said competition. CSU Pep Squad is more than ready for this competition, in fact, they give a 3-day rest to the squad from the hustle and bustle practice. “May the stars align for us in this upcoming cheerleading competition. I will do my best to bring home the bacon, and for the sake of the third ticket. Can't wait to see my hottie crush, Briscio Helga!" Gigi monologues, while she is in her room. Every night before going to bed Gigi will do her skincare routine in order for her to achieve her look. She is not Gigi Laveen if she does not have a pretty face with a slight-bitchy attitude. While Gigi is busy with her skincare routine, there was this man standing in front of her door’s room. The man looks hesitant if he will knock or just leave. The man is walking back and forth, not knowing someone is also watching him. “Just knock already, Kai. You are walking back and forth the whole time and I am the one who gets dizzy by your actions.” Leaning against his door, Theo disturbed the hesitant Kai which made the latter almost jump in surprise. ×××
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