Chapter four

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Leave My Man Alone. The next morning I went to check on my sister to make sure she was up already, so I can prepare her for school as that is my daily duty since my mother barely had time for us. On getting to her room I saw she was up already and I heaved a sigh of relief because waking her up was another task on its own because she tends to be grumpy in the morning, it's a big tasking getting her up from her bed. So I walk up to her and check to see if she was okay and not having any pain again in her tummy. "Jenny, I see you are up early today, how are you this morning? Hope you are not having pains in your tummy again?" I asked her while observing to see if she was in pain but from the Jenny am looking at this morning, she seems like someone not in pain but she smiles and is in good spirit and I am happy because this will make my work this morning quick and easy. "Big sis good morning, my pain is gone and am happy that he won't be hurting me again he will probably become my friend in the end because I do like him." I have been wondering why she has played the victim all this while and I knew there must be a reason behind it. She did not fight back because Janet was not someone to stay quiet and not fight back when being bullied. Now I know, she like the boy and wanted him as a friend and not an enemy "Wow! My sister has got a crush, I was wondering why you didn't fight back when he was assaulting you. Now I understand." I say to her while tickling her side, she giggles and she starts laughing. "So what is the name of your crush?" "What is a crush? I only just like to play with him nothing much because he is good-looking when he doesn't bully anyone." I see that she does not know the meaning so I tried avoiding that part of her question because I don't want to confuse her, so I asked her to stand up to get ready for school so we don't go to school late. "So you just like him, well that is good. So let's get you ready for school now." I said I am happy she didn't probe further but quickly got up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom and I tag along to ensure she washed up properly. After washing and brushing her teeth I watch to ensure she creamed her body then helped her dress for school. I asked her to go to the kitchen for breakfast while I go to my room to get ready for school. "Go get your breakfast while I prepare your bag for school." I took out her school bag and started checking the necessary thing she needs to take to school while she step out of her room. when I saw that everything was in order I went to my room to get dressed for school. I then took out my backpack and starts putting in the books I needed for school before I step out with my school bag and my sister's bag, towards the kitchen for breakfast. On getting to the kitchen my parents were already seated. Jenny too was almost through with her food. "Good morning Dad, good morning mom." I greeted while going to dish out breakfast for myself and sat down to eat. My father was the first to respond to my greeting "Good morning honey, how was your night, hope you were able to complete your assignment?" "My night was fine and I have done my assignment, I also helped Janet with hers too." I say to my father while I dig into my food so I can eat something considerable inside me before going to school because we are having physical exercise today before lunch. "Good morning love, thank you for caring for your sister, you are a good sister." I could not believe my ears, my mother is not someone to express gratitude for anything so this is the first time for me. So I didn't know how to respond to this so I just nod my head and I am happy she showed her appreciation for once to me. "Mummy, when are you going to take me to the park? you promised to take me out and it's been a very long since you made the promise and you are yet to fulfil your promise to me." I know this is going to turn into my responsibility as my mother is not one to keep her promise because of her busy schedules "Love I have been very busy but you know what Christy will take you there this weekend." "But mummy it's been a long you spent time with me, why should it be my big sis taking me out? I miss you, mummy, you know?" I heard her confront my mother and I know she is not going to stop until she gets what she wants but this time I don't think she is going to get it because my mother has never liked going to places like that. I remember when I was little she never took me out, it was always dad who took it upon himself to make me experience what other kids enjoyed by taking me to those places. "Dear I will find a way out but this weekend your dad and I will be travelling for a wedding. I won't be around to go with you, just bear with me." My mother explained to her while patting her on her head and trying to make her understand the situation. "So you don't like going out with me, it hurt hearing you say those words. I feigned anger just to make her let go of my mother because I know my mother doesn't have time for things like this. "Big sis, am sorry for hurting you, I love going out with you, it's just that I wanted some time with mum, my classmate used to tell in class how their mother takes them out during the weekend but mother does not do that with me, she is always busy with work." She says with tears in her eyes "Okay, I will find a way out of this, but I want you to be happy that is why I will give Christy some money to take you to the zoo and any other place you