Chapter Five

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The bad girls I guess it is not every day that life brings good events to you, today seems to be the same for Christy because I told Sara when she came to ask me to be her prom that I already have someone that will be going with me. Sara has always been a pain in my neck, she is a spoilt brat who thinks the world revolves around her and I have tried all I can to chase her away from me but she keeps coming. when I rejected her offer of being my date for the prom she demanded to know why and who will accompany me to the prom. Eric reflects on the incident that led to Sara bullying Christy. " Hi, Eric." I heard a voice I have been avoiding for a while now say to me. So I responded and ignored Sara and continue with what I was doing. She came unto him seductively while pouting her lips to him with her hands around his shoulders. He takes her hands from his shoulders and moves away from her "Hi." I continue chatting with my friends He responded not showing interest in her seductive approach. She moves closer again and lays her hands on his shoulders while caressing him and using her body to give him a sign language of a seductress. But he took her hands away from his body and shove her away. "Please back off." I bark at her. While I continue chatting with my friends but she never gave up and came unto me again pouting. "Eric, don't you love me again? You use to like it when I touch you, so why all this show of no affection towards me?" She says to me She looks at me seductively to awaken my emotion for her but I look at her with irritation in my eyes which I believe she can see. "I have told you it's over between us, so stay the hell away from us. I just need to breathe again because you are choking me with your demands and I don't want that again. Just get yourself another doll to play with. I am not available." Eric scoffed at her, hoping she will get the message and leave. but Sara feels she could still get what she wanted "Please don't do this to me, even if we must break up let it be after the Prom because I want us to rock it together." She pleads with him while faking her tears, expecting it to make Eric change his mind but was surprised that didn't get to him. "You know that doesn't work on me. I ready asked someone special. So look elsewhere for yours." I explained to her I can see the shock on her face when I told her that and I know she will try to create a problem for Christy if I told her, she was my date for the prom. That I will not let happen because I don't want to miss the opportunity of being with Christy. "Do you think, I will allow anyone to take you away from me, you better tell that person to stay the hell away from you or she is in for it?" I hear her threatening while fuming with anger, I just look at her and realised she is just being arrogant. "That is if you know who she is." I have told my friends not to let her know that I asked Christy to be my prom and I was confident no one was going to tell her. "Are you challenging me, just wait and see what will happen when I find out who she is because she will regret ever coming close to my man." She shouted at me and angrily walks away. Ever since my encounter with Sara, I have avoided speaking with Christy so she will not get suspicious and attack her. But I don't know how she got to know and now she has been seen sending threatening notes and physically attacking her which has landed Sara in trouble, with the teacher. I know the punishment she received will fuel her to want to attack her more and I don't know how I can stop her from hurting her. I want Christy for this party because I have had my eyes on her ever she came transferred to this school. ....... Sara After the sporting event, everyone went into the classroom to continue with another subject for the day by the time it was 11 am it was lunchtime. Antonia and I went to the cafeteria for our lunch. Antonia had the opportunity to ask me who is it that has been posting those threatening papers by my locker. "Now tell me who posted that stupid thing by your locker. I need to know so I can put that person in her place. Antonia asked me. I can discern she was fuming with anger and I don't want her creating any scene so I just waved it off "It's nothing to worry about, I don't think that person will bother me again." I said with the hope that she will let go. But there are days you wish to stay away from trouble but it just will not be until it comes knocking on the door. Just when I thought I have calmed her down, the bad girls brought up the trouble I was trying to avoid. Sara came to our table to make her threat known by shouting at me while we were having lunch. "You dare seduce my boyfriend you b***h? Who gave you the right to even speak to him?" Sara came shouting at me, but Antonia who was already fuming in anger stood up to confront her because she can stand to see an arrogant person. "What the f**k is wrong with you? And who the h**l are you speaking of? You better come straight. if you can't keep your man in your pant, what then is the problem with that