Chapter 7

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The Prom Party. While I was thinking of a way out of this Antonia held my hand and was dragging me towards the Roller coaster. "Big sis, don't be a fun killer, come on let's try it out." I heard my sister say behind me, both of them ganged up against me. She was smirking at me and I guess I don't have a choice since there was no one here to rescue me from their clutches. I pray that if there is any god at work today to come and save me from them. " I guess I am at the mercy of both of you today," I complained to them. We tried everything Antonia suggested, and many times I feel defeated by both their boldness and bravery as we went from one extreme ride to another. I close my eyes to different emotions as we started, but once I got the feeling of rush and the blood pumping through my veins, making my scream come from the depths of my lungs with excitement, exhilaration and fear, it made sense to me why Antonia chose these rides because it was purely heavenly and I was like a new explorer, eager to discover more of the enlivening experience, Antonia introduced to us. I was reluctant to try out a passenger cradle hurled vertically up to eighty meters into the air by a sudden release of previously stretched elastics ropes, remember this ride was called reversed bungees where riders jump from a place to drop down hanging, the ride is like an arrow being shot from the ground upward. I knew Antonia likes trying out challenging things but I never knew she was this crazy. Before I realise what was happening I was pulled to sit on the passenger cradle. I was feeling an adrenaline rush after every experience of the extreme ride while Antonia and Janet were both even more vigorous, energetic and radiant. It was quite fun as we were laughing our hearts out, panting and cheerful. After trying out every one of the extreme rides we decided to go and get some snacks to eat. "Remember the ice cream you promise me and buy one for Antonia too because I promised her ice cream before we left home." Janet will never forget to collect anything promised to her, so I guess I made the promise and I have no choice but buy her an ice cream I am happy she is keeping her promise too that she made to Antonia which is a good thing. "Okay, which flavour do you want? " I asked while going towards the ice cream stand to get her one. I also ask Antonia too and they both gave me the type they liked. I got them the one they desired and also bought one for myself too. We then went to get a snack too and sat down to eat our snacks. after the meals, we tried other rides Jungle log Jam and Flying fiesta and some others that were not extreme. By 6 Pm we have gone through all the fun in the park and decided to head home because we need to rest because of school the following day. On our way back Antonia made fun of me because of the way I reacted to some ride in the Amusement Park. " I never knew were afraid of height, I can't wait to tell Kingsley how you were shouting like a baby today," She says to me while laughing out loud and Janet too joins in her taunting. " Tonia did you see how she closed her eyes with her mouth jammed together when we were on the flying fiesta, it was fun to watch her." I can't believe Jenny too can join in her mockery of me. " So you both have also ganged up to make a mockery of me, I am sure going to the both of you for this, I promise you that," I warned as sat there quiet as I listened to them making fun of me. After a few minutes, I didn't hear any sound coming from the back seat again when I looked behind me I realize Janet has slept off probably because of the exhaustion and I had to wake her up when we got home. Antonia left immediately she drop us off at home because she too needed to go and rest. We enter the house and I saw my parents at home, they were back from their journey and has already prepared dinner. I ensure Janet ate her dinner before going to bed. Janet could not recount what happened in the park because she was very tired and sleepy so she ate dinner and straight to bed. The next day at school, the whole place was full of excitement as the day of the prom approached because we all get to be there with our date and then the show of various dresses will be displayed for that day. We get to come to show off our pretty clothes for all to see. Some even go as far as making it like their clothes are the best and better than the others. The talk for the week was the Prom and everyone was looking forward to the day. I had wanted to decline Eric's offer of being his date due to Sara's confrontation but Antonia discouraged me from doing so. We were having lunch during our lunch break when I brought up this issue with Kingsley present for lunch. " Tonia, I think I should let Eric know I am not going to be his date for the prom so that he can get someone else to go with him before the Prom. I just don't want any problem with Sara" I poured out my heart to both of them hoping to get their approval but they both have a contrary opinions. "No way is that happening while I am here and alive. That b***h is not going to scare you, you will go with Eric to the prom and there is no change of mind." Tonia objected immediately I voiced out my worries. "I think Tonia is right this time around, no b***h is going to step over you while we are both here for you. We are both going to stand by you. Moreover, she doesn't own Eric and you don't know she was in a relationship with Eric. So why should you be the one to reject Eric's offer." Kingsley motivated with me I was not having a good feeling about all this because I felt something bad was going to happen on that day but I just can't lay my hands on it. "But I..." I was not allowed to finish my statement before I was caught off by Antonia who is not ready to listen to me. "There is no 'but' in this issue. We will give her was she wants. Eric chose you for the prom and he has his motive for not asking her as his date for the prom, so his date will be you for the prom and there is no going back on that issue." She insisted and I see Kingsley nodding his head in agreement. with her words. I guess I had no justification to reject him "Yes, there is no going back and make sure you dress to kill for that day so Sara's eyes pop out when she sees you. If you don't have a sexy dress for that day, I can help you get