Chapter 8

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r**e We arrived at the party and were welcomed by our date for the Prom, Eric was standing by the door dressed in a grey suit and with a matching shoe to match, he looks so handsome and his look took my breath away. He looks like a Greek god and I can see other girls looking at him with administration and I can see that they wish he was their date for today. As I got close to him, he took my right hand and gave it a light kiss which sent goosebumps to my body. " You look beautiful tonight and you have made me proud of asking you to be my date today" Eric adores me and led. me in like a princess. " Thank you and you look breathtaking too and the girls can't take their eyes away from you, I hope they are not going to skin me alive today. I also express my admiration for him. " I am blushing now, that coming from you means a lot to me." He professes to me. " Girl I told you, you are pretty, see the guys can't take their eyes away from you," Tonia says from behind me, I have forgotten that we were both coming in together, Eric made me forget about her and I turned and smiled at her words, she sure knows how to make me feel good. We all enter the venue and got lost in our world, Antonia went in with her date who happened to be a guy named James, they have known each other since they were kids. Kingsley was already in the hall so we all went to seat in a secluded area before the dance began, drinks were been brought to us, non-acholic drinks and there were various kinds of snacks being served to everyone by the stewards who were employed for the occasion. I saw Sara looking at us from afar and if looks can kill, I am sure I will be six feet under by now, I tried all could to avoid looking her way. She stood all alone with no date while her other friends were with dates who were cradling them. Kingsley kept his promise that no one was going to be a date for the Prom. I felt pity for her as she looks lonely standing there. When it was time for the dance to begin, Eric took my hands and led me to the dance floor, it was a wonderful feeling having him in my hands. We dance to the music and everyone was happy as they sway to the sound of the music. After dancing we moved back to our seats while Tonia and Kingsley continue to dance with their dates but I observe that Kingsley was keeping a watch on me. Eric then said we should step out for some fresh air because the atmosphere was becoming stuffy, so I wave to Kingsley and use my hand to inform him that we are going to the school garden for some air and he nods in understanding. Immediately we got to a secluded place in the school, and some group of guys grab me and gagged my mouth and use clothes to blindfold me and carry me to what I guess was a van. I tried to struggle but I was no match for the strength. I was in shock because I didn't see this coming and I don't know how I will be able to get out of this as my friend are not aware of what is happening to me now. While I was wondering who could be behind this, I was given an injection that made me go off and I was not aware of what is happening around me. When Christy woke up, she found she was bound to a large bed, her hands and feet shackled to the beginning and end of the bed with a type of leather cuff. She was very scared, she looked around and when she saw the things in the room, she was frightened. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead. There was nothing in the room except for ropes, cuffs, whips, chains and shackles everywhere. There were also some items that Christy couldn't name. It appears like a prison. Christy shuddered with fear, suddenly someone enters the room and when she looked up she saw Eric come out. Christy froze when she saw him, she wonders what he could be up to as he approach with a nasty smile on his face, Eric moves closer to Christy in the bed. "Baby, you are up at long last." I heard him say as he approached the bed. "Eric what are you up to, please help me out of the cuffs, I don't know who did this to me." I pleaded with him Eric just laughed, wickedly while he moved closer to her and started touching her legs "What do you think is happening here, I have been after you ever since I first laid my eyes on you and I have been looking for a way to trap you like I just did now. I have tried to invite you to different parties but you seem to be a freak that does not do parties. So I knew you won't be able to refuse me during the Prom. All that happened today was a well-laid down plan by me to get into your pants. Christy remembered he has invited her to parties she has refuse to attend because her father has warned her not to go to parties organised by her schoolmates. So he has been after her and she never suspected anything. " But what did I do to deserve this, I have never offended you and I don't remember harming you in any way?" I try to get an explanation from him. "You see we are a group of guys who r**e and sometimes kill them to gain position in our sec and you happen to be chosen for this because you are still a virgin and from the look of it, your parents are not wealthy and no one will be able to do anything to me if I r**e and kill you." I hear him say and I could not hide my shock. " You are mistaken if you think you can get away with this because a lot of people saw us together and they will link the incident to you and you won't be able to get out of this." I brave up, hiding my fear and praying to God that someone comes along to rescue me from this assault. " You seem to have forgotten that Sara threaten you before the prom and she will surely be the suspect when I am done with you." Those words of his made me realise that I was in a big problem now, and I don't know how I can get out of this "You are a pig, get out of here! " Christy shouted as she backed away in disgust but her hands and feet were tied so there was no way she could run. "Yes, scream, it makes me hot, this will make me excited when I f**k you! This is what puts me on." Eric said, stroking his hands along Christy's pretty face. "I'm going to have you on your knees down begging me to screw you? We are going to be here the whole night by the time I give you the dose of what I have here." He smirks at me. Christy's stomach turned with disgust "Get lost! Don't touch me with your dirty hands." I shouted at him Eric wasn't the least bit offended by her insult, smiling he reached for a pill on the bedside table. "Honey, take this pill, I promise it will bring you high....." Christy never expected this from Eric because he has always looked like someone straight and responsible. She was so scared that she shouted. "Eric, don't you do this? you are committing a crime........" She had no idea what the pill was but it was pretty clear that it wasn't a good thing. When she saw Eric wanted to shove the pill into her mouth, she screamed and averted her mouth to prevent him from doing so. "Eric, if you touch me, you will die miserably! Hmmm..." Before she could finish her warning Eric shoved the pill down her throat. "Cough, cough, cough" Christy tried hard to cough out the pill, but it had gone down her throat and she could get it out at all "What on earth