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THIRD PERSON “Just knock already, Kai. You are walking back and forth the whole time and I am the one who gets dizzy by your actions.” THE MAN that was behind Gigi's door almost jumps in shock. He thought that everyone was sleeping because it was already 10 in the evening. “We all know that Gigi is not yet sleeping because of her so-called ritual, Kai. What’s bothering you at this hour? Are you gonna say your precious good luck to the love of your life? HAHAHA!” he continued while laughing at the reaction of Kai. Kai looked at him. “S-Shut up, you animal! I-I just thought of b-borrowing s-something. Yeah, that’s it... Anyways, nevermind, sleep well, you jerk.” Kai is blubbering something inaudible while heading back to his room. Theo just chuckled the whole time. He even shook his head and went inside his room as well. Seeing the reaction of Kai, he knows that what the latter said was just purely a lame excuse. Thursday has come and Gigi is feeling excited and she can’t explain the drums on her chest beating so loud and fast. She knows that she and the rest of the squad are ready and they will do their very best to win. After all, they were the champions last year so they are aiming for a back to back championship. “Are you okay, Gigi? You look pale, did you get enough sleep last night?” Kai asked Gigi. He felt the nervousness that Gigi had felt. They are still in their unit. “I’m okay, cricket. Don’t be too obvious that you have a crush on me. I won’t catch you if you fall.” Gigi jokingly answered Kai with a wink. She then laughed while walking towards the kitchen while Kai was still not moving from her sudden outburst. Theo and Ryecinth just moved out from their rooms and they just saw Kai not moving. Both of them are thinking about how long Kai stood there. “Good morning, Kai. Are you okay? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost?” Ryecinth spoke, creasing her forehead. Theo just headed towards the couch. “Y-Yes, I am okay." Kai immediately said, deflecting such thoughts. Ryecinth just shrugged. “Okay." Gigi and Ryecinth just then prepared their breakfast while the two boys were preparing the table. They are keeping themselves busy because they wouldn’t want to ask Gigi how nervous she is. The two guys are done preparing the table and they went to their rooms to prepare their things for going to the university. “Breakfast is ready, come here now before the food will be cold.” Gigi muttered, shouting at the two boys. “Woah! Are we having our last supper here? Why did you cook so much for the 4 of us? I thought you’re having your diet, Gigi-mon?” Kai looks amazed with the foods that are being served at their table. There are so many varieties of dishes on their table that it is very unusual to see. “Shut up, will you? For once, let’s have our breakfast be quiet and not too noisy because of having some quarrel.” Gigi is smiling while talking to Kai in a nice way. After they took their breakfasts, the 4 of them are now walking to their school. As usual, since the inter-school started, the number of people who are in the university has tripled. They are now proceeding to the gymnasium since the cheerleading competition will start at 10 in the morning. Gigi, on the other hand, is going to the Pep Squad's locker room to change for their outfit. Gigi is wearing a blue and white combination color that has a mini skirt and off shoulder on the right, and ¾ sleeve on the left for her top. Blue and White is the official color of CSU and they are wearing their white shoes with a check logo to complete their costume. Ryecinth, Kai and Theo are busy munching some snacks they bought from the cafeteria and they already saw the CSU pep squad backstage. Most of the people cheered when they saw them in their wonderful and eye-catching outfits. The two women leading are both stunning. The program has started and the Central Science University contestant will be the fifth one to present, out of 10. Everyone is cheering for their fellow schoolmates. Four contestants are done and loud cheers then occur in the gymnasium as the host introduces the fifth contestant. Everyone felt thrill and excitement as the music started for the performance of CSU Pep Squad. Gigi was in the middle, walking forward. As the music faded, Trixie and Gigi said "Bring it on'' in sync and clapped their hands twice. Then, they both did a backflip. Ryecinth, Kai and Theo are at their best cheering for Gigi. “Go, Gigi! Go, CSU!” Kai shouted while clapping as loudly as he could. He did that multiple times already. “Woooooo! Gigi Laveen, marry me!” someone from the crowd yells it. The three of them were just laughing about that. Now the performance of CSU is about to end and the CSU pep squad forms a high pyramid. Gigi hastily moved at the top while there were five boys below