one. Please give yourself a new hairdo. Your makeup should be to kill. I have a gift I want to give you both but I don't have it here tomorrow I will make sure I bring it and I want you to wear it for the Prom." Kingsley encourage me and also made me feel better. Antonia who was a lover of new things couldn't hold her excitement when she heard him say he was giving us a gift. "What are you gifting us again? Did your old man travel again because I know he always buys gifts for you and your friends? So what did he ask you to give us?" She asked in excitement. "No, he didn't travel, it's just a gold wristwatch a company is putting on the market and they gave our family some samples for free and since I can not use them all, I decided to gift it out to my friends." He explained to us We both thanked him in advance as we know it must be worth a fortune what he plans on gifting out to us. "Kings you don't need to worry about the clothes, Antonia and I have gone shopping for a new outfit. We have booked a date for a hairdo and they will help us do our makeup too so don't worry I won't disappoint you." I say to him. I can see he was happy to hear me say that and I guess am still glued to Eric for the prom. Since I can't start looking for who to be my date, I just have to stick to the original plan. I pray nothing bad happens on that day because I don't want anything that will cause me trauma. I will just need to be careful with what I do this time around to avoid any form of confrontation coming from anyone. "And both of you must promise me that you are both going to wear the wristwatch for that occasion because it is a new edition and I want people to see it on you, they sure are going to be envious of both of you when they see it because it is made of pure gold." He advice "Say no more, we are going to wear it on that day to make heads roll." Antonia said with excitement and I know she will ensure I also wear it. She behaves like she is my mother at times. "So has the she-devil confronted you again after the first confrontation?" Kingsley asked me. "Nope, but she seems to be up to something with the way she looks at me. I have even tried to avoid Eric too because I don't want any problems again." I say I am someone who hates trouble and I always run away, you can call me a coward but I believe it is better to be a coward than a hero who gets into trouble. "Why would you do that? You are only making Sara think she can intimidate you." I knew he was right but I am not the type that likes to hurt anyone so I prefer to handle things this way so she will leave me alone. "Let it be Kings, it is not as if it is a competition where there has to be a winner. She can have him if she wants?" I try to sound brave but inside I was sort of feeling bad that someone is against me going on a date with my crush. I only hope she won't hurt me or destroy my image because of this. "Look here, girl! She has made it so, the day she came bullying you. So just know that we are going to make her regret ever bringing it on to you." Antonia says I know she is not going to rest until she carries out her threat, she has always detested Sara because she is arrogant. "I know you won't let it rest until you get her to feel the hurt she has caused me. Thank you I appreciate it but I think we should let the sleeping dog lay in peace. I don't want any trouble again." I plead with Antonia hoping to make her understand and let the matter die. "See! You are no pushover, this I know and I am going to make her regret her action and we are both going to do it by dressing especially beautiful on that day, to make her see you are beautiful and worthy of Eric." She presses further "I know there is no way I can convince you to let this matter be, so I guess I have no choice but to play along with you." "That's my girl, I knew I can count on you to put that b*t*h in her place." Kingsley said as he hi-five Antonia. Who in turn returns the hi-five by raising her hands to meet his. She giggles and smiles. "Trust me, guy, we are going to give her a taste of her medicine." I know there is no going back now on this one as both of them are bent on dealing with her. "l will make sure she doesn't get a date in this school and also use my influence on other schools too to prevent her from getting a date." I heard Kingsley say and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her because Kingsley has a contact in some other school in the state. We finished our lunch and headed back to class for the next subject. As the week went by with no problem, everyone was caught with plans on what will happen On Prom night and who will be crowned on that night as Queen and King. I observed Sara has been quiet all through the week and was like avoiding any form of contact with me. When the weekend came Antonia and I went to the salon for our hair-do before the party which will start at 7 pm. The plan was that Antonia will come to my house to pick me up for the party while our date waits for us by the entrance of the hall used for the party. At the salon, Antonia insist that I did a facial treatment and I also do my make up which I felt was not necessary as I can do it myself but she bluntly refused to listen to me. "This is a special occasion and you need to look your best so those haters will see that beauty that made Eric dump her for you." I was not comfortable with this and I try to make her see my reason. "Please girl, I am not in the mood for this as I don't want it to seem as if I am competing with anyone. You know, I like to look like my natural self. You know Antonia for who she is and she is not having any of this so she insisted on me getting makeup on me. "No can't do it, you just have to use it. Remember I am your event manager for the event, you have no choice but to obey my order." A masked paste was applied to my face for 20 minutes while my hands and legs were given special treatment before nail polish was applied. My face was given a wash and they started applying the necessary make-up that suited my skin to help bring out the beauty of my face. Antonia didn't allow me to see what was happening to my face until the whole makeover stuff was completed on me. She made sure I was treated like a queen going to meet her king. It was not funny at all considering what she made me go through just to look adorable.
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