Chapter 20

1944 Words
BELLAS POV I woke to the sun beaming in on my face woke me. I opened my eyes to see both my mates were sleeping, finally we all were in the bed at the same time. Its weird to be honest but its nice to have both my mate. I got out of bed and used the bathroom once i left the bed, the twins started to stir it was funny how i effected them. I chuckled to my self and went down stair to the dinning room. Once i walked into the dinning room and i seen, Randi, Matt, Max and Summer "Morning guys" i said stilling in my seat "morning Bells" Randi said "so your birthday is tomorrow we need to go shoppping" Summer cheered "f**k yaaa" Randi jumped out of her chair "babe chill out" Matt pulled Randi to him and she growled I went to grab bacon and the smell of it made me want to be sick, so i went for the eggs instead i started eating i really wasnt hungry from once weird really weird. I was about to get up when the twins walked in and sandwiched me "where we you going mate" Dominic whispered in my ear "i was going to get dressed me and the girls are going shopping" i said Demetri growled "you cant go out" i stared at him "why not" Dominic slapped Demetri on the back of the head and shook his head no "fine she can go" Demmy said and walked again "Boo ya point on girls boys zero" Randi cheered running out of the dinning room Matt rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead "why are women stubborn" he sighed I scuffed at him it really annoyed me "Excuse you Matt you males are stubborn not us females" i stomped me foot and walked away I heard Dom and Demmy laughing at me i growled at them and went into our room and changed into a light sun dress. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. then put my hair into two braids. I was about to put my shoes on when Randi barged into my room "Come onn bellls i want to gooo now" she whined I rolled my eyes "Have you ever heard of knocking" i growled "Woah bells chill whats gotten into you" she asked "i dont think i slept much last night" i shrugged and walked out of the room, i walked down stairs to the living room where i heard the guys. I turned to corner to see my shirtless mates i couldnt help but stare at them. "Like what you see baby" dom linked me i blushed and turned away and ran into Randi we both fell on the ground. i laughed and Randi did as well. "Gonna tell the twins yet" Randi linked me "Not yet" i linked back I got up and pulled randi up with me, "come on lets go" Dominic said pulling me along with randi. I sighed and walked faster if not his grip on my arm would have hurt, we walked to the ball room Dominic covered my eyes even tho i knew the whole pack was here and my family i sensed them. "Only a few more steps baby" Dom Linked I walked with Dom i gripped tightly onto him so i wouldnt fall As Dom took his hands off my eyes, i opened my eyes to everyone yelling "Surprise and happy birthday" i was surprised a lot, looking around i seen the whole ball room was filled with decorations, i turned to Dom and hugged him "Thank you so much" "what about me" I turned to see Demmy I ran and hugged him "Thank you babe" i kissed both the twins on the cheek. I went to the stage "Thank you everyone for coming and celebrating my birthday" i walked back to the twins and the music started. I pulled the twins to the dance floor we started dancing well what most people do jump around like a moron. I seen my family enjoying them selfs along with a few of their back and our pack members enjoying them self's. ****************** Its been a few hours now its almost midnight, a few of our pack members are drunk out of there minds not the worriers tho, the twins seem to be enjoying them selfs considering Demetri and Dominic are both drunk well dom more then demmy. Its funny them trying to dance drunk, falling over their own feet. I sat with randi eating food while we watched the twins and Matt dance drunk together. "i think we might want to shut down down for the night soon" i turned to randi "i think you might be right the twins are a little to drunk" "Matts right there with them look at them" I turned to see them trying to twerk, we lost it laughing Randi pulled out her phone and started recording Matt caught us and growled. We both jumped and she put her phone away. "Well there goes our fun" i growled "agreed" I sighed and drank some water everyone looked at me weird cuz i didnt want to drink, but i ignored the stares. I put my drink back on the table and i heard a thud. I turned to see one of the guards i ran over to him "Whats wrong" i asked "L-Luna V-Vampires Close" he spat out and collapsed "Everyone who can fight lets go vampires at coming" i yelled Everyone started to panic the men that were able to fight shifted and went towards the vampires i was able to fight so i ran towards the doors when i was scooped up i turned to see Demetri. I growled "Lets me