her, dancing. Everyone feels no nervous while watching them. They are all confident that they could successfully execute their stunts smoothly. Their performance wowed the crowd, even the judges in front. Gigi is now on top of the pyramid, waving her hand while pumping her chest, swaying her hips. And now the time comes that she made a double backflip while she was still in the air and landed on the five guys who positioned themselves to catch her as she landed. She did that flawlessly and that was the end of their performance. Cheers echoed throughout the whole place. Everyone was amazed. Some are waving their hands in the air, going crazy. The CSU Pep Squad altogether bowed down and took their exit in a cleanest way. After the jaw-dropping performance, Gigi immediately approaches and sits beside Ryecinth. “Gigi, that stunt you made was flawless. You were so beautiful earlier while dancing and doing those difficult stunts.” Ryecinth complemented with a twinkle to her eyes. “I hope you enjoyed the show. I was so nervous earlier about that stunt in making it perfect. And wow, I just did it!” Gigi said, joyfully. The competition for cheerleading is now done and the master of ceremony said that the announcement of winners will be during the pageant. The four of them were about to walk out from the campus when a small girl with braided hair approached Kai. "Hey, hey… There were a few changes for the pageant, Kai." After hearing that, not only Kai turned back but the three as well. Kai just gave her a confusing look instead of answering her. "What do you mean, gov.?" Gigi stepped forward and asked. "Uhm… I'm sorry to inform you this late but the venue of the pageant won't be in the CSU campus." The Governor frowned as she said that. It was something sad that gives a hint to the four of them that whatever changes they made, it is something bad. Wrinkles suddenly painted on the forehead of Kai after absorbing what the Governor just said. "Wait what… where is the venue then?" Then suddenly, the Governor showed her most joyful face. "Guess what, it will be in La Paz Baller!" She held Gigi by the hands and they both jumped in excitement. Kai and Theo just looked at each other with a smirk. "Yes, yes, it is. The La Paz Baller." All of them were left in extreme excitement except Ryecinth who does not have any idea about what they are being excited about. "La Paz Baller? Where is that?" Ryecinth confusingly asked. "You'll see. Hehehe." Gigi just chuckled. After that, the Governor and the four of them parted ways. Gigi and the rest of her friends went to a restaurant because Gigi was craving for fried chicken and a Mcfloat. “So, who will pay for these?” Kai asks everyone as they both sit at the round table. “My treat, but except for you, cricket.” Gigi teasingly approaches Kai and chuckles after. “Hey, that’s bad. You know what, Gigi, about what you did earlier, your stunt was the most wonderful.” Kai said with sweetness. He even poked Gigi on her side. These two will not be at peace when they’re around. They ordered a bucket of chicken, a bucket of fries, choco hazelnut sundae and mcfloat for Gigi. “I am sure that we are the champions for cheerleading and will get the ticket." Gigi suddenly said in the middle of getting some food on her plate. "So cricket, you should ace the pageant. Though, I doubted, since the last time—" "Oh, shut up, Gigi-mon." Kai rebuked, staring at Gigi who mocked him. "This charming face of CSU will surely win. The fourth ticket is secured." he said confidently, while incessantly raising his brows. Theo puts his spoon on his plate. "Here you go again. Could we just enjoy our lunch? Or..." he paused, looking at Kai. "We will help you conceptualize your answers in the Q and A portion." "Yeah, that would be good idea." Ryecinth seconded, savoring her sundae. "Alright, alright." Gigi muttered, heaving a sigh. "But could we just let the day pass? This is my moment. Besides, I have a better idea and I will reveal tomorrow." As Gigi said that, they then went silent. Different topics have been thrown right after. But they couldn't avoid the thought of what Gigi is thinking. ××× THE NEXT day is the most awaited day. After enjoying all the booths, games, and activities, everyone shifted their mood and excitement with the main highlight of the inter-school event: The Mr. and Ms. CE. The event will be held at 5 pm, and probably ends at 7 pm. Pageants usually held at that time because the surroundings and ambiance would be quite nice and usually have fresh air. Hence, before the time reaches 9 AM, the four of them as well as most of the CSU's students had already gone to the venue. The La Paz Baller, a resort located on a mountain just in the countryside, known for its pools, musical theater, fascinating overlooking views, very huge function hall and garden for different events, and most especially, it