and why don't you get out of here you snubbing b***h. Antonia attacks her with those words. I see that the other students around were already jeering at her. Sara could not stand being put in her place because she is one of those who believed that her father's wealth would get her anything, she wanted and observing the jeering of other students she flared up. "What did you just call me? How dare you speak to me like that? And does this concern you b***h? You better stay clear of issues that don't concern you." Sara said angrily to Antonia Antonia who was a no pushover stood her ground. "It's like you don't know how this works? You made it my business when you attacked my friend and it doesn't sit well with me when some tries to hurt her." She responded to her by looking her straight in the eyes without waving or blinking an eye. Her anger can be felt around her and I know she might even end up shaping her "Is she a weakly that can not stand for herself? Moreover, who made you her guardian? So don't get involved in something that doesn't concern you or you won't like what I will do to you." She warned Antonia while turning round to look straight at me in the eyes. Before she could alter anything, Antonia pushed her away from attacking me. "It's like you have a hearing problem girl, l said no one dares to attack her without going through me. I dare you to say any nasty thing to her, you won't believe what will happen to you right here and right now. Antonia said while standing in my front to prevent her from attacking me, I don't know what to do and no one can stop Antonia when things like this happen, I was trying to but she was not hearing any of it. "What if I insist on dealing with her, what are you going to do? You better stay clear because this has nothing to do with you." I observed that more students have started crowding around us to watch the scene being created by Sara and her group of friends. "Please Sara what is the matter and who is this person you are talking about? I don't remember going near anyone in your group of friends. Please don't create a scene and leave me the h*ll alone for once in your life." I pleaded with her hoping she will understand but she sure is a stubborn one. But Sara seems to be bent on making me look like the criminal here. The next words that came from her, shocked me because I never expected her to be involved with him "Does the name ERIC mean anything to you? You better go tell him, you won't be his date for Prom night or you will have me to deal with." I stood there frozen with surprise when I heard mentioned his name because I have never seen both of them together. Before I could give a reply Antonia gave her a reply for me. "Oh, the almighty Sara can't hold her man in her pants, this should make the headlines of the school magazines. I saw Antonia Jumping and jeering her. The students all roared in laughter when they all heard Antonia's reply. I see Sara is now going all red with embarrassment as everyone was laughing out loud at her. "Mind your tongue you si**y or I will show you the side of me, you haven't seen before." She warned. Antonia who was no pushover moved closer to her looking straight into her eyes and reply her while pushing her away from our table "I dare you, bring it on," Antonia says while glaring her straight in the eyes. Sara was on the verge of raising her hands to slap her when we heard the principal's voice behind us "What is going on here?" The principal asked immediately after the principal spoke, the crowd disappeared, leaving Antonia, Sara and me there. I was surprised to see that even those in her group also left leaving her alone to handle the problem she caused for herself. "Good morning, Sir, we were having our lunch when she came here to disturb us." Antonia explained to the principal when he asked his question. The principal then raises an eye to face Sara. "They started it first, I didn't do anything bad." She lied to the principal who is now confused as to what to say. "If both of you are not willing, to tell the truth, I have no option but to put you in detention, and if you continue to fight for whatever reason you are doing so, I think your parents will have to come In, to make you explain why you were disturbing the school peace. Do I make myself clear? Sara who has been warned by her parents not to cause a problem was the first to reply with fear in her voice because her family tends to respect their honour. "Yes Sir" Sara respond Antonia on the other hand was not afraid since she knew she was not in the wrong. "Yes Sir, but she is lying because she was the first person to come on to us. I don't think it is fair for us to be part of her detention." Antonia explained and I also told the principal that she was lying. " Sir she has been on to me since I came to school today with various kinds of threats which I have something here to prove she is lying," I explained to the teacher who took the papers from me and was shocked to see that she was at fault and that this angered the principal who immediately asked her to come to school with her parents on Monday because today