was that?" Eric grinned obscenely and said one word when he heard her question. "Aphrodisiac! " He said " .......Bastard! you are going to regret this, I promise you. Karma will sure get to you." Christy cursed angrily as her arms and legs were tied, she struggles furiously to set herself free "The police will put you in jail!" Eric laughed loudly when he heard her treat "How is that even possible when no one knows of your whereabouts and you will be six feet under when I am finished with you." He announced like it was something to be proud of. He suddenly stood up and started to untie his belt, then he came close to her, and she spat right in his face. Eric's face changed ferociously in an instant "I have given you the face, but you don't obey! I will serve you well then." As he spoke, he took the belt off his waist suddenly, raised his hand and before Christy realised what he was up to he leashed mercilessly on Christy's body Every time he hits Christy with his belt, her skin was lacerated, she felt as if there was a knife cutting her flesh, she trembled with pain and cold sweat kept rolling down her forehead and cheeks. More and more, blood came out of her body and it makes the bedsheet on the bed red with blood-stain in an instant. "Eric, you''d better kill me now, or.... I'll skin you alive if I got the opportunity!" Christy couldn't even talk anymore, her face was so pale that she couldn't even breathe smoothly. However, Eric was getting more excited when he saw that she got weaker. The blood on the bedsheet was like a stimulant to him and his face distort with extreme excitement. Eric slashed her harder as he kept speaking "Damn it, baby! I'm incredibly hyped! It feels so good." As he spoke, he hit Christy's bruised body harder with his belt. Then, suddenly he dropped his belt, approached her and violently tore her dress and she didn't have enough strength left at the moment........ "Honey, you don't know how long I have been looking for the opportunity to come my way, I'm going to make you happy tonight." Eric said obscenely with low noise, he rudely tore open her dress in an instant, her sexy breast that was covered in her white b*a was exposed Eric's mouth almost watered when he saw her soft succulent breasts. "You pretending s**t, I know you are also going to like it! You coquettish little creature.....Oh my god, you're so beautiful, baby....... He said as his hands squeezed Christy's breasts with strength, she was also very shocked. Why the hell did she feel that she was burning badly and that electric current was passing through every inch of her body when he touched her? Worst still, her limbs began to become weaker and her breathing grew hotter, softer and more urgent! Christy yelled inwardly "It must be the pill that is making me feel this way?" In her eyes, it seems it was with a handsome god who was going to take her to heaven. But the next moment she seemed to come back to her senses and her muddled brain suddenly got sober. No! She couldn't be controlled by the damn d**g? Eric is a dirty pig who wants to a***e her, he is a bad person, and she keeps telling herself to wake up. She must keep her sanity intact and try her best to resist him. "Honey, you got wet, don't fight it, be a good girl and give yourself to me. Eric spoke as his hands were slowly going towards her c**t. When he came to the wound around her waist, he squeezed it deliberately, Christy let out a scream of pain but it only made his smile obscene. "I love it when your screen, you know why, baby? Because it makes me hard under." "You p*****t!" Christy spat, she had never known that a person could be so cruel and horrible! She trembled with pain and turned pale, but she tried not to cry out again. She did want to let out even a slight moan. However, Eric wouldn't let her go so easily, his bloodstained hands went all the way down Christy's flat belly and about to touch her private part and Christ became very terrified, suddenly, she struggled so hard that the rope snapped from her feet, this gave her an advantage as she quickly kicked him In the chest with all her strength, he fell on his back to the floor. If she was going to, it is not going to be without a fight. Eric didn't expect Christy to be strong enough to break free from the rope. He got up in a rage and pounced on Christy like an angry lion who has lost its mind. He clasped her leg and pulled them forward "s**t! You s**t! How dare you! I'll f**k you to death today. He grabs her pants by the waistband and ripped her pants into pieces." Christy could not take it anymore and she pleads for him to stop "Stop it!" Christy cried, she went crazy and tried hard to kick Eric again, she struggled with her bounded hands, but the handcuff was so tight that she couldn't free them. She could only watch as he tore her clothes. At that moment she grew desperate for help to come her way because she knew she doesn't have the strength to save herself from his assault on her and he continues to take every piece of clothing on her. "If there is a God somewhere that can hear me, please it's time you send help to me now because I can't defend myself, again." Eric not minding the pain she was in and confidence that no one will be able to stop him from getting what he wishes to achieve took away not only her clothes but also her self-esteem, which was the most important thing for her as a woman! Christy didn't dare to imagine what a sickening disaster she was about to face "No! Eric, if you touch me, I swear I'll kill you! Sick pervert." Christy screamed sterically, tears of panic streaming from her eyes, her body was shaking like a leaf. Fear was all over her but she tried her best to prevent him from seeing it. "Baby you'll feel better in minutes..." Eric yelled as he pounced on Christy but at that moment the unexpected happened that left Eric shocked. There was a knock on the door coming from outside. Bang! Bang! Bang! was heard coming from the door. Soon the newcomer began to bang on the door instead of knocking, the banging became more and more urgent and louder. Someone's voice can be heard from outside asking him to open the door "Eric will open this f**king door this instant or you will regret this for the rest of your life." Eric stopped his pouncing and frowned, feeling a little surprised because he never expected that his location could be found easily. Eric wasn't in the habit of stopping his violence halfway, he continued to pounce on Christy. But the person on the other side of the door seems bent on stopping him from continuing with his assault on her. "Eric what are you doing to her, you kidnap a young lady, you can't touch her or you won't live to tell the tales." The person on the other side of the door warns. "There is no woman that I can not touch!" He snorted contemptuously, wasn't this girl a nobody? Her parents are not in the league of the wealthy, so I can do whatever the hell I want with her. " Eric" Bang! The loud sound of a door lock being exploded. A clear shot went through a door. Eric heard it and raised his head in dismay. He was shocked to see who came in through the door and he was armed with some other armed men in uniform.
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