like to visit this weekend. Please don't cry so you don't get swelled eyes to school." Mother says while using her handkerchief to clean her face I heard my mother say to her and that seems to go well with Janet. I know the day will never come when she will take her out because she hates places like that. My father has always been the one taking me out when I was little. "Okay mummy but you still need to take me out, you know?" Janet stop crying and daddy decides it's time for us to get going. "If you are through with your chit-chat, can we leave now so you don't get late for school?" My father reminded us that the time was not our friend, so we hurried to finish our meals and I washed the dishes. I gave Janet her school bag and her lunch pack while taking my school bag before stepping out into the car for daddy to take us to school. This is the moment I love most because it gives me some time to chat with my dad. When he got behind the wheels he started the engine and headed toward the road that leads to school. I needed money for my shopping this Saturday and I didn't want to disturb my mother about it because I don't even know how she will react to this, so I decided to ask my daddy. "Dad, our prom night is around the corner and I need to get clothes for the party, please can I get some money from you?" You see am not of legal age to start earning and am still dependent on my parents for support. My father has always lived up to his responsibility and this makes me proud of him. "When are you going shopping?" My father asked me while he kept concentrating on his driving to avoid a collision. "By the weekend, Antonia and I will be going shopping." I responded to his question hoping he will not complain that I didn't tell him on time "I hope it won't affect your sister's visit to the park?" He asked me and I knew that question will pop up, I have the answer already. "It won't, I will be going on Saturday to shop while Janet and I will visit the Park by Sunday because it is always less busy on Sunday and she will be able to enjoy herself." My sister who was listening to our conversation couldn't hide her excitement when she heard I was going shopping. "Big sis, will you take me with you for the shopping, please?" I knew she will ask and I thought of a way to help me get out of this demand of hers because she can be a pain in the a*s, shopping has always been her thing "Janet I just want to get a few things and I won't stay long, so you will have to stay with Antonia's parents while we go shopping." I know she will not be satisfied with the arrangement because shopping for new things is her hobby "I don't want to stay with them, I want to go with you." "The stress will be too much for you because we are going to see those places you love to see on Sunday that is why I just want to rush my shopping so I won't be stressed out when we go sightseeing on Sunday. If you refuse to go to Tonia's house she might not take us to the park and the zoo on Sunday. I explained to her and from the look of hers I know she is not satisfied but because of the sightseeing on Sunday, she agreed. "Okay sis, are we going to the zoo too, I would love to go there too." "Yes anywhere you wish to go, I will take you." I assured her with a smile and then faced my dad with the expectation that he will give me the money I needed for my shopping "Dad, when are you giving me the money?" I demanded "How much do you need for the clothes?" He asked me and I responded, "Five hundred dollars will do Dad. " I say to him "Okay, no problem I will give you two thousand dollars so you can buy something for my little princess too and also get some shoes too." I was beyond glad that daddy was going to give me extra too because the initial money also included that of my sister too. So now I will be able to get a new shoe too for myself. "Thank you, dad. You are the world's best dad." I said as I gave his cheek a peck. Janet: I love you, daddy I heard Janet say from the back seat while jumping in joy. I was the first person my father drop off at school and I went straight inside because I saw Antonia's car packed outside and I can not wait to tell her the good news. but on getting into the entrance of the way leading to the class I saw Sara and her fellow group staring at me and I wonder what the problem could be because from my calculations I had not offended anyone yesterday before going home and I am just getting to school now so how would it be possible that my presence would make them stare at me like they are doing now. I hurried went in search of Antonia to ask what the matter is before class began. When I enter the class she was sitting in her usual spot which is by the window in the back seat. I walked toward her and saw she was going through her assignment. "Hi girlie, how are you today? You are not through, I hope it was not yesterday's incident that caused it." I asked her while I stood looking at her to see if she was fine because she is always a fun-loving person and seeing her sitting on her own made me curious "Am fine just that I did not have enough sleep and it's telling on me. It is not about what happened yesterday, remember the order for the cake, I had to stay up till the early hour of the morning and I only got a few hours of sleep." I looked closer and observed she has dark circles around her eyes, I understand what she meant and I can feel her pain "I thought you went to bed immediately after you were finished with the assignment." I queried her because she does look knockout and I remember she said