go" "No you stay here you cant fight" he snarled "Why not im not drunk like you" i snapped he let go of me and i took a step back He grabbed onto my shoulders "I know your pregnant Bella" he snapped I didnt even tell him, i only told Randi "But how" i asked "I can hear the heart beat Bells im not stupid you were in heat when we had s*x" he growled i pushed him away and ran to help my pack i shifted, i followed the smell of blood once i got to the clearing, wolfs were fighting the vampires. A few vampires were dead and a few wolfs. I looked to see my brother pinned down i ran and jumped on the vampire and ripped his head off. I went to my brother and licked him he purred so i knew he was ok. i heard a howl and i turn to see Demetri pinned by a vampire with a pointed staff. I growled and was ready to ponce but he held the point closer to Demetris neck "Shift Mutt" he hissed I went behind a tree and shifted grabbing a long shirt "what do you want" i growled "Well miss bella is that anyway to treat a mate" the man stepped out of the shadows with Demetri with him. I got a better look at the man he was pale like all vampires along with red eyes and black hair. I growled Lucy was itching to get out but i held her back. "Let Demetri go" i snapped "Whats the fun in that" he paused and looked down at Demetri "SHIFT now you useless mutt" Demetri growled and shifted, i heard more growling behind me i turned to see the whole pack behind me along with my family i searched for Dominic i found him slowly stalking towards the front, everyone cleared away for him. "Dom stop" i linked but he ignored me I growled loudly "STOP" i commanded my pack bowed their heads and dom stopped in his tracks. i heard laughing behind me "Oh this is to good the big bad alpha kings are tamed" i growled at him "Last chance leave my land or die" "I dont think so sweet heart, these two mutt have taken whats rightfully mine and by the sounds of it have an off spring with you" he hissed I heard gasps behind me followed by a growl then i felt arms wrap around me it was dom i was pushed behind him. "y-your pregnant" he linked "now is not the time" i linked back and moved out from behind him earning a growl from him "Now my dear mate whats it going to be come with me or lose King Demetri" he said i looked to Demmy and he locked eyes with me i started crying this whole time ive been with them i never fully understood a mate nor the bond but with this moment i knew i couldnt lose ether one of them. I studied Demetris eyes fully of fear, sadness and hatred. "Ill go with you let me mate go" i growled "I love you bella" Demmy said the man smiled at me evily "Wrong answer" he said then plunged the staff into Demetris neck slicing his head off. i screamed "Nooo" Before I fell to the ground holding my chest screaming for my pack to attack. Lucy had fell down crying out as our mate bond was shattered with Demetri. Everyone at least once in their life knows what its like to have a broken heart, or have had to much of an emotional impact on them that literally breaks their heart stings this is what i felt in this moment. I looked up to see the vampires had disappeared, i looked to demetris body and got up sodding uncontrollable, i limped to his body and collapsed onto his lifeless body i layed my head on his chest and cried. **************** Its only been a hour since Demetri dead, ive been crying the hold time a few people have tried to move me but i growled and snapped at them. Dominic stood a far and cried and held onto Randi. I looked up long enough to see the pack around with Randi and Dom in front. The pack moved aside a man and women stepped through the women collapsed on the ground crying the man picked the women up and walked towards me. I growled they stopped and looked to Dominic. I blinked a few times my eyes were burning "bella" Dominic cooed at me i shook my head closing our link. At this point i didnt care i didnt want anyone near me i was covered in Demetris blood i felt like my world has been ripped in two. Why does the moon goddess hate me? Why did she need to take my mate from me? I snapped out of my thoughts when i felt someone close to me, i let out a loud growl and stood up. i was seeing red and Lucy was ready to kill anyone that was to close to us. I see the man and women that was close to Demetri, I jumped for them when i was grabbed and pulled into a strong hug i felt the sparks it was Dominic. I started hitting and beating on his chest, i gripped his shirt and cried. "Get them away from my mate" i cried Dominic rubbed my back "Babe those are my parents" I looked towards them man and women they did look like the twins and Randi. i watched as his mom slowly reached Demetri and started shaking how i was she turned and hugged her mate. I looked up to Dominic, i started seeing black dots then passed out.
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