is owned by a famous businessman that is why many dreamt of going there. Once Ryecinth stepped her foot in, she already knew the reason why Gigi was very excited yesterday. The place is indeed very surprising. “What is the biggest change you would like to see in young women/men in the next generation?” A fashionista, muscly judge asked after he stood up at the dimly lit stage with three fascinating looking men, standing so tall in their formal attire. With that, Kai, in the middle, took one step forward leaving those two contestants behind about a meter. He is wearing a crimson maroon suit with fit textured black pants which is showing how thin his thighs are. He got everyone’s attention. It is already in the top 3 of Mr. CE. The big crowd around the open area of the big garden are cheering, clapping, and enjoying the handsome view of the three contestants except those three who are just sitting calmly in the middle of the crowd; Gigi, Theo, and Ryecinth. The big garden they called Eden has a customized platform they used for the runway. Different plants which were obviously landscaped very well. It's already 6 PM so the sunset gives sun rays around the area. But something that the sun hits the most is the top of the 8th-floored building that is reflecting some rays on the area. Back to the customized stage, Kai confidently stood up with his reddish lips, blackened jawline with a black dot on the peak of his left cheek, his eagle-like eyes perfectly matched with his thinly trimmed eyebrows, sweats are all over his long neck creating a highlight on the bulky part. And after hearing the question of the judge, a crunchy smirk released from his lips, melting some girls around as it added to the hotness of the guy. Then, he winked, but this time, his eyes were pinned down to the guy in the middle wearing a round spec—at Theo. “Okay, we all have the questions right here, all you have to do is to prepare for the answers to all the questions. And we can all have the cash prize and the ticket, hmm?” Gigi called out right after entering the room and slammed a paper on the table with a list of questions on it. This was two hours before the pageant took place. She then took a seat. Before the top 3 of Mr. CE took place, the host announced that the Central Science University won the championship of the Cheerleading competition. With that, the three of them—Theo, Gigi, and Rye—already acquired the tickets. Confused, Kai took a glance at the paper and just barely read it until he started buckling up his belt. “Hey, hey, how?” he was in awe for a second for having such confidential files from the pageant in front of him but it was immediately replaced by annoyance. “Uh, never mind, I can still ace any of these questions, you don’t have to steal a copy, tsk!” After hearing his response, Gigi pulled herself up from sitting on the soft couch and walked closely at Kai. She crawled her hands on the pants of the guy before she exclaimed. “Hmm, really? All I can remember, you only got first place the last time you got into a pageant. But this time, you have to be the Mr. CE, otherwise, we won’t be able to get the golden entrance of Picaseo Eventio, are you listening to me?” “Tsk, if you could manage to get the questionnaires, you should have stolen the tickets as well and not pressured me this way. You really are a burden—aww!” He replied but he did not finish talking when Gigi pulled his belt up too hard. She just stared at the sweaty face of the guy and finished buckling his belt before she sat back on the couch. “You, cricket! Yes, I could have stolen that ticket as well, couldn't I? Blimey, that ticket is not yet here in the resort. So, you better ace that pageant.” “You two stop arguing,” Kai inserted after watching the whole argument between the two. He pulled his back from leaning on the wall and walked to the table, “So this is the idea you have mentioned yesterday, Gigi, huh?" he muttered and Gigi just folded her arms. "But anyway, I can help you prepare the answers, Kai, without memorizing answers for all of these. We just need a little probability calculation here.” “I might as well help you answer the question, Kai.” Ryecinth butted in. She's wearing a loose black T-shirt. After minutes of collaboration, Theo got the possible question and Ryecinth shared her points. “Listen, Kai. The question is about foreseeing the future and what would you like to see there if you got the chance. So, I think, the best answer would be, strengthen women's empowerment in the future. That would be good.” she said while facing Kai. She then diverted her eyes to Gigi who was just sitting on the couch, busy scrolling with her phone. “Am I right, Gigi?” Gigi took a glance and agreed, “Ahh, that would be the great answer, Rye.” Kai and Theo just stared at each other with disagreement. One of the judges spoke again, “Again, your question is, what is the biggest change you would like to see in young women/men in the next generation?” 