was a Friday and there is no school the following day. " You mean you are the one at fault and want to twist everything and make both of them look bad, I can't take this in my school, I want your parents here by Monday and if you fail to do so, just know that you will be given one-month detention." the Principal warned and turn to leave. Sara ran after him and started pleading with tears in her eyes. Both Antonia and I couldn't believe our eyes and we both turned and started laughing. Our lunch break was spoilt by Sara and we have to wait until we get home before eating anything again. After school, we went home and decided there is no for Antonia to stay over since we will be meeting the next day The following was the day we set aside for shopping which happens to be a Saturday and no school. Antonia and I decided to meet at her house by noon because my sister will be staying with her parents while we go shopping. My parents left for their planned journey to attend the wedding, they were invited to while I and Janet had the house to ourselves. So we did all the necessary things that need to be done and decided to go to Antonia's house when it was noon. I gave Antonia a call that we are on our way to her house so she can be prepared for the shopping trip for our dresses for the Prom party. Janet was very happy that she will be staying at Antonia's while we go shopping because her parents also dance to what demands she makes and she gets to eat whatever she wants with no one there to retrain her. I took a sip of my mango juice as I watched Antonia scan the rack in frustration, this is the fourth shop we have been to but still, she couldn't find the right dress she want for the prom party. Antonia always likes to be the centre of attraction but this attitude of hers is killing me because I don't so much fancy going shopping or dressing to kill. " Urghhh," Antonia groaned " Who makes these awful dresses?" She exclaimed "Yeah, I guess we don't have to worry about these types of dresses when we have someone like you around who can make them know how awful they are" I say to her as something caught my attention, I go to where it is and pull it out of the rack looking at it " Yes, that is it." She blurted out " Now that's some enthusiasm," I say putting the dress back on the rack "You know what, you should start designing your clothes to avoid going through all this stress I say to her " No!" " Okay, you are confusing me, you don't like the idea of designing your clothes?" " No, I mean this dress, it's perfect, you do have good taste after all." She said as she pulls the dress out, putting the dress against her body. " I'm going to try it out," She says as she quickly rushed to the dressing room. It didn't take me long to get my dress but Antonia has been on it for the past four hours looking for a dress. I got mine at the first shop we went to but Antonia was being choosy, she didn't like any of the dresses we have come across in the other shops we visited. " None of these dresses are good enough." " Well, why don't you wear something you have not worn before from your wardrobe." I asked her when we go out of the second shop. " No, I can't Christy, you are not helping me." She said letting out a sigh of frustration. I then decide to help her in the third shop by showing her another beautiful dress I think she would like and in the end, she said that I had a bad taste when I showed her a dress with a floral design Antonia comes out of the dressing room and twirls wearing the gown I had picked for her. It was a beautiful, torques armless dress darned with red stones. " I'm taking this one." She announced. " Finally!" I said with a sigh of relief " Sorry!" She laughed as she goes back inside the dressing room to change, who knew shopping with her could take this long, Antonia came out of the dressing room and pays for the dress. We then went to the children's wear to get a dress for my sister. It didn't take me long to get a blue beautiful dress for my sister and I know she was going to like it because it was her favourite colour. We immediately head to her house to pick up my sister before heading to my house. Shopping with Antonia was stressful on its own because she is a drama queen when it comes to picking clothes, I don't know who is more fashion crazy between Jenny and Antonia because they both love to look flashy and love colourful, clothes that attract attention. Immediately after Antonia dropped us off at home, I prepared some burgers and beverages for Jenny and me, after eating I followed Jenny to her room and made sure she was already sleeping before heading to my room, taking my bath, changing into my pyjamas and the crash on my bed because, to tell the truth, I am dead tired and stress out from today's shopping. I wonder how tomorrow was going to be as we will be visiting both the zoo and the park as well. How I wish I could just stay at home and lazy around but that sister of mine will never allow that. Well, I guess I just have to flow along with those two lovelies as I don't have a choice.
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