something about the cake order her mother received. "Remember I told you my mother had a cake order that need urgent delivery and that it is large. I have to help her finish the preparation so she can deliver it today because the wedding, is tomorrow and the people who order it wants it a day before the wedding, so I had to stay up until three o'clock before I went to bed to wake up again this morning by six to prepare for school, you can imagine what that means." I felt her pain because I knew what it means to stay up late, I have also helped her mother too on many occasions during the holiday over a month ago, believe me, there's a lot of stress involved. "I feel your pain my friend and I feel sorry for you. I won't disturb you with my problem then." I don't want to disturb her but I knew I made a mistake to have even mentioned it to her. "What is wrong with you? You can never be a bother to me. You know, I care a lot about you and I don't want you to be disturbed by anything." I know am not sure of what those gangsters are up to, so I didn't want to raise any smoke without a fire. So I just waved it off. "It is nothing, am just overthinking it. Let it pass." I know she will not be satisfied with my answer "Just tell me anyway and don't overthink." Tonia will not let me be until I tell her what I saw that got me worried "I saw Sara and her friend staring at me as If I offended them while I was coming into the school premises. But I know I have not done anything wrong to them, I just wonder what they were up to." I voiced my feelings to her and I saw she also have the same feeling when I told her what I saw. "What could they be up to now? Well don't worry, I have your back, let them bring it on." She said out loud while looking around to see if she can lay her eyes on anyone of them. Fortunately for me, they were not close by because am not ready for any fight this morning. I decided to go to my locker to get some of the books I will be needing for class but what I saw posted on my locker shocked me. I saw a paper in it and what was written in capital letters was STAY AWAY FROM HIM b***h. I wonder who would have written this? I quickly removed it from my locker and went to show it to Antonia but the bell went off for the first class of the day so she kept it away. I knew my fear has been proven correct. Who left it there on my locker? I wonder. The next class happens to be a sport and everyone was expected to be there, everyone went to the changing room to get ready for the exercise, this is one of the days I hate coming to school because it always gives me pain all over my body after the class and makes me weak. On getting to the dressing room I saw another message in my locker that reads "GLAD YOU SAW MY MESSAGE" I took the paper and look around to see Sara looking straight at me and I understand that the messages were coming from her. She looks at me with a wicked look on her face and I wonder who she met by " Him" she was referring to in her first message. I was about to walk up to her to confront her when the teacher call out for everyone to come out for a run around the sporting hall. So I quickly change my clothes with the note in my hand, I headed out to the sporting hall. While the trainer was busy giving us the instruction to be carried out I quickly gave the note to Antonia, who was shocked to see it. "Another note, who is doing this to you? " I heard her whisper to me and I observe the trainer, to see if he had his focus on us. "I think, I know who the person is?" I whisper to her to avoid others listening in on our conversation. "Who is it? Tell me so that I can deal with him or her." I was afraid to tell her because we are still in the hall with the trainer. She might make a scene that might cause us both a suspension. "I will tell you when we're through here because I don't want us to make a scene here," I told her "Okay, when we are through tell me because I don't think I would be able to hold myself from punching whoever the person is." I smiled at her expression of anger and concern for me, I could not help but appreciate her, she hates people who bully others. "Thanks for caring for me, you are a true friend." She looked at me and pats me on my back with a smile "You are welcome, you know, I care for my friends and would not like to see anyone messing with them." While we were busy discussing we didn't realize the trainer has pair us into a group. "Miss Brown and Miss Cater, are you both here for the training or to gossip." we heard our teacher call out to us This made me blush because everyone's attention was centred on us. The students started laughing at us. I quickly join a group and Antonia follows suit. Both of us apologise to the teacher and listened carefully to his next words of action to avoid being a laughing stock again. Sara was doing her best to make me lose control by constantly hitting the ball on my head because I was paired to play ball with her, this is to help exercise our hands to make them stronger and more accurate. Instead of throwing the ball to me, she uses it to hit me on my head but I did all I can to avoid being hit on the head. I never realised Antonia was watching us until she went to the teacher to inform him of Sara's attack and this made the teacher punish her by making her run in the school open field for an hour. I knew that would be another fight that is rearing its head very soon and I don't think am up to it. I just hope I would be able to handle this when the problem starts.
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