Chapter 5

1118 Words
BELLAS POV I have been on a rampage for about 3 hours my room is a mess. I heard a knock "what" i growled rose walked in, "God damn girl" she looked around my room in shock "well remind me not to pissed you off" she laughed i sighed and sat on my bed "my mate use a command on me" i said "what the f**k" "they seem to think i need to submit and not be treated as an equal, i know ive only just met them but still im not gonna be that mate that watches after pups all day or cook and clean" "i know bells i would be pissed if Xander did the same thing" "you dont think im overreacting rose" "of course not now come you can sleep in my room xander can take the couch" MORNING I didnt get much sleep last night but i still need to blow off steam. i walked down stairs into the kitchen and grabbed an apple then left for school with rose. She parked the car and Randi came running over "hey bells" "hi" "whats up with you" she asked i explained everything "wow but an ass" i turn to see matt "ye so if i snap today thats why" "well you only have to see them in music gym and art oh and math" matt added "just my luck i though it was for music and gym" "nope they changed" i sighed and walked into to school i went into my math class and seen Dom i rolled my eyes and went in the very back with matt and randi Dom kept staring at me then the bell rang to start class "ok class im your knew teacher Mr. Taylor no turn to page 27 to 34 and do all the questions" he said I opened my book but i still couldnt focus cuz dom was staring at me ughh I slammed my fist on the desk "Miss. Collins is there a problem" he asked i rolled my eyes and walked out f**k math right now. I walked to my locker but bumped into someone I looked up he had red hair blue eyes. "im sorry" he said "dont worry about it im bella" "im Max" i shook his hand "nice to meet you what class you in" i asked "math with mr Taylor you" "same come ill show you" I walked back into the room and went back to my seat with randi and matt "oh hey man didnt know you were starting today" matt said i raised i brow "you two know each other" "yes hes the delta of my mate" i just nodded and got to work GYM CLASS I was so done with having dom but now i have demy just great lucky me right not. I grabbed my uniform and put it on i was in the change room when i heard Charlotte with her minions "have you seen the kings they be looking good as ever more hot as teachers i mean we see them everyday but this makes it better for me to become luna" I rolled my eyes and went into the jump i got a few dog calls I had C size boobs and a Bubble butt. So i guess my clothes didnt fit right even tho they were my size my boobs made it so my shirt was kinda a crop top my shorts were short but not like cake face and her minions. I went over to matt max rose n randi. "hey guys" "damn bells you look hot" Rose said i rolled my eyes "ok class im mr Taylor 5 laps around the gym then outside for soccer" We all started running i was on my fourth lap when cake face aka Charlotte stopped in front of me. i bumped into her and fell over "what the f**k b***h" she yelled "i didnt do s**t maybe if you werent such a w***e and didnt try to get the attention of the teacher by bending over and stopping when people are running i wouldnt have hit you" i growled i really wasnt in the mood plus im tired of her s**t i stood up "why you" she slapped me "next time it will be worst nerd" I knew everyone was watching i ignored it "next time you touch someone of higher rank mutt ill kill you: i growled then started running again. Soccer time "Rose and Charlotte" Dem said Of course cake face called her minions then rose call me max randi and matt of course. After they picked teams we went to the field rose went goaly randi on defense. Me matt and max were on the front line. i smirked i could kick cake faces ass. The ball dropped and i kicked it back to matt emma charged for him but fell on her ass. Matt passed it to me i ran a head but cake race tried to block me but i was for the goal then she ran into the goal i kicked it and hit her in the face. i smirked then i kicked it back in the goal. I laughed then ran to my side but got it in the head with the ball i turned around to see cake face smirking "there a problem slut" i asked "yes actually i really dont like you much nerd" i rolled my eyes "why cuz i can pass my classes without having s*x with teachers i pity your mate he has a slut for one" She walked up to me getting ready to slap me but i grabbed her wrist "listen b***h i put into smaller words for you leave me alone" I punched her in the face she growled "wanna fight lets go" she charged at me i tripped her and pushed her to the ground i go ontop of her then punched her i hit hard i felt my hand break but i didnt care, her face was f****d up. Im not normally one for fighting but im tired of her. I was pulled off my dem i turned and slapped him "dont touch me" i growled then stormed off with rose hot on my tail. I went to my locker putting my stuff in the slamming it to see dom i rolled my eyes i went to walk away but he stopped me "dont touch me" i growled "bella wait" "for what for you to command me hell no" "please be-" i slapped him "shut up and leave me alone" I walked away i know im being childish but im not letting a man control my life.
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