'You really are, genius. Good job, Theo.' Kai thought as he prepared himself to answer. He smiled once before he started talking, “If I would be given a chance to look out for the biggest change in the next generation of men/women, it would be gender equality where men are no longer subjected to any dominance. In this generation, we only focus on women empowerment and saying men are dominant in the society, but we neglect the fact that men are recorded to be the most victims of depression, suicide, violent crimes, heavy works, wrong accusations, and there is no good dominance to that. We are the ones who deserve such pity. Maybe it’s time for real equality. Thank you!” Kai ended his answer with a wink leaving the crowd speechless and amazed by his answer. His intonation, gestures, and confidence was made perfect, and it made them cheer after seconds of silence. Meanwhile, the two young women in the middle of the crowd, Ryecinth and Gigi, heaved a long sigh after hearing Kai’s answer and disappointment came after. “That cricket! Who he thinks he is, f**k his answer!” Gigi exclaimed as she stood up and started to walk out from the crowd. “We’re never gonna get the fourth ticket, let’s go plan B.” “Same thought, Gigi.” Ryecinth agreed. She even shook her head. It seems like everyone was happy with Kai’s answer and so was he, except for the two. Deep within, Kai was quite sure that he aced that question and already felt the joy of winning. But suddenly, everything goes in slow motion as a huge explosion can be heard from afar. The cheerful yells and claps suddenly vanished and were replaced by complete confusion. It was a very loud, and destructive noise that made everyone look up and start to freak out when it was followed by a storm-like wind wiping the entire garden. "AHHHHHH!!!" "WHAT IS HAPP---ACK!!" Kai, who managed to notice that destructive wind, immediately rolled down and took hold to a pillar. The rest of the contestants and the two event hosts who were on the stage, their bodies flung to the wall that no one knows if they are still alive. Meanwhile, down the stage, a lot of the audience was taken together with the wind. Kai took a glance with his three friends who were on the ground, but the wind brought dust and fragments that created a blur and foggy view of him. All he could see were those people floating recklessly by the strong wind as if they were light weighted as leaves and dust. Bodies, chairs, tables, and other debris are slamming with each other. The strong-impact wind was like a wave but it was literally three strong waves that lasted exactly in five seconds. It destroyed the event. Many are crying and yelling while slowly dying. Kai just chose to close his eyes until the dusty wind stopped. And when he opens those eyes that were once painted with charm, they are already filled with frustration and distress. Once he got his consciousness back. Kai immediately roamed his eyes around and he was left with nobody alive, but a bloody area, and his three companions were nowhere to be found. He tried to stand up, neglecting the aching part of his body. “Theo! Rye! Gigi!” Kai called out using the maximum level of his voice. But no one responded to him. Everyone seems dead. The explosion and the storm-like wind disappeared. Kai walked out to look for his three friends, but the next thing he heard almost took his breath away. The 8-storey building on the left side of the area is starting to creak and it slowly bends to the position of Kai. “Holy s**t!” Kai mumbled as he stared at the slowly collapsing building onto his position. He then slowly stepped back and tried to run as fast as he could. He was just able to take a couple of steps when he stripped to the wires on the ground. Not just that, a big shattered piece of thick glass hit his thigh and penetrated to the other side when he stumbled on the ground, making him scream very loud. “AAAHHH!” But Kai has to stand up. Hence, using his remaining strength, he tried to pull his body up and started to run again, not minding the piece of thick glass stuck in his skinny thigh. His blood started to flow down as he continued running away. His injured thigh made his run different, it slowed him by half of his speed. Unfortunately, running that slow would not help him get to the safe area where he would not be landed by the collapsing building. As when the building reaches the middle, it suddenly falls on the ground just like chasing the poor young man. The impact of the building caused a slight earthquake that tells Kai, the building is coming after him. Then boom! The garden they called Eden, including Kai, is almost covered by the huge building. And Kai felt how everything went black. ×××
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