Chapter 21

1130 Words
BELLAS POV Everything i knew and loved fell apart, i lost my mate. One can not lose their other half, thats designed for you. I opened my eyes i was in the hospital, i looked to see Dom sitting asleep on the couch he looked horrible. "Dominic" my voice barely above a whisper. His eyes snapped open he instantly ran to me "Whats wrong" he asked "N-nothing" i said He sighed and pulled me into a hug, i tried hard to hold my tears back but i couldnt Lucy wasnt helping either. "Dom" i said looking up at him "Yes baby" "I-is Demmy r-really d-dead" i cried he didnt answer for a while then he kissed my forehead "Y-yes babe" he finally answered. I broke now in more tears i didnt want to think about it anymore, but how is once suppose to deal with seeing a loved one killed in front of them. I cried for what seemed like hours i finally stopped long enough for Dom to go get the doctor, but i didnt want him to go. I finally let go of Dom and his shirt was full of my tears i cleaned my face off and layed down facing the wall. I heard a knock at the door "Come in" dom answer "Morning Alpha im here to check on the Luna" I knew it was jen "Yes come in" I heard Jen walk towards me i didnt move "Luna" she whispered but i still ignored her "Luna please i need to check you over and your pup" I just growled i didnt want to near anyone, Dom growled at me "Bella lets her check you please" i growled at him and rolled over, she started checking my heart beat along with the pup. She only did two things and i wanted her out. I looked to dominic and he knew. "Jen how much longer" he asked "Thats all for now but alpha please make sure you dont let her slip into a depression i know she went though alot but for this pups sake and hers" "Yes i know when can we go home" he cut her off "Shes fine to go home, she will be different for a few days slowly getting back to her normal self hopefully" she said and left Dom sighed and looked at me "What" i growled "Stop acting like that i know you dont want to be near anyone or anything but please stop" I rolled my eyes and got up out of the bed and walked towards the door "Babe" i turned to Dom "i just want to go home please" i whispered he sighed and we left the hospital. We walked towards the castle, i looked around not alot of our pack was around, i sniffed the air and smelled blood i shook my head and started breathing out of my mouth. I watched the ground the whole time. i feared looking up and seeing Demetris lifeless body i sniffed at the thought of it. I felt Dominic stop i looked up to him and we were at the castle, he took me hand and lead me up the stairs to the entrance. He opened the door and most of my family and Doms were standing around. Once the door opened my mom ran to me and hugged me "Oh my baby are you ok" I just nodded my father hugged me as well i growled when i was hugged by many people i didnt want hugs or looked of pity or anything. Dom growled and everyone stopped crowding me. "please bella does not want everyone near her" he said i looked at randi who looked like i did then to her parents everyone was crowed around the bigger living room, well is was a more formal area in the castle. I went to walk towards the room and Dom pulled me back i just looked at him. "Babe dont" he said "why not" i growled he didnt say anything "Why Dominic whats in their" i snapped "D-Demetri is in there" he whispered he dropped my hand and walked to him parents his mom pulled him into a hug they both cried i looked to the father who didnt seem to be crying to much nor did he look sad. I turned to the door way people were blocking my way. "M-move" i whispered knowing they could hear me "But Lu" "Move" i growled They all moved i know i should want to go in and see him but i need to how does one just say goodbye to someone they love. I sighed and walked through the door. Once in family and friends along with high up ranked pack members were sitting down looking at the casket. I looked towards the front to see flowers laying in front of the casket with a few candles lit. I walked towards the casket everyones eyes were on me. I held my breath once reaching Demmy i looked over his body, only to see he was pale i looked towards his neck to see, his head was attacked. I cried silently i took his hand and placed is on my cheek is was cold, it wasnt my Demmy. "Why? Demmy why did you have to leave me, leave me and Dom, we had no time together we were suppose to grow old together to see our pups born to get married" i cried "You werent suppose to leave no now not ever, you left our pup, left me and Dom" i lost my train of thought when i heard gasps around me. I let go of Demmys hand and placed in on him i took steps back and i bumped into someone i turned to see Dom. He just hugged me and pulled me to his parents "Babe i know now is not the time but this is my mother Olivia and my father Jake" he said "N-Nice to meet y-you both" i looked down Olivia pulled me into a hug "Im so sorry hunny please know if you need anything we are here for you and Dom both and our grandchild" she let go of me and i went back to dom "I-i w-want to go t-to our r-room" i said He nodded and we started towards our room. I tried to process everything, being pregnant now losing a mate all on my birthday happy f*****g birthday to me not i just wish i would have told the twins sooner so Demmy would have know before atleast he would have been excited. Maybe if i would have stayed in the ball room like i was told, maybe Demmy would be alive, but hes not and its all my fault.

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