Chapter 5

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"Let me love you, Natalie." Roan's voice quivered as he reached out to Natalie, his eyes filled with longing, "My brother doesn't deserve you. Let me show you what it truly means to be cherished and adored, like the incredible woman you are." Roan's expression softened a bit as he caressed her cheek lovingly. His touch on her cheek was gentle yet desperate as if he were holding onto a fleeting dream. "You are a goddess, Natalie," Roan continued, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with reverence and longing. "Your body is a temple, a sacred place deserving of the deepest respect and devotion. I want to worship at your temple, to honor every inch of you with the love you deserve." Roan's words stirred a storm of conflicting emotions within her, his sincerity piercing through the layers of her guarded heart. Natalie had yearned for such attention for a long time and was finally getting it, only that she was getting it from the wrong person. 'Oh, God, don't let me fall for this,' she prayed silently as she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "Roan, you'd better stop this! It was all a mistake, and it remains a mistake!" She brushed past him with the papers she had come for. "I wish I could say the same," he replied with an annoyingly seductive smile. 'Does he even get the seriousness in her words?' She thought angrily. "I love your brother, and I'd never do anything to jeopardize what we have. It's good you are done with your contract, and you'll be leaving soon." She said with an eye roll before turning to leave, but his next words halted her. "I've been given another contract to oversee, Natalie. I won't be leaving for another eight months," He strode towards her, "It seems we are stuck together in this house, considering how busy my brother can get," His rich, throaty voice said as his eyes regarded her in the most seductive way ever. Natalie felt her heart rate hike in seconds. She glared at Roan, shooting daggers at him with her eyes. She clenched her palms tightly before storming out of his room. Roan only chuckled. This was a game he was going to enjoy playing for a couple of months. *** Natalie tried to maintain her composure as she walked briskly into her office. She managed to smile at some employees who greeted her when she entered the premises, but she wasn't at ease. She couldn't wait to get into the comfort of her office. It was such an intense day. She overheard someone trying to catch up with her, but she walked even faster. She was in no mood to talk to anyone at the moment. She halted abruptly when she heard the familiar voice of Tiana calling from behind. 'just the right person I need to talk to.' "Tiana," she called, waiting for her to catch up, "you are already done talking to him?" She asked, surprised. "Uhm... Natalie... The thing is... I..." Tiana struggled to maintain composure, "I actually didn't find him in his office when I got there. He was nowhere to be found. I'm sorry," She finally said, releasing a sharp breath. Natalie's heart fell. She had hoped Tiana would see Ashton and talk some sense into him. It ruined her countenance. "Oh... That's... Maybe he went for a meeting or something," Natalie suggested, trying to make herself feel better. "I guess," Tiana replied, her heart twisting with guilt. She didn't want to break her friend in this manner. Natalie had been through so much already. She didn't deserve all these. "Did you ask his secretary? What about the receptionist?" Natalie still couldn't let it go. She needed to be sure her husband was okay. "The whole place was a bit too busy, so I just walked in without asking anyone questions," she said. How could she bring herself to tell her friend that her husband was f*****g his secretary? The least Tiana could do was to help her friend bring back the spice in her marriage, and she'll do that by all means. Sensing Natalie's distress, Tiana came up with a great idea. "How about we go lingerie shopping today, baby!" She feigned excitement just to cheer her friend up. "Lingerie?" Natalie scoffed, "I already have those at home," she added with an eye roll, a hint of embarrassment flushing her face. "I mean, real lingerie! Not some old church mummy's lingerie!" Tiana teased as she laughed out loud, pulling her friend by the hand and leading her towards her office. Natalie followed suit like a two-year-old, "Why would you say that, Tiana?" She pouted. "You have to put on something really sexy for Ashton tonight. I have a strong feeling he'll be home. He needs to see something beautiful tonight." Tiana winked at her as they both sat down in the vast office across from each other. She knew Ashton was an asshole, but she also knew that her friend lacked some girly spice in her life, and she was willing to help her get it. At the mention of Ashton coming back home, Natalie became very interested in the topic, "That'll be a great idea. I'm in!" They both giggled. Natalie contemplated telling Tiana about Roan and all that transpired when she went back home, but she was too embarrassed to talk about it. She just let it be for now. She might tell her later. Just not now. *** Natalie got home a little bit exhausted. The house was empty, except for the security personnel who guarded the place. The maids had also retired for the evening, leaving the entire house quiet and empty. She had all the shopping bags in her hand, eager to try out some of the lingerie for Ashton to see. He had texted her about coming home for a special dinner, and she was excited that Tiana had brought up the shopping idea at the right time. She couldn't contain her excitement. Her eyes scanned the large living room, and it was empty. She heaved a sigh of relief. Although Roan always went out every evening to sit with his friends, there was no harm in making sure he wasn't home. She didn't want to be in the same space with him. When she was sure she was the only one in the house, she felt free and moved freely, making her way to her bedroom. She walked past the door to his room, and immediately, the strong scent of his cologne hit her, bringing back memories that made her center quake involuntarily. However, she quickly shook off the feeling as she hurried toward her room. After some moments, she was done freshening up and was standing in front of her vanity mirror. She looked excitedly at the red lingerie she had on and smiled at how beautiful she looked. The tiny red thong sat seductively in between her big, round butt cheeks as the flowery red bra cupped her medium-sized breasts, drawing attention to her well-firmed cleavages. The overly transparent red robe, which had some flowery designs, was so long that it only covered a little bit beneath her butt cheek, leaving so much to the imagination. Her long, ebony hair had been styled in curls running down her slender back, as loose baby curls framed her beautiful face. To wrap up the appearance, she wore a seductive perfume... One that would set the moment as soon as Ashton had a sniff of her. The thought of it all made her excited. She'd been checking her phone to see if he had returned her last text of her asking how close he was to returning home. But she hadn't gotten a response yet. She was going to be patient. At least he promised to come home. Just then, she heard a car driving into the spacious compound. She ran over to the large window and peeped outside. "Ashton..." She called excitedly as she looked in the mirror one last time before hurrying down the stairs in excitement. The maids already set dinner before they retired for the night. She had called to instruct them on what to prepare for dinner while she was still at work. She hurried to the door, adjusting the provocatively revealing lingerie she wore. She couldn't stop smiling as she twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open. Her eyes snapped wide open as she froze on the spot. "Holy Fuck..." The voice of the person at the door cursed under